Spanking is Not the Best Alternative for Disciplining Children Introduction Why do parents spank their children? Typically, the aim of spanking is to punish the children for wrongdoing or for misbehaving. But is this the correct way to follow when it comes to disciplining children? Spanking, formally known as corporal punishment, is banned in many countries. Research shows that substitutes to spanking can be just as operational in terms of amending bad behaviour and that spanking or any other form of corporal punishment to children is scarring of long-term emotional development (Campbell, 2016). Information Spanking is humiliating and threatening. The most important relationship is the one between a parent and their children; therefore, using violent means to condition a child will potentially disorient or ruin the loving relationship. Multiple studies by paediatricians assert that a child may interpret spanking as an act of disfavour, leading to mistrust and fear of the parent. Children who undergo this form of punishment may also become tolerant of violence. Again, spanking alone does not tell the child what is right from wrong and may…

Effects of Divorce on Children and Parents Abstract Most of the parents who have divorced will be likely to seek court permission to move the children into a new place away from their other parents. Such relocations will often stress and interfere with most important parent-child relationship. And this, in turn, may have more effects on children’s development. This case study discusses the growth of attachment relationship in young children and how relocation is likely to affect young kids; late trends in judicial decision concerning relocations, factors to consider in either to allow relocation or not, ways in which we can improve relationship between young kids and their separated parents either mother or father and implication for legal policy. In past years the need for one parent to move with his or her children to a new place following separation or divorce as captured the attention of judicial, legal, and mental health professionals. Because relocation, in general, results in reduced conduct between children and nonmoving parents, such cases can result in anger, litigation especially if nonmoving parents were the core…

Understanding Parents’ Perceptions of childhood vaccines in Saudi Arabia Introduction Health is an essential element for all human beings, and as such, it is something that cannot be underrated. People must take precautions meant to enhance their health in one way or the other. Childhood vaccines are one of the preventive measures recommended by ministries of health. Vaccines are an essential application of scientific research that is known to save many lives around the globe every year. To a large extent, vaccines reduce healthcare costs and hence their inclusion as an integral part of public health policy. Vaccines are medical interventions with which most individuals have personal experience and therefore act as a point of trust in the health system. Even though vaccines are associated with some anxiety among individuals, their uptake has typically been prevalent enough. As such, fatal illnesses such as smallpox have been eliminated. Also, many infectious diseases such as cholera, polio, tetanus, and diphtheria have considerably fad away in many nations. It is nevertheless noteworthy that the concept of vaccinations is not well received by all…

Critically examine whether social work assessment adequately represent children Importance of s. work assessment Assessment is a dynamic process that keeps going all through the working process with service users. It is expected of social workers to execute an original assessment of the encountered situation before taking any action. Social work assessment involves the process of collecting and interpreting information so that they can understand an individual and their circumstances. It is important to note that an assessment does not only occur in the beginning but throughout the process. This needs to be done because if an assessment is poorly done, the involved children may be exposed to extreme emotional or physical mistreatments, and in some cases, they may experience placement breakdowns. Before submitting any assessment report, the practitioner involved should counter check what she has noted to avoid errors that might cause more damage to a child. Social work assessment helps the worker to understand and get to know the situation he is handling so that they can identify with it. After following the case, it becomes easy for…

Parent-Child Interaction Abstract The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and 250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract above, are not considered headings so they don’t use bold heading format. Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your section on a new page, so you don’t have to add page breaks. (To see your document with pagination, on the View tab, click Reading View.) Note that all text styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Styles gallery. Keywords: Add keywords here. To replace this (or any) tip text with your own, just select it and then start typing. Don’t include space to the right or left of the characters in your selection. Parent-Child Interaction: Attachment Parental influence on children have a long history in developmental psychology (Putallaz & Heflin, 1990). From children doing what their best at, play, to learning, parent-child interaction is very influential. Parent-child interaction is crucial as it has an impact on a child’s social and language development,…

Child Labor in Bangladesh Introduction The introduction of the Child Labor Deterrence Act in the U.S was a good start in the quest to discourage child labor and completely abolish the act in countries like Bangladesh. Unfortunately, while agencies like International Labor Organization have joined the fight against this fight, more than 1.2 million children aged below 14 years continue to be the subject of the worst forms of child labor in the region. Abject poverty, a culture of economically active minors and an influx of factories all contribute to the growth of this vice even though the government is doing all it can to see as many children out of it. Particularly, the garment industry is responsible for a significant portion of teen laborers, given that Bangladesh is second only to China, as the world’s largest textile exporter. In light of this, impoverished children are toiling for over 60 hours a week, under harsh working conditions for a minimum wage slightly above one dollar a day. These kids have no access to formal education and most of them get…

The physical assessment in different developmental ages in children The physical assessment differs during different developmental ages in children. Specifically, in the school-going age, there is a transition between childhood the teen life, and these are crucial phases in kids’ growth. Assessment to check include if the child has stable and smooth motor skills. But within this age group, the coordination, balance, physical abilities, and endurance vary. Hence, the screening checks aspects vision, haemoglobin, hearing, also dental screening and of course some tuberculosis questionnaire to check for lungs health. Assessment for fine motor also varies a lot among kids within this age group. Such skills affect the child’s ability to dress appropriately, write neatly, and perform some simple activities like doing dishes and making the bed. The nurses additionally look for differences in the height of the children, and weights are also checked. The young child below age ten weight is less compared to those who are about to enter teenage life. Physicians also have a mandate of monitoring the genetic background, exercise, and nutrition of the child. Nurses will…

What age can you put up a child for adoption parents enjoy a close relationship with their kids, and this makes putting up a baby for adoption one of the toughest decisions. Usually, there exist some specific circumstances that push individuals to place their kids on temporary guardianships. These reasons are varied from parent to parent, and in most cases, they are justifiable. However, the big question is when is the appropriate time to decide that adoptions the right option for any parent. This depends on the situation, and the truth is there exists no specific time to put a child up for adoption. It all depends on the decision of the parents and the prevailing conditions at the time when the choice is made. On that regard, it is imperative to look into the several age groups at which parents decide to find foster care adoption for their kids and the benefits and challenges that they face in each stage. Pregnancy and available options Thousands of women in the world often decide on placing their baby up for adoption…

Neuroscience: Neuron Development The human brain is a complex and extremely vital organ in the sense that it is connected to the body’s nervous system and has a role to play in the coordination and execution of all bodily functions. As such, the growth and development of neurons is an orderly process that takes place in five stages. Part of neuron development is the development of axons and dendrites. The axons take information away from the cell to other cells, whereas the dendrites bring information from other cells into the cell. Expounding on how the dendrites and axons grow and make the right connections can be fascinating The first stage of neural development is neurogenesis. Being the early stage of neural development, this can be looked at as being the birth of neurons. It takes place during construction of the embryo and in parts of the adult brain. It is defined as being the process by which neurons are produced by the nervous stem cells (Ariana 2019). This process takes place in the subventricular zone of the dentate gyrus in…

Attachment Security in Infancy: A Preliminary Study of Prospective Links to Brain Morphometry in Late Childhood. Leblanc Élizabel, Dégeilh Fanny, Daneault Véronique, Beauchamp Miriam H., & Bernier Annie. Presented by: Abstract Human children tend to form attachment relationships with physically present caregivers. The attachment is formed whether the caregiver is abusive or caring, but the attachments can be secure or insecure. Early attachment relationships play a critical role in children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. Children-parent relationships impact brain development Assessment of attachment security towards mothers at 15 months old Structural magnetic resonance imaging at ages 10-11 years Children who were more securely attached to their mothers in infancy had a larger volume of Gray Matter Attachment security was not associated with cortical thickness Therefore, quality mother-infant attachments affect social, cognitive and emotional functioning in late childhood Research questions What role does the quality of child-parent attachment play in a child’s brain morphology? Does the mother-infant attachment security affect the volume and thickness of the whole-brain Gray Matter in late childhood? Methodology Participants 33 participants were involved in the study,…

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