Conflict Theory /Social and Culture Film Karly Maxy was born on the 5th of May 1818; he was a philosopher, an economist, a historian, sociologists,a political theorist, a journalist, and a revolutionary socialist from German. At his campus-level, he mainly majored in law and philosopher. Maxy became stateless as a result of political publication where he was living in London for decades together with his wife and children. In 1848, his three best titles were pamphlet, communist manifesto, and three-volume Das capital. The politics and philosophy of Marx influenced more on subsequent intellectual, economic, and the history of politics; his name was used as an adjective, a noun, and as a school of social theory. Maxy was considered an essential person in society because he increased force towards contradicting the issues of disequilibria that was used in solving only in the new social system. Furthur after USSR was introduced, he made Eastern European countries to be communists such that there was a Revolution of bolshevik creation of Soviet union as well as the spreading of communism in world war two.…

 conflict resolution styles Although it is a 1962 questionnaire, I believe that it contains information that is still pertinent to today’s organizations. The survey provides questions that discuss essential concepts such as leadership, communication, and team building. However, the questionnaire needs additional questions that address strategies of conflict resolution as it plays a vital role in defining organizational behavior. Conflict resolution skills are essential for members of the military as they tackle numerous conflicts and disputes in their professional operations. Five different conflict resolution styles are applicable in different situations; for instance, integration is the best strategy for complex cases that require innovation (542). In the military sector, essential leadership traits are teamwork, dedication, and accountability. The military depends on team effort to execute missions and assigned duties appropriately. Without a collaborative team effort, the military may suffer attacks and death, especially is risky missions. Dedication is essential as the military put their life on the line during their operations. Therefore, the military requires an individual who is highly committed to protecting their country. Accountability among the military members helps…

Multitasking and conflict resolution Multitasking and conflict resolution is a strategic heuristic technique (Aarseth et al., 2017). The two methods require a combination of tasks or projects. The main aim is to increase the utilization of resources and reduce time wastage. For example, an organization with a plan to phase out the traditional production concept in their marketing and embrace the societal-marketing concept will utilize the skills of the software developers in a different project to increase the popularity of the firm. The firm will engage search engine optimization, social media and internet-based tools to get feedback to develop the new concept, as well as utilize the platform in marketing and initiating sales. Merits of multitasking are a significant reduction in the costs investments for resources and equipment. The technique is suitable as it optimizes on the available resources as well as helping to resolve everyday conflicts in the various phases of project development. It also enhances attract-ability of the products since they are standardized and produced in concurrently. The technique is an aid to increase the timely management of…

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