Juvenile Children Dear El Pomar Foundation The increased rates of criminal offenses among juvenile children have elicited reactions from society on the best methods to mitigate the issue. Multisystemic Therapy (MST) has proved to be a useful tool for monitoring juvenile children. The MST approach has been extensively used in the prevention of criminal behaviors and violent offenses among children with such antisocial behaviors. Antisocial behaviors among juvenile children have been on the rise regarding the levels of exposure to the dynamic world among children. Some research works have linked antisocial behaviors to modern technology. In the justification of such findings, the researchers argue that when children are exposed to violent media contents, they are likely to develop violent behaviors. The correction of the antisocial behavior among juvenile children is thus an urgent issue, which needs an immediate response from the social mentors. The social interventions need to factor in the dynamic nature of society. In America, about one million youths are involved in one-to-one relationships, and thus increasing the positive developmental outcomes using the MST. The MST approach is…

Foxconn factory in Wisconsin The ramifications of Foxconn’s $10 billion will depend on whether the deal will be a success or a failure. If the deal succeeds, it will have positive ramifications, but if it fails, it will have severe negative consequences on both the company and the state. Some of the pros of this deal, if it succeeds, is that it will increase jobs in the United States, reduce the shipping costs of expensive screens from Asia, and boost the US economy. However, if Foxconn does not hit its investment and hiring targets in the decades to come, it will not be able to receive incentives as promised as the US government may wind down some of its commitments on the deal. However, if Foxconn hits its hiring and investment targets, the state will be burdening the taxpayers. Ramifications Benefits As stated earlier, as long as Foxconn hits its investment and hiring targets, this deal will be beneficial to the US economy. First, there has been increased unemployment in the country, and if the Foxconn deal is anything to…

The Child’s Right to Creative Thought and Expression Read and Reflect: Read “The Child’s Right to Creative Thought and Expression: A Position Paper of the Association for Childhood Education International” by Jalongo found on the ACEI’s website (see below). Then explore the Reggio Children’s website (see below). Write your answers to the following questions: What is your definition of creativity? What are the key influences in the development of creativity? How does nurturing creativity facilitate development? How is creativity nurtured? Resources: – http://www.acei.org – Reggio Children: The Hundred Languages of Children. This website describes the Reggio philosophy and provides examples of documenting children’s learning from the “Hundred Languages of Children” exhibit. http://zerosei.comune.re.it/inter/100exhibit.htm[unique_solution] Read and Reflect: Read “The Child’s Right to Creative Thought and Expression: A Position Paper of the Association for Childhood Education International” by Jalongo found on the ACEI’s website (see below). Then explore the Reggio Children’s website (see below). Write your answers to the following questions: What is your definition of creativity? What are the key influences in the development of creativity? How does nurturing creativity facilitate development? How…

The relationship between income and child health in the US Thesis statement: Poverty is an essential determinant of health and largely contributes to child health disparities. Children who experience poverty, particularly during early age or for an extended period, may develop adverse health problems in their life course. Low income or poverty in the raising of children causes various circumstances like; high infant mortality, poor language development, chronic illness such as asthma, more deficient nutrition, among others. Again, child poverty influences brain development by exposure to toxic stress, which is caused by prolonged activation of the psychological stress-responsive systems based on concerns such as inadequate food, energy, housing, and less access to quality health care (Halfon, Neal, et al. S70-S78). Besides, child poverty is associated with neuroendocrine dysregulation, which may alter the functionality of the brain and contribute to the development of chronic cardiovascular, immune, and psychiatric disorders. Based on the higher rates of poor health and chronic health problems among children who live in poverty, it is clear that the inability to access preventive, curative, emergency care, and immunizations…

Narrative about Childhood experience Childhood experiences are perhaps some of the most gripping moments one will have in their lives. As a child, one is ever curious – checking out any opportunity for new experiencing without really thinking of the repercussions that may accompany certain actions. I remember one experience I had when I was eight years old. My parents and I had proceeded on a holiday to a foreign country. By all indication, we were supposed to have the best moments of our lives. My mother’s birthday was approaching and I had to find an opportunity to sneak out and buy her a present. My decision of leaving on my own volition was my undoing. I was about to have one of the most memorable encounters in my young age. I went out for a while looking for a shop or a chain store where I could buy cake and blooms for my mother. I never realized that I had drifted off from the hotel where we had been staying. I only thought I had gone a short distance…

Unaccompanied Migrant Children in States Shelters The number of minors moving to the United States without being accompanied by adults has increased rapidly since 2014. The US government officials provide the children with temporary shelters to stay while they wait to be placed in State’s licensed housing facilities. The licensed facilities are funded by the Health and Human Services Department of the United States government. The main issue about the housing of these minors over the years has been the conditions they are placed in while in these government-sponsored facilities. Some public and administration figures are in the quest to propose an increase in several shelters for the minors arriving at the US-Mexico border without adults and facilitation of the rate of appointing sponsors for these kids. Other administrators oppose the proposal of increasing the shelter network and advocate for abolishment of the sheltering process. Trump’s administration officials have implemented immigrant policies that slow down the licensing of these minors housing facilities. Trump’s government’s policies also regulate the number of kids to be accommodated. For instance, a Mayor named Bowser…

Effects of Homelessness on Children Introduction According to Parsell (2018), homelessness refers to a situation where families lack proper housing, which is mainly caused by inadequate programs concerning housing assistance. The significant causes of homelessness include poverty, which puts the parents in a position where they cannot pay for housing frequently, making them formulate difficult decisions that will match the family’s income. Other factors include family violence, politically related issues, health care problems, mental illness among family members.  During such moments, children between the birth period and eight years are usually at the risk of being homeless. In such instances, their growth development, health, and educational achievement are also put at risk leading to their developmental delays. According to Stewart and Townley (2020), most children living in countries with weak economies are prone to homelessness due to the destitute-like environments that end up subjecting the children to survival for the fittest life, and most children lose the battle to morality. Effects of Homelessness on Children: Development: Siddiqi, Irwin, and Hertzman (2007) assert that early child development is an essential factor…

Children and cellphones Introduction The 21st century has had its fair share of technological advancements with most people describing it as the digital age. One of these revolutions is the development in telecommunication especially after the invention of smartphone mobiles or cellphones. These gadgets have risen to become among the most essential accessory in anybody’s life. In 2017 alone, 68.4 percent of the total population in the United States used a smartphone, and the figure is likely to increase to about more than 250 million cellphones in 2019. However, the use of smartphones by children has presented a tough parenting question to most parents whether to issue their children with mobile phones. A section of the parents argues that smartphones may bring a lot of harm to children with the others claiming that cellphones have no effects on children. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the use of cellphones by children with regards to their benefits and their disadvantages. Background information Cellphones have become increasingly popular with more people getting access to smartphones by the day.  The affordability…

Childhood and adolescent depression Source 1: Bhatia, Shashi K., and Subhash C. Bhatia. “Childhood and adolescent depression.” Depression 100 (2007): 53. The authors of the article are S.K Bhatia and S.C. Bhatia. S.K Bhatia is a professor of psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry. S.C. Bhatia is professor and vice chair of the department of Psychiatry, Creighton university. This affirms that the authors are credible hence the article is credible. According to S.K Bhatia and S.C Bhatia, major depression affects 3 to 5% of children and adolescents. This negatively affects growth and development, school performance, and interpersonal relationships. When unmonitored, depression can lead to suicide. Biomedical and psychosocial factors are some of the risk factors for childhood and adolescent depression. Juvenile depression may present itself in various different forms. Children younger than 7 years may not be able to describe their internal mood state. They may express distress through unclear symptoms anger, hostile behavior, poor concentration and anxiety (pg. 74-78). Source 2: Hamilton, Max. “A rating scale for depression.” Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 23.1 (1960): 56. This is a publication by max Hamilton…

important programs that our children can be engaged in using their I pads Other than children using their I pads for watching and playing video, there are different ways which they can apply to benefit in other essential areas. Today, one of the biggest problems in our classes is motivating and keeping our children (Net generation) engaged fully for learning. Our children today are living in a world of technology that may make life complex. As a result, they may get bored due to the lack of tutors who engage them in new learning techniques. Watching video games in the I pads also have been identified to cause boredom to children. There are important programs that our children can be engaged in using their I pads which can help them learn new techniques. These programs are installed in I pads, which are both entertaining and educational. These programs or applications in I pads are suited to help children who are nine years old. Different children have different characters and personalities hence respond differently towards things they see. The personality and…

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