What stage of Piaget’s development are the children in this video in? Give some evidence (other than the children’s age) to support that children are functioning in this stage. Is this a good way to teach children in this age group? Why or why not? Children development is one of the most considerable roles which parents, guardians as well as teachers should undertake carefully during the kid’s growth period. Precisely, teaching and motivating them to love one another irrespective of their eye colour skin colour as well as the country of originality is one of the roles that lay an excellent background toward their development. Mostly, it’s wise to choose tender age children, for instance, from the video teacher Jane Elliot picked lower grade level children (grade three). It’s an evident scenario that she chose the lower grade level, because, at this age, many children tend to be more emotional and can react without reasoning. For example, two boys fought because of teasing one another in regards to eye colour that is blue verses brown eye superiority. However, I can…

Thesis development for globalization class Most people view sweatshops as a way of exploitation to third world countries. Powell, however, looks at sweatshops from a different angle. According to his book, out of poverty: sweatshops in the global economy, he starts by talking about the misconception about sweatshops in the United States. Instead of complaining about some of the things like poor living conditions, low wages, and people’s health and safety, Powell focus on what the sweatshops mean to the people and the dynamics of sweatshops at large. He argues most of the people who work in the sweatshops given a chance to leave the sweatshops or stay will opt to stay because they provide them with a livelihood and a better life than the alternatives available for them. According to Powell, the next option for the people working in the sweatshops is to do agriculture, which pays them worse than the sweatshops (Powell). He says the sweatshops allows the people to get exposed and interact with people from developed countries. According to Powell if the sweatshops increase the wages…

Psychosocial Developmental Theory Psychosocial Developmental Theory Family Systems Theory Ecological Systems Theory Systemic Family Development Theory 1.) . Discuss in detail how the theory you have chosen impacts parenting. Please use examples from your own experience to explain this. You may draw on your experience as a parent (if applicable), as a child, or as an observer of another family system with which you are familiar. Please use this opportunity to document your thoughts and beliefs around parenting from the perspective of your chosen theory. 2.) . Discuss why you believe that theory is relevant in today’s society. You must include one outside source to support your discussion. Again, you may draw on your own experience, beliefs, and values. The following content is partner providedPsychosocial Developmental Theory Family Systems Theory Ecological Systems Theory Systemic Family Development Theory 1.) . Discuss in detail how the theory you have chosen impacts parenting. Please use examples from your own experience to explain this. You may draw on your experience as a parent (if applicable), as a child, or as an observer of another…

Meaning of child welfare Child safeguarding describes the processes of caring for and protecting children from neglect and abuse. It also includes preventing children from impairment of their development and health as well as ensuring that they grow up in a secure environment. Therefore, child safeguarding is essential in promoting children’s welfare. Child safeguarding is a multi-sectoral responsibility. Parents, guardians, adults, and other relevant caregivers have significant responsibilities and duties in the child welfare field. Additionally, the central and local authorities play an essential role in implementing effective strategies that promote child protection. Organizations also have the responsibility of ensuring that their operations, programs, and staff do abuse or harm children. Why promote child safeguarding? To uphold excellent standards and practices in society. To effectively care and protect children. To provide agencies with targets. General Child safeguarding principles All children are entitled to equal rights of protection against harm and abuse. All individuals have a responsibility of promoting child protection Agencies have a duty of protection and care to all children that they work with. If agencies work with other…

Associated Between Brain Differences in Children with Depressed Parents Parental depression is one of the most insidious problems that are affecting society today.  There are a high number of people who live in the United States with depressed parents. The population is estimated at about 15 million people (Tumolo). The statistics imply that there is one in five children who are brought up by severely depressed parents. Recent studies have unraveled that one of the major factors that are contributing to childhood problems is the rising number of parents with depression. The study unraveled that there were brain differences that were detected in children with depressed parents. The study claims that children who have a depressed parent, are at higher risk of becoming depressed. The study was conducted by David Pagliaccio Ph.D., who is an assistant professor at the Columbia University at the Psychiatry department on clinical neurobiology. The study was also backed by Randy Auerbach, Ph.D., who is an associate professor of medical psychology at the Columbia University of the Physicians and Surgeons College of Vagelos (Tumolo). Both professors…

Labeling and Children Part II: Asides or responses to two classmates At least two extraordinarily thorough and clearly articulated responses that add to the discussion of the topic, are course relevant, and contain citations when appropriate include 250 words. References: Use one or two sources or more   Part II: First student I discussion post I need a response to the initial discussion post. Komlaba: As you read the chapters on childhood, you may notice that the process of diagnosing and labeling children is changing.  Both labels of autism and fetal alcohol syndrome have now been replaced with “autism spectrum disorders” and “fetal alcohol spectrum disorders”, respectively. Why have these changes occurred? What impact does labeling a child with a diagnosis have on that child? What are the advantages and disadvantages?   Autism spectrum disorder was changed from autism after multiple researches have shown different levels and aspects to the condition. (Zeldovich, 2018) Autism Spectrum disorder is a general diagnosis that was created to put all the developmental disorders in one category. Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a developmental…

 basic justification by children that what their teacher has said is true Question 1. It is important that children should be given the chance by their teachers to develop to skills that they can use in the presentation and to be able to critically appraise mathematical concepts, arguments and calculations (Lerman, 2001). Much emphasis has been placed on students communication and presenting mathematical arguments by the ministry of education. This has made many children not to learn proper right and wrong mathematics and doing column sums. Instead students have been made to memorize what their teachers are saying as the correct results without having the ability to reason out whether the result is correct or not (Hurfed, 2004). In mathematics as a subject proper reasoning is significant from early age as a child. The reasoning aspect should be considered in the preparation of mathematics curriculum. And mathematics teachers should consider how they incorporate reasoning aspect in mathematics to ensure understanding. This paper will focus on mathematics aspect of reasoning that establishes why mathematical calculations yield results that are true. The need of…

The Developmental Importance of Play Question 1 The quality and quantity of play for children have significantly declined since I was a child. The national trust survey revealed that children nowadays utilize less than half the time their parents spent playing outside. Approximately, children play outside for only five hours a week and over thrice that amount playing video games inside. The reason is that the rise of the internet has children choosing to spend time indoors. This type of indoor play is of lesser quality as it does no accommodate physical activity and social interactions. Question 2 Play is essential for children because it contributes to optimal development, but the changes in play may produce problematic adults. Play encourages active play, which is critical to a child’s physical exercise and enables children to utilize their creativity in developing new competencies, thus strengthening their cognitive ability. As children play along with others, they develop social skills such as taking turns and solving conflicts. The play also helps children’s’ emotional development by allowing them to express both the conscious and unconscious…

Bad Family environment impact the growth of children Family is the most basic unit of socialization across the globe, and it plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the child. Family is the first institution where the child acquires basic things that affect them in later life. Family is significant in shaping the kind of child any parent or the guardian will have in the future. This is because the children are born blank plate in their minds it is the environment which fill the information, skills values and the characteristics of the children. What gets in to their minds are what they learn from the environment through observation of the people around them. Things that children learn from their environment have long term effects in their life since it determines who they behave, the values they have attitude among other aspects of life. Bad family environment impact children growth in negative ways because this environment is not conducive for the children to acquire right morals and mental development. Examples of the bad family environment include divorced…

Children of the Garden Island Emily Warner’s article Children of the Garden Island is one of the most outstanding articles in its field. Emily’s study sought to find answers to two major questions. First, what are the women’s reproductive histories in the community? Secondly, what factors facilitated resilience among the children at greater risk? The researchers chose to ask these questions because, at the time, children’s exposure to psychological and biological risks was a rare occurrence. Therefore, the researchers wanted to ascertain the factors that facilitate the development of such risks. There was, therefore, a need for the researcher to “determine the long-term consequences of prenatal and perinatal development” (Werner 106). Also, they needed to keep records of all severe effects accrued to the conditions in the upbringing of children and their impact on the child’s psychological, cognitive, and physical development. The study assumed a longitudinal approach and was conducted over a period of three decades. The data for the research was collected from human subjects since it included the observation of human character and behavior over that period the…

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