Boyz n the Hood V. Conflict Theory Criminal and Gangster movies are produced in the risky actions of criminals or gangsters, mostly netherworld figures, ruthless characters who maneuver outside the set and policies, committing burglary, and forcing their schemes through life. Boyz n the Hood is a film featured in 1991, in the neighborhood of backs, in South Central Los Angeles, California. Steve Nicolaides’ film represents several theories that are employed to reveal poverty and gang violence and their impacts on the black community. Among these theories is the Conflict theory. Conflict theory is demonstrated by the characters of Doughboy and his friends who decide on the wrong path after norms of social rejection. The film, Boys n the Hood, provides a critical summary passing across significant values and messages for a society, whereby the different sets of social classes are the leading root courses of societal conflicts. Karl Marx, in his Conflict theory, focuses on a conflict between two major classes. Each class comprises of a collection of people destined by mutual benefits and the property ownership degree, frequently…

Strategies for conflict management at my place of business When an organization does not have conflict resolution techniques or strategies for their workplace, their workers may have a hard time working and being productive in a stressful working environment. It is, therefore, essential for employees and managers alike to understand the distinct modes of conflict resolution and also how conflict resolution strategies can be implemented. The following are strategies for conflict management at my place of business. First, at my place of business, the management tends to accommodate other people’s ideologies. Since two people having a conflict can have demands, the organizations have encouraged an environment where each party is required to bend over backward and accommodate demands brought forward by the other person to help iron out the difference that we, as workers have. The technique does not allow information or viewpoints to be brought to a conflict resolution team, but they are required to downplay their feelings or hold back their frustration. Besides, my business also uses compromise as a strategy for conflict between workers. The strategy aims…

how imperialism and industrialization have contributed to global conflict since 1750dependent on the quality of 1) argumentation and 2) content. As you know, I pay attention to the construction of your argument, your THESIS, and how you support that argument with evidence from our readings and lectures. I also scrutinize the content of your essay, including your grasp of the material, your original thoughts and insights, and the way you bring broader themes of our course to bear on specific questions. (unique_solution)You must use primary sources! Though you have been assigned textbook chapters which will serve as wonderful sources for your essays, you must also use primary sources that we have read throughout the semester. These include not only our books (Bentley, Marx, Kincaid, etc.), but also handouts (Luther, Social Darwinists, and images, etc.). When you use these sources, both primary and secondary, cite them correctly using Chicago-style citation. A guide can be found on Blackboard. 2. Describe how imperialism and industrialization have contributed to global conflict since 1750. How did imperialism drive industrialization, and vice versa? How have both…

The Tale of Washington Highschool Conflicts In the late 1990s, Washington High was composed of extreme fights among the grade 11 and grade 12 students. However, the conflict that was experienced in 1996 is worth remembering. Stephany. A grade 11 student that was commonly involved in causing a commotion within the school had disagreed with Peterson, a grade 12 student. The two had their differences arise during mealtime when Peterson accidentally knocked down Stephany’s meal. The two were started pushing each other into an event that to a commotion. The whole place appeared like two rival teams whose fans had just randomly engaged in fights. Plates were thrown from the two warring parties all over the dining area. Oscar, the school captain, and a compelling person within Washington High attempted to calm down the situation but was in vain. The two students that had brought up the commotion further infuriated it when they called for massive support from their prospective classes. Mr. Gregory, the dinning master, failed to bring the situation into control. The events further worsened when the students…

        Nick Cunningham functional conflict     Nick Cunningham is experiencing a functional conflict. A functional conflict can take place between individuals or groups.  It positively impacts a situation and considers both sides of the story. The disagreements within a functional conflict are, in most cases, healthy. Dysfunctional conflicts describe unhealthy or harmful disputes that might occur between individuals and groups. Dysfunctional conflicts usually offer win-lose situations and not win-win situations. The above definitions demonstrate that a functional conflict accosts Nick Cunningham. From his perspective, he does not consider the forced changes relevant to the situation. The new corporation they have purchased is doing well. Nick acknowledges the fact that Beauchamp’s managers should be maintained for the new business, its performance. This argument is healthy because he prioritizes the interests of the organization’s performance despite the tight rules of the top management.  This disagreement exists based on Nick’s goodwill on the organization. The cause of the conflict in this context is primarily as a result of the strict regulations set by Nick Cunningham’s superiors. The bosses are stringent on imposing massive…

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution The conflict between Millennials and Baby Boomers at Informational Systems is caused by generational differences in how each group believes a workplace environment should be. Millennials believe a workplace should allow for more flexibility and discourage unnecessary competition among employees, hence their insistence on flexible timetables and rewarding group efforts rather than individuals. Baby Boomers, on the other hand, want individual effort to be rewarded while maintaining strict work schedules. Preparation and planning As the leader of the negotiations, I want an outcome where each party accepts that healthy competition and group efforts are both desirable things to have in the organization.  As a leader, I also recognize that an ideal end to the negotiations should allow for a harmonious coexistence of these two diverse groups as this increases productivity for the organization (Hoffman, 2018). The Millennials want a flexible work schedule and more emphasis on group efforts while Baby Boomers want a changed bonus structure that rewards individual efforts. Possible compromises for the Baby Boomers would involve changes to the bonus system but giving the…

Trust and Conflict Resolution   Trust is the most important component in conflict resolution. It is consistently shown as a central dilemma when trying to solve a conflict. Trust is not a feeling that one party has toward another, it is an inner assurance that an individual or an organization develops. It is an expectation that another party will not harm or allow you to be harmful when you areyou are vulnerable. The willingness to trust another party is based on the kind of history you have had with the other party or your personality. Trust is a very important element in any organization, but sometimes it is broken. It is something that is built with time, and through interaction; however, it can also be broken. When trust is broken, it is not the end, it can still be repaired if both parties are willing. The paper will discuss on trust-building and repair in conflict resolution. Conflict arises as a result of two or more parties getting into a disagreement or dispute or when trust is broken. Conflict resolution entails…

how to manage conflicts in a virtue team Communication and information technology have now enhanced individuals’ collaboration from different locations and cultures due to asynchronous and synchronous based tools that facilitate and support the distribution of individuals and teams across the globe. Management teams participate in virtual business organizations and communities to exchange knowledge and nurture collaboration. In the process of cooperation, potential conflict may arise within the team, especially when the members have different understandings and learning of the English language (Mukherjee & Natrajan, 2019). In the same case, the group development stages are somewhat different for face to face teams compared to the virtue teams. Therefore, there is a need for recommendations to deal with differences in virtue teams. The paper discusses how to manage conflicts in a virtue team, provide a comparison of group development stages, summarize, and identify barriers to communication. Technological advancement is a critical tool for collaboration. Giving birth to new media forms increases collaboration from spatial to temporal constraints. The progress of these technical features results in potential conflict in a virtual team…

Conflict Resolution Interpersonal conflicts are popular among students in the recent past.  The battle is as a result of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds whereby, Students do harm their colleagues to the extent of killing them, and Some do shoot at others, whereas some fight. Little is done to prevent such scenarios (Freire, 1984).  Raniya Write is a victim of the same. Her life ended shortly after a classroom fight. She only complained of headache, which led to unconsciousness. The school healthcare personnel rushed her to the hospital where she died. In some similar cases, students gunfire at their fellow students due to bullying. Bullying in schools must stop. It is upon the whole society to ensure the bullying issue is addressed in detail. For instance, teachers, students, parents, together with authority should ensure children are safe from bullying. The conflicts in schools are based on culture and religious differences (Morris, 2016) Restorative justice enforcement is essential in ensuring bullying stops in schools. This paper aims at evaluating the effectiveness of restorative justice on ascertaining deaths in schools. Rinaya’s case…

effective conflict management strategy Introduction Conflict management is an important undertaking in any organization, especially those with aspirations, to become competitive. Conflicts must be handled amicably because they have the potential of stagnating performance. The vice is catalyzed by disagreements associated with greed, hatred, and discrimination in diverse contexts. The companies that face the problem encounter dire consequences that include reduced performance levels and under the productivity of the staff members. Owing to the effects, managers or organizational leaders should develop an effective conflict management strategy to provide a lasting solution. Issue 1: As a clinical officer and a team leader, I prefer employing different technics to manage conflicts. The technics include negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. In the case of the two clinical officers who disagreed, mediation would effectively apply to help resolve the issues arising. I would call the two individuals and understand their grievances and why they fight each other. The idea is to bring them together and take them through a healing process by cooling the hostility between them. Issue 2: The advent of technology has made…

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