Research: Composition           Kirk & Wen-Mei (2016) argues that composition is the most basic requirement for a designer. The first thing a person or reader looks at when viewing at a set of data is the colour, position and presentation of the diagram. Composition form the last step for designers where they have to think of composition in a way such as the positioning of the graphics, their arrangements besides sizes of the charts, how the interactive controls, as well as annotated elements, have been used across the project and finally the decisions made regarding each table. All these considerations are observed due to the need to accomplish the final objective, which is optimum readability. Therefore, this paper will discuss composition using the project level as well as chart-level composition options. Composition The composition is considered an essential aspect of data visualization. It concerns with particular physical preferences, connections between visible possessions in which may result in efficient readings and understanding for the reader. The composition is significantly vital during project construction and emphasizes on bringing together various elements in…

Number of Household Members and Wealth Index Score Summary of the dataset The data utilized in this case was adopted from the Demographic and health survey, where a total of 6290 respondents were included in the survey. The wealth index score provides a cumulative understanding of a household’s living standards based on the integration of different measures. The different levels of living standards present a different approach, which helps define a different level emphasis under which it is easier to maintain a proper focus on individual development (Chakraborty et al., 2016). Low-income countries tend to have a very low wealthy index compared to high-income countries. This is mainly a result of different factors that present a highly specific consideration on critical aspects such as the average age of household heads, education attainment, and employment status (Duraiappah, 2018). The wealth index encompasses different factors that can be assessed independently to help understand specific concepts that help in building an understanding of individual social and economic development within a given setting. Therefore this research focuses on establishing the underlying factors which influence…

Reader Response Exercise “Dogs, the Other Victims of the Opioid Crisis” is an article by Douglas Main published in the National Geographic Magazine. The article explores how the opioid crisis has impacted dogs. According to this article, dogs are often the unrecognized victims of the opioid crisis. For instance, a recent peer-reviewed study revealed that around 600 calls are made each year to report accidental ingestion of opioids by pets (Main). Dogs are usually very curious, which results in them ending up sniffing or eating all kind of drugs. Just like in human beings, opioids can have severe effects on dogs. The article by Main left me in disbelief.  Before reading this article, I knew that the opioid crisis a serious problem in the country. I knew that the problem has negative effects on the country’s healthcare sector and the economy. However, I was not aware that the abuse and misuse of opioids was a serious problem for dogs. Most importantly, I care very much about dogs. For me, dogs are just as important as human beings. While human beings…

Radiography Student Stressor and Bullying Abstract Purpose: Education policymakers should create an enabling learning environment for students by addressing incivility issues such as stress and bullying and find lasting solutions to enhance their concentration for better results. Perhaps, consistent stress and bullying can affect the performance of students negatively. This study investigated the radiography students’ perception of incivility to get a clear picture. Method: the researcher conducted a survey research method to find out the occurrence and ferocity of incivility cases among radiography students. Additionally, the study examined the available strategies to combat such instances for better learning. Results: Findings reveal that many cases of incivility such as placement, communication, and workload steered by the educators, especially supervisors who have stretched further to students. Findings also reveal that formal training of educators is among the key strategies to combat incivility cases in radiography classes. However, some participants denied reports of incivility cases and credited their supervisors. Conclusion: Participants in this study revealed mixed perceptions concerning incivility. They further pointed out different kinds of incivility issues, such as placements. Besides, the…

Bullying Of Nurses at Workplace – AS A SOCIAL PROBLEM Introduction Bullying is defined as any social manifestation that is showing an aggressive behavior that happens at the interpersonal interaction while in the workplace environment. In the healthcare sector, several bullying activities take place; this includes intimidation of the nurses, harassment, victimization, or an event that could be done to make the nurses feel aggressive or emotional abuse. Moreover, this type of bullying occurs when there is mistreatment or psychological harassment of nurses at the workplace. This is a social problem that is mostly affecting the medical practitioners, nurses, and researchers. Like any other social problem, bullying in the health sector requires a collective responsibility of everyone in the community to mitigate and reduce incidences of bullying. Factors contributing to bullying in health care Individual elements are contributing to bullying in the workplace e.g., gender, age seniority influence bullying in the workplace. In healthcare institutions, different factors, such as gender, have been associated with bullying. Fellow workers have mistreated female nurses. Incidences of sexual harassment to the nurses have been frequent.…

Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is one of the significant new-age problems brought about by the impulsive spread of technology. When individual abuses information about another person, making them feel uncomfortable because of ridicules and unnecessary negative attention; through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or even WhatsApp then this is what we term as cyberbullying. Instances of cyberbullying include hacking other people’s profiles and posting negative things which attract the wrong type of attention, posting negative comments about someone to tarnish their reputation, or even creating pseudo accounts and harassing individuals with certain information you know about them that they would not like to be recognized by the public (Wang,1) Cyberbullying, which is aimed at manipulating, harassing, and defaming other individuals, has become a prevalent issue nowadays. People from all walks of life are being cyberbullied day in day out. The effects of cyberbullying are so diverse at times in that they cause the death of the victims, emotional torture, depression, and the feeling of not being good enough in some individuals. People who are victims of this situation often doubt…

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Genre: Historical fiction Premise: The intriguing story of Cassie Logan’s coming of age in Southern Mississippi is characterized on stage. A black family, The Logans struggle to maintain human dignity and personal freedom in a racist Mississippi during the times of great depression. The story is told from Cassie Logan’s point of view. She is a nine-year-old black female who faces trials and the reality of the rural Mississippi as she comes of age. The epic story transforms into an inspiring hope and triumph in a racist climate. About: The play is performed by the youths, but this doesn’t imply that it is only child-centered. Its content is for anyone mature enough to take into consideration issues of violence in the community, solving problems, poverty, tolerance, justice, racism, and family loyalty. Writer: Mildred D. Taylor Details: 288 pages   Chapter 1 Summary Christopher John, Cassie’s brothers, Stacey, Cassie, and the little man are sauntering to school. Suddenly, they are joined by T.J, but soon a bus which is full of white children passes, splashing…

Does Cyberbullying happen in the VR world these days? An electronic instigated form of harassment is referred to as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying involves the conveyance of intimidating or threatening messages that are meant to torment a person. Virtual reality is an experience stimulated by a computer in an interactive way environment to entertain and enhance interaction. An individual using virtual reality software can interact with items in the world and virtual features. This paper will explore the occurrence of cyberbullying in the virtual world and how technology has increased cyberbullying in the current generation. To some people, cyber bulling has been both foreign and familiar. Due to the presence of many games that are played in virtual reality (VR), multi-playing is likely to cause harassment at some point during the play (Frank par. 3). This may because players failing to concede defeat. This type of harassment is hazardous, as it may result in mental suffering. It may trigger the mind of a tormentor to send death threats message to the other player. Virtual reality games may activate the mind of players…

Time Travel According to Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, time is an illusion in a way that it can speed up or slow down depending on how fast you move relative to something else. According to his theory, one would age much slower moving at the speed of light through space and thus making time the fourth dimension in addition to length, width, and height-the coordinates of space. Time can also be adjusted by gravity, according to a second Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Gravity increases speed in space relative to earth, a situation proved by the GPS satellite technology where clocks gain 38 microseconds a day, calling for calibrations by engineers to adjust the difference (Howell). Scientists often disagree with the concept of time travel. Einstein’s theories make time travel an extremely difficult scenario to accomplish.His equations provide for travelling through wormholes although they would only be suitable for small particles. Stephen Hawking describes a wormhole as a theoretical tunnel that links two places in space-time where space and time are pulled into the tunnel by negative energy…

Hacksaw Ridge The film Hacksaw ridge is a movie that dramatizes the life of Desmond Doss, a historically- based person, best known for receiving the Medal of Honor after the Okinawa battle. Desmond Doss rescued 75 soldiers in total at the Okinawa Ridge, during World War II.  It was written by Andrew Knight as well as Robert Schenkkan and directed by Mel Gibson. The movie is set up in two different main locations. The first half focuses on Doss’ childhood and teenage life. It is set up during the 1920s and 1930s, in Virginia Hill Country.  Doss’ childhood revolves around his family, which consists of his mother, father, and brother. The film shows the audience the young Doss handling his younger brother in a rough, violent, and vicious way, and nearly ends up killing him. His father, Tom, served in World War 1 and was quite traumatized because of the gruesome nature of war. As a result, he turned to alcoholism and was known for physically injuring his wife and children. Due to these horrifying experiences, Gibson did not wish…

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