There Are No Children Here It defines a tale where two boys are growing up in a pathetic state along the infamous west side of henry Horner Homes which is a public housing project. Although the housing project, together with others, has faced demolition all around Chicago, the author’s accounting to the operations and living standards that were experienced in the suburbs enables the readers to drive an image of what the residents were passing through; poverty, race discrimination, neglection of the poor. The main objective of the writing was driving and capturing the innocence of the adolescence with the hard times and impossible survival environment that lay before the children who tried in surviving in Chicago’s streets that were full of violence leave alone growing in the streets (Kotlowitz, 1992). In the book, the depiction of poverty is not as quickly forgotten as one could assume. “There is one plot point in specific that I cannot shake” aid in the explanation of the way the significant forces agree and manage a narrative when it comes with dealing with the…

child development theory Psychologists have come up with several different theories centered on how children develop. These theories explain almost every aspect of how people change and how they grow throughout the childhood stage. They focus much on issues of development. Parents should not take the study of child development for granted. They are supposed to view it as a serious matter since many theories have come along to explain the changes that take place during the early part of life. Some of these theories will be discussed below. The first child development theory is Freud’s Psychosexual Developmental Theory. With this theory, child development appears in a sequence of stages focused on different pleasure areas of the body. In every scene, many children face some conflicts that play a significant role in the course of their development. The theory of Freud came with a suggestion that says the energy of the libido is mostly focused on different zones at particular stages. It suggests that when a child fails to progress through any specific scene, it can cause a fixation at…

 air pollution, its effects on children, and a solution to address the issue Climate change presents a major environmental and public health issue due to the effects it has on population health. Changes in climate have resulted in decreased quality of air globally. In the United States, the majority of the populations in urban settings are exposed to poor quality air that causes detrimental effects on their respiratory health. Children, as a vulnerable population, are adversely affected by the increased air pollutants. The paper aims to discuss a policy brief that summarizes air pollution, its effects on children, and a solution to address the issue. Policy Health Issue Increased air pollution is an environmental problem that leads to a public health issue due to the surge in respiratory health problems. Based on the report that was provided by the American Public Health Association, pollution of air is one of the effects of climate change that is associated with significant health problems in the population. Respiratory diseases are promoted when there is an increase in the particulate matter and pollutants in…

Child Interview An interview I conducted with two children, a child of 5 years age and 11 years of age. This was aimed at further r understanding the motor development and the physical skills of a child at a particular age. As a child grows into early childhood, their world will begin to open up. They will become more independent and more focused. The basic skills that children use and their behaviour at this stage is what I am interested in. I interviewed a 5-year-old male preschool child. His name was Avyn, and he is physically big in height and weight for his age. This showed the state of his health and diet to be good. His family is monogamous in structure. He lives with both of his parents. The kid is from my neighbourhood, and thus we have associated together for a while. I conducted the interview in our community children centre to get a clear interaction of the child with other children. Egocentrism: this is the ability of a child to view situations from his own point of…

Children with ADHD Summary ADHD: Out of Control Kids is a documentary by Real Stories channel on YouTube depicting children with Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). The documentary shows the lives of children living with ADHD, the problems they face, and how they cope. Also, the documentary shows how ADHD affects the families of such children. Children diagnosed with ADHD tend to have problems due to their behaviors, affecting their not only their lives but their families and their friends. In the beginning, we see Samantha, who was diagnosed with ADHD. Samantha, or Sam, is easily distracted and acts on impulse. Sam cannot be able to think of the consequences of her behavior, which makes her fall into trouble many times (Real Stories, 2017). In a week, Sam runs away from home three or four times, and she has no concept of danger. She can climb trees, climb to ceilings in the house and anything that comes to mind. This affects not only Sam, but also her parents since she needs constant supervision. Kyle is another child with ADHD. Kyle…

how different social relationships can influence the lives of young people and children Introduction The first few years of a child involves considerable change. Children attain new skills and gain a better understanding of the existing social world around them. The first relationship of a child with their parents or caregivers is essential for the development of the infants; understanding the current social world. Infants may be born with limited capacities, but are usually active in early relationship development due to inherent abilities to do so (Meins, E., 2013). The first social relationship widens as the child grows to include a broad range of people, such as peers, siblings, grandparents, as well as fathers. These relationships are crucial for the emotional and social development of children later in their childhood and adulthood. This report recognizes the importance of early relationships and how they contribute to a healthy social and emotional relationship, including later life social relationships. This report examines how different social relationships can influence the lives of young people and children. Parents often provide safe environments and protected spaces…

RISE OF TECHNOLOGIES EFFECTS ON CHILDREN Thesis Technology plays a crucial function in human daily lives and the rise of its application in various items such as electronic games, portable devices, and personal computers affect children both positively and negatively. The effects of technology have implications that support development in children in healthy lifestyle and vice versa. Technology provides opportunity for children to develop physically and mentally but if not used appropriately can lead to adverse effects which raise health concerns. Despite the outcome it is important for parents to control their children’s access to technological advancements to stay healthy and safe. Several research studies have analyzed the average time spent by children on different technological devices such as phones, iPad, iPod, radio, computers, and others. Children use these devices for reasons such as playing games, texting, watching films, watching the cartoon, internet browsing and communication purposes. Kids spend quality time conducting these activities without considering issues such the posture they take while using the electronic gadgets, the brightness level of the screens and distance between their eyes and the…

Child development Irma Temperament is the style with which a child behaves. The temperament type for Irma is feisty temperament. This is because I think Irma is a moody child in that. She is given some food in the table of which she did not expect, and she then ends up being moody by yelling since she has not eaten such kind of food before. I think the temperamental traits that are expressed by Irma is that she is slow adaptability in that things can easily get out of hand if not taken good care of by the caregiver. The adaptability of her is too slow; her response to new changes is slow. Even after she is told that it is clean up the time she continues with what she was doing. She does not adapt to the new food served as expected. Therefore this makes the adaptability of Irma to be too slow to be taken off her. I think that she is very sensitive also to the new changes, she crosses her arms and stomps her feet in…

One-Child Policy and ASPOP’S HR Condition The one-child policy was a program in China that was executed across the nation by the Chinese government in 1980 so as to constrain most Chinese families to one child each. The policy was established to address the development pace of the nation’s populace, which the legislature saw as being excessively fast. The policy was authorized by strategies going from offering money related advantages for families in consistence and giving contraceptives to actualizing constrained cleansings and constrained abortions. September 25, 1980, is regularly referred to as the official beginning of China’s one-child policy, despite the fact that endeavors to check the number of children in a family existed preceding that. Anti-conception medication and family arranging had been advanced since 1949 The following year there was a push for families to confine themselves to one child, yet that was not equally upheld the nation over. Controversy has since quite a while ago encompassed China’s one-child policy, not just on the grounds that it was an extreme intercession by government in the regenerative existences of residents…

Child Development Observation             Child development is physical, psychological, and emotional development that is experienced in the period of birth towards the final stages of adolescence in human beings. Here the child goes through the process of dependency in order to increase autonomy. This is continuous progress that has predictable events and also has a unique foundation for every kid (De Vries et al., 2016). Autonomy does not happen at the same time, but each stage is affected by the progressiveness of different developments. Genetics and prenatal development also take part in the child’s development study, the reason being that developmental changes might be profoundly affected by genetics aspects. This paper will explain the observation of child developmental observations pointing to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development of a kind (Schechter et al., 2017). My observation was carried out in a home where the parents had gathered them together.  At that time, I had an opportunity to observe the four children’s behaviors; two were having their time playing with balloons and teddy bears while others were playing at a distance.…

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