What leads to conflicts within the family?             Family disputes begin as a three-stage cycle of abuse. Firstly, the abuser engages in comportments, which cause tension in the relationship. Secondly, when an individual gets victimized, stress is exploding: physical, social, mental, sexual, and other forms of abuse. Thirdly, the victim fails and apologizes for his misdeeds. This third stage is often called “Honeymoon,” where the victim adjusts with his bad conduct. Besides, the victim gets forgiven in the honeymoon stage, and afterward, the cycle begins again. The victims begin to feel that the violence is their fault as this cycle goes on. The victim gets deemed helpless as she takes charge of her abuse. Also, the victim gets to tell herself that the violence is her fault, yet she cannot comprehend why the damage goes on when it is her own doing. Besides, the victim gets persuaded of her impotence and that, with no most radical steps, the violence can get avoided. How same Sex domestic violence creates different views amongst society Domestic violence against same-sex offers different perspectives in…

The Kosovo Conflict Introduction Kosovo is located in Sothern Serbia with a mixed population where the majority are Albanians. The regions enjoyed high-level independence within the former Yugoslavia until in 1989 when Slobodan Milosevic, the Serbian leader, changed the region’s status when he subdued the autonomy of the region bringing it under the direct rule of Belgrade, the Serbian capital. Kosovar Albanians intensely opposed this move. In 1998, an open conflict between the Serbian police and military forces and Kosovar Albanians led to the death of one thousand five hundred Kosovar Albanians forcing the displacement of over four hundred thousand people from their homes. There was concern from the international community about the spread of the conflict to other countries, including issues dealing with humanitarian consequences (Rodman, T., 1999). The international community also brought the issue with, Milosevic, the Serbian president who ignored all efforts aimed at a peaceful end to the conflict and also destabilising efforts of the Kosovar Albanian militant forces. 1999. In May 1998, a meeting by Foreign Ministers from the North Atlantic Council put in place…

Identifying Managing Conflicts in a Team Conflicts are common scenarios in teams, and they are as a result of many factors such the mistrust among team members. Such conflicts hinder the sharing of ideas between members. They obstruct decision making and team performance. In such scenarios, team members work against each hence impeding progress. Team leaders can use several approaches when pursuing conflict resolution. In the first instance, Da Jour, a 24-year-old employer, is now a new member of the company. The team should use effective approaches to ensure that he is incorporated into the team appropriately. The leader should introduce him to the other team members. He should then explain to him the roles of every team member and as well as allow him to interact with them (Fackler et al., 2019). Da jour should be then be empowered by allocating him resources needed to accomplish his tasks. This will incredibly motivate him and also enhance the confidence and trust of the other members towards him. Da Jour is always late, and this has led to conflicts within the…

Article Review on ongoing conflict between U.S technology companies and sovereign states In her article, Stephanie Hare explores the ongoing conflict between U.S technology companies and sovereign states as far as the control and access of consumer data is concerned. Most importantly, the article argues that the battle between these entities is preventing them from working together to address the greater enemies in a way that benefits both sides (Hare 550). The first section of this article explores the problem of the wicked problem of data protection. The article ends by exploring how both the U.S technology companies and foreign countries can benefit from increased cooperation between the two entities. Both the foreign sovereign states and U.S technology companies have justifiable reasons for seeking total control over the data provided by internet users. States can use this data to thwart and prosecute cybercrimes and terrorism. On the other hand, technology companies have a mandate to protect the data provided to them by their customers and not to avail it to third parties. At the same time, Hare argues that the…

Ethnic and Civil Conflict in Southern Europe and Cyprus 2017       This exam/essay is worth 40% of your overall mark.  As it is a take-home exam, there are NO EXTENSIONS. You must therefore ensure that your work is submitted to Turnitin by 4.30 on Monday 23 October.  Failure to submit work before the deadline, without prior consultation with the lecturer, will be considered as a ‘no show’. Note: Please include citations wherever required.     Exam BEGINS at 9am on Friday 20 October 2017   Exam ENDS at 4.30 pm Monday 23 October 2017[unique_solution]   Please note that there are two sections to this exam, and that you are expected to answer ONE question from EACH section. The first section is worth 70% of the total mark while the second is worth 30%. Please indicate clearly the section and the question number with each answer.  You must NOT repeat material which you have already covered in your essay.  For example, if you have written on the Greek Civil War then you must NOT write on it again.  …

Guidelines to resolve the conflict of responsibility                 Any counselor has a primary responsibility to promote the welfare of their clients and ensure that the client’s dignity is preserved during the counseling. The counseling profession ethics requires the therapist to fulfill other parties’ responsibilities as well. Other parties, in this case, include the client’s family members, the institution he/she is working from, the court or even a working colleague. In a situation whereby the counselor is faced with a dilemma and cannot easily resolve the conflict of responsibilities that the case they are handling come with, client’s confidentiality is always at risk and to come up with a decision that doesn’t violate the client’s confidentiality is always the problem. In most cases when the client’s life is at risk (they want to end their life, or someone else is threatening to), the court has ordered information or the information the client has disclosed suggests that there are other people at risk that when the therapists get caught up deciding where their primary responsibility should lie. In such an occasion it’s…

The Importance of Reconciliation in Stakeholder Negotiation and Conflict Resolution  Organizations are prone to encountering disagreements among stakeholders regarding their daily operations. Conflict resolution is an essential element in negotiation for all parties to participate fully and reach a consensus. Environmental organizations deal with numerous stakeholders such as government, local communities, employees, and other interested parties who might express conflicting interests.  However, for the organization to operate smoothly and engage all parties in a collective goal, it must resolve any existing disputes. Reconciliation is a critical aspect of a negotiation that enhances satisfaction among parties in question. For instance, an organization pursuing a conservation project on resources shared by two conflicting communities may need to restore order and harmony before proceeding with negotiations on sharing its proceeds. Lewicki, Barry& Saunders (2015) present three ways to resolve disputes, which include reconciling the interests,  determining who is right, and determining who is dominant. In such instances, the organization might determine who is right through addressing geographical boundaries. However, the most effective method should the lower probability of dispute recurrence, incur minimum transaction…



E-mails With the increasing applications of digital systems over the world, most of the businesses conducted today are backed by computer systems in some sort or the other. E-mails (short for electronic mail) is one of the most widely used communication channels among people in business and professionals working for various companies. E-mail allows the sender of the mail to attach media files (Like pictures, videos, and other formats of documents) along with the text body of the message they want to send. Also, it allows the receiver to reply back to the sender using the same chain of mail, which can be viewed by just clicking on the conversation. The E-mail also allows the user to segregate the mails according to priority. Gmail (an e-mail service provided by Google) allows the user to mark a mail as “important,” which enables the user to access relevant e-mails quickly. Companies may offer their mail ID to their employees with login credentials, for receiving and forwarding company mails. E-mail today is one of the most widely used communication medium among business people…

Conflict Theory             The nature of crime has been contentious for several years. Several stakeholders are always employed to investigate the development and occurrence of crime in different parts of the world. Criminology uses theory to come up with explanations as to why crime exists and the process through which crime develops among individuals. The theory is defined differently depending on the circumstance at hand, and there are contentious definitions. The general definition of theory in everyday use is that theory involves a set of untested principles that try to explain phenomena without evidential backing. However, theory in scientific aspects such as criminology involves a set of tested and substantiated explanation for the occurrence and existence of various phenomena such as crime. Criminology, on the other side, involves the study of nature, occurrence, development, and the response to crime. Generally, criminology uses scientific theories to address the issues surrounding crime. Criminology is set at various theories, such as the theory of conflict by Austin Turk, who explained the emergence of two classes of people in the society who are related…

Freedom from Conflicts  Conflicts are not worth the freedom that comes with it because they tend to drain all the energy one could use to bring peace in any situation. Staying away from conflicts is better than fighting for freedom.  It is not worth to keep on fighting with one another while you can stay away from what makes the other person angry and live in harmony for the rest of the many years to come. A person needs to enjoy freedom in every aspect of their lives. When human is oppressed, they do not give their best, and they tend to live their life in fear. Freedom means having the power to live your life to the fullest and to make the decision that suits your life. Getting into conflicts can sometimes put the freedom away because there is no time to see good in anybody who your mind thinks is your oppressor, and this tends to bring more harm than good. Fighting for freedom is draining. Sometimes, it is essential to overlook something just for the sake of…

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