Development Economics Question One It is possible that there can be a growth of per-capita income without the achievement of other achievements. It applies where under different conditions, the increase in per-capita income can have diverse effects such as poverty, low productivity, and lack of human development.  It applies here as the growth in the income depends entirely on the ability of individuals with low income to take part in using the opportunity available to advance through it. But in cases where they fail to make good use of the growth process, they end up in poverty despite the change in patterns. Question Two Development economics might be merely a combination of all other subfields of economics that only apply to low-income countries. For them, having a low –capita income has been used as a form of measure that analyzes their problem, which is poverty (Shen et al. 2018). It applies more in low-income nations leaving behind other countries. Development economics has the aim of improving the living standards, which creates a need for understanding policy dimensions.  The economist and…

Second Language Acquisition in Children Learning a second language relevant to young children, and parents should strive to encourage their children to acquire a second language. Learning a second language has many advantages, and experts agree that foreign-language learning can have an impact on the life of an individual in the current life and the future. The effects can be felt in academic achievements, interpersonal relationships, and career success. Learning a foreign language at an early age helps students to become better thinkers and eventually better citizens as they grow up (Maxwell, 2014). Second language acquisition in children is good for brain development, as research shows that the brain of a child has many active areas, which can quickly grasp new concepts. The capacity to learn a new language diminishes as the child grows older, as there are many receptors of new languages in the brain when the child is younger. Beyond the age of seven years, learning a new language becomes a little more difficult. According to Jodi Tommerdahl, bilingualism is useful in the prevention of the early onset…

Plusses of robotics curriculum in children development Technological trends and innovations have become the order of the day. This makes the world an ever-evolving place, and everyone should get ready for a tomorrow that is more sophisticated than today. Thus, parents and teachers should come together to think about how it is best to give STEM education to kids. Complex situations happen to almost everyone; thus, it is good to have many kids prepared for such moments. There is a lot taught in robotics courses. And the only way to leverage that is by enrolling your kids right away. No one says that all the kids should work in science-related fields when they grow up. It is just that the skills they learn in the study of robotics can be used in their lives even without necessarily working for robot firms. Kids learn science and math ideas Science and math are taught in schools. A lot of kids find these two subjects rather disturbing. But those who have learned robotics do not find it hard since they learn it in…

Interviewing a Children’s Officer You have been selected for the following interview owing to our position in the children department, and trust is created that the responses will be unbiased. The information provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and is necessary for purposes of improving the development of policies associated with children’s health. What have been your roles and responsibilities working with children My roles and responsibilities while working with children have been to ensure that the children under my watch grow to their full potential in terms of physical and emotional health. General, children are overlooked when addressing their physical and emotional needs, and I have been specializing in understanding the needs of children. What was your motivation towards this profession Well, the idea of being among people who need help has been my motivational through. Being near children gives me a sense of hope for the future generation. I am always determined to address all the challenges presented to me concerning the physical and mental concerns of the children. What is the group’s main objective concerning…

Erikson’s psychological development Task 2 In Erikson’s psychological development, there are eight stages of development that comes at different ages of an individual. Based on these stages of development, I believe I am on the sixth stage of development of intimacy vs isolation. Since individuals between the ages of 19 to 40 often fall under this stage, I believe that in my twenties, I perfectly fit the age bracket needed. In most instances, intimacy and isolation revolve around the need to be loved, have companionship and achieve various things related to relationships and intimacy. On the other hand, the central conflict at this stage revolves around forming romantic relationships and intimacy (Lumen, 2020). Just like any other individual in their twenties, I always feel the urge to engage in romantic relationships, associate with people for intimate reasons and find stability through having people around my life. Based on the explanations from Erikson’s theory, such feelings and needs epitomize the dilemma that exists between aspects of intimacy and isolation (Lumen, 2020). Intimacy arises when an individual achieves a loving relationship, while…

Children’s Rising Use of Ritalin             The continually soaring use of Ritalin and such-related drugs among children has become a global issue of concern. It is raising questions around who to blame for this: the parents, doctors, or kids themselves. Thesedrugs are used to treat conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and ADD, which are commonly diagnosed in children. Parents and doctors have made it the norm to medicate when behavioral changes start showing in kids, which is the problem at hand. In most cases, when children start acting up at home or school, they receive a diagnosis of ADHD and a subsequent prescription of Ritalin. This poses as a warning sign and an urgent call for attention on this matter. When a child gets expelled from school for whatever ills they did, parents rush to take them for an ADHD diagnosis, after which the doctor probably administers the patient a dosage of Ritalin. The question is, does this drug cure bad behavior? Well, it doesn’t, albeit it is “proven to treat patients of ADHD- an intricate neurodevelopmental disorder”…

The  Article Summary :The effects of undocumented parental status on families and children (2016) The effects of undocumented parental status on families and children (2016) was written by Cecilia Menjívar and Andrea Gómez Cervantes addressing the “influence of undocumented parental status on the development of US-born children in mixed-status families.” Menjívar and Cervante observe that according to literature, 25 percent of all US children are estimated to be living within at least one undocumented parent despite 79% of those children being legal US citizens.  The article examines how US immigration policies are affecting families of undocumented parents and the impact on the children. The article notes more than 400 000 people are detained in supervision programs, and despite the stereotype that immigrants are criminals, more than 83% of all criminal charges posed on immigrants are illegal re-entries. According to Menjívar and Cervante, the current problems affecting immigrants are due to immigration policies enacted between 1980 and 2000, including the immigration reform and Control Act that has caused a great reduction of migration circular flows as people fear risking being unable…

 children are exceptional young individuals I believe children are exceptional young individuals who come first. They need to be well taken care of by responding to some of their basic needs, being an advocate for them comprehending, and always making them comfortable. Being there for children is such a good thing since it’s at this stage that they develop and form the foundation they need in the future. Children are believed to be the stars of the future, and therefore how they are educated and brought up will affect their future life. I believe families are just children’s experts that are there to ensure children get whatever care they need. Families are the backbone that inspires and shape the children partially as educators play some roles.My community role as an early childhood educator is ensuring a responsive relationship is built with the families as this provides open communication between the families and me as the educator. Families play a crucial role in ensuring that their culture, such as knowledge, attitudes and even their cultural activities have a positive influence in…

Identify and Describe your Child  This week you will start your course project case study by establishing who your fictional child is and sharing their background. Basically, you are starting to tell your child’s story. Step One: Determine who your child is and what they look like. This project is meant to be about a fictional child, but you can use a variety of places for inspiration. You can look to your own biological children, a child in a program you worked with in the past, a picture of a child from a magazine or totally create a child from your imagination. No matter where your inspiration comes from, you must keep any identifying information confidential, using only fictional names. Step Two: Write about your child by answering the following questions. You may choose to write as if you are telling a story and your instructor is the reader. Think deeply and be thorough in your responses. What is your child′s age? Choose a 2-year old or a 4 year old only. What does your child look like? [unique_solution]Describe your…

682 Week 2 Reply Reply 1 I agree with Erin Baylock that any leadership role poses different challenges to an individual, which may include conflicts with one’s employees, lack of a proper vision, and many other problems. On the contrary, the way a leader reacts to the challenges mentioned above plays a vital role in making the difference. I also agree with my colleague that it is significant for a leader to think about the beneficial services he or she can offer to the followers, and model the way they should work. I am proud of my colleague, Erin Baylock, for taking a leadership role at a retail store. Further, I am also happy that you have underlying commitments and expectations for each individual at your workplace that you intend to actualize in the course of executing your leadership role. It is my prayer that you maintain demonstrating the same standards while at your workplace. References Kouzes, J. M., Posner, B.Z. (2017). The leadership challenge. (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  

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