Three forms of Overconfidence   Overconfidence can be defined as an excessive belief in one’s abilities judgment.  An individual tends to overestimate their ability to project or regulate future outcomes. Overconfidence is the cause of the biases and a significant factor that results in poor decision making. Most of the counterintuitive consequences in fields such as economics have been ascribed to the decision maker’s overconfidence. According to Bazerman & Moore (2018), the three main forms of overconfidence are an overestimation, over placement, and precision. To overestimate someone or something is to think that they or it is bigger in relevance or amount than it is. Overestimating can be described as a form of overconfidence in the sense that the person exhibits a higher sense of regard on something than it merits. Through the overestimation of one’s ability, they may end up under preparing for a particular event and thus resulting in poor performance. An instance of overestimation in real life is when an individual overestimates their skill on a particular task and end up underperforming due to their inadequacy to…

Calculation of the Confidence Interval Confidence interval in statistics refers to an estimated interval calculated that a particular parameter value lies between the range. Confidence interval consists of an upper bound and a lower bound. An upper bound is the highest value that a parameter cannot exceed while the lower bound is the one believed that the parameter could not be less than it (Tripathi, 2016). The formula for calculating the confidence intervals is given as   Where X is the mean of observations, Z is the Z score value at 95% s is the standard deviation, and n is the total number of observations. We are using a Z score since we have been given the value standard deviation is known. In our problem, we have the following essential data to calculate the confidence interval. N=6 S=1.615 X=4.5 Z=1.96 at 95% confidence level. Now Therefore, an estimated parameter from the observation of mean 4.5 and standard deviation 1.615 has a very high probability of falling between the interval [3.2077, 5.7923] with only 5% benefit of the doubt. The confidence…

Linda Toryak post feedback back to her the post Supervision in social work practice involves an agency or a person that is in a position of leadership meeting regularly with social work practitioners to evaluate their work. It is important to note that supervision is not about the exercise of power over the subject. It can be used to help social work practitioners develop new experiences and skills that in the long run, will improve their confidence levels of a social work practitioner. Usually, supervision is done by a person that bears knowledge and skills and is accountable and responsible for social work practitioners. According to Linda toryaks post, I would suggest that social work providers need to welcome evaluation as it ensures that social workers follow relevant standards and procedures to achieve competence in practice (Hughes, 2010). Gena Charles feedback to her post During intervention approaches, social work practitioners commonly meet with clients who are optimistic about changing, but regardless, they still exhibit adverse outcomes. According to our lady of the lake university (OLLU), strengths and problems have been…

Ways to be Graceful Under Pressure Pressure can be defined as the state of a person being in stress or having an urgency of matters that demand immediate attention (Luther, 2019). Therefore, when a person is under pressure, this means that he or she is experiencing difficulty circumstances, thus overburdening with an economic or social imposition. All across the world, many people are undergoing different burdens of mental or physical distress caused by various reasons like inadequate finances, illness, relationship problems, racism, ethnic differences, and many more. The act of showing grace when facing pressure is all about being calm, no matter the situation or hardship you are facing. The primary purpose of being graceful when under pressure is to reduce the harmful effects of suffering mental stress and anxiety. For a person to stay calm when facing pressure, one has to be mindful and focus on coming up with creative solutions to minimize stress (Spraul, 2018) whereas pressure and physical stress may result in adverse psychological conditions, a lot more harm results from the lack of knowledge of the…

 book “The Credibility Code How to Project Confidence and Competence When It Matters Most” by Cara Hale Alter Assignment Description You are required to read the book “The Credibility Code How to Project Confidence and Competence When It Matters Most” by Cara Hale Alter and write a book review.  It should be 4 pages, APA style. Double spaced, size 12, Times New Roman. Below is the link for the book: This is assignment is an individual project. The paper should have your name, course name, section, and semester. No late or emailed assignments will be accepted. Assignment must be posted on Moodle. Assignments sent by email will not be accepted or graded. If you have issues with Moodle, please make sure you fix them now. Make sure to proofread carefully as grammar and spelling errors will impact the grading. More importantly, grammar and spelling errors are indications of superficial work and distract any reader from your ideas.[unique_solution] Please find below the rubric of the paper upon which the grading will be done: Item/Grade 4 3 2 1 Summary Summary…

Personal Narrative on Self-confidence Self-confidence is the ability to give assurance to oneself in our judgment. Confidence is not something people need not be taught but rather understand the extent to which they believe in themselves. I am at a level in my life in which I need to believe in myself before people start believing in me. Some are born with self-confidence. Others have to work for it, and some have no clue on how to obtain it. It is something that can be accomplished over time. I have come to realize that time, trust, and friends are all needed for any individual to achieve it. Growing up, I was always a shy kid. I never really talked around individuals I didn’t recognize, nor did I begin discussions with others. The reason being, I have struggled a lot with confidence.  I just really remained to myself and had a few friends, and that was good enough for me. I wasn’t really into presenting in front of the class, either. I would always go up there nervous and get it…

BUILDING CONFIDENCE I can build confidence to be an effective teacher through speaking in public. Speaking to many people involves building confidence by thinking clearly and communicating effectively where fearless which I had before can be interfered with. I hope when addressing public in a conference, it will assist me to build confidence on what am speaking through answering questions to the people concerning my topic of communication therefore I can make my meaning clearly to the people to understand my topic. Since I have been used to addressing many people my findings are that, I will be able to make an effective teacher where I can stand before students and teach effectively without fear since I have been used to public speaking, which has enabled effective thinking and communication (Carnegie, 2017). I can apply the idea of public speaking in teaching to become an effective teacher in classroom, since a teacher is used to speaking to an individual or a small group once I am used to speaking to large group of audience I will develop creativity to be…

Confidence served on a platter Since I was a child, I have always had the desire to turn my creative thoughts into tangible aesthetic outcomes. Consequently, I have tried creating things that no one has ever seen or heard of in this word. One of the standout creativities entailed designing a robot with the potential to perform domestic chores, including feeding pets. Though this mission did not materialize, I made enormous progress. I believe that if I gain more knowledge, which I am confident I can get from Aveda Arts and sciences Institutes of New Orleans, I will succeed in my future artistic endeavors. Several values shape my personality. These include creativity, confidence, determination, adventure, integrity, honesty, and innovativeness. I firmly believe that these values are critical as they always push me towards desiring to create exciting things out of nothing. My primary motivation is to inspire other people through my artistic expressions. I am also motivated to see the world around me embrace beauty. The program I am applying for enrollment is fundamental in today’s world. As such, it…

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