Why the US has such a higher rate of C-section birth than most countries? Introduction This is an argumentative paper that discusses why C-section rates are high than natural deliveries in the United States compared to other countries in the world. It is a discussion that opens the reader to real causes or contributors to the high rate to the point of being referenced as an epidemic in the United States C-Sections is a significant medical procedure and improves the probability of some short-and longer-term unfavourable impacts in mothers and infants (a portion of these damages are recorded underneath). There are clear, authoritative recommendations for more judicious use of this procedure provided below. When initially estimated in 1965, the national the United States C-Sections birth rate was 4.5% as shown by Robson et al., (11). From that point forward, huge groups of low-risk women in the United States who have gotten the care that upheld their bodies’ intrinsic limit concerning delivering have reached 4% to 6% C-Sections birth rates and good general birth results. Robson et al. further notes that…

Prompt response Prompt 1: Find the Anzaldúa quote that is most meaningful to you because it opened your mind to new ways of thinking, and challenged your old ways of thinking. Write the quote out word for word – include the page number(s) where you found the quote. “Nobody’s going to save you. No one’s going to cut you down, cut the thorns thick around you. No one’s going to storm the castle walls nor kiss awake your birth, climb down your hair, nor mount you onto the white steed. No one will feed the yearning. Face it. You will have to do, do it yourself.” ― Gloria Anzaldua This quote opened my mind and changed my thinking and perspective in life as it emphasizes on the need to work your way up the ladder as opposed to depending on other individuals for prosperity and success. Prompt 2: Identify the quote(s) from one or more of the other reading(s) to which you compared/contrasted Anzaldúa’s quote. Why and how did the comparison increase your appreciation of Anzaldúa’s words? Did the contrast heighten…

Virginity (or loss of it) Virginity (or loss of it) is still an important milestone for many women. While some want to just be done with it and forget some women want to cherish the moment and have a romantic buildup to it. And from the stories I have heard from other women, it may be downright painful, pleasurable, or a moment you’d rather forget. Here is my story. It happened to me when I was 19. I don’t know how to explain the situation, but from other stories, I was a bit lucky. The man and I had been platonic friends for a while before our first time. Outside my male siblings and relatives, he was the only one with whom I could share my feelings without feeling judged. With time we started developing feelings for each other. I could just be myself around him. There was no pressure from him. I had no fear, anxiety, or emotional guard against him. And at this point, I still held to the belief that sex destroyed women’s lives. It was a…

The concept of physicalism Question One The concept of physicalism can also be referred to as Materialistic Monism. The idea of physicalism states that any object that exists extends within the boundaries of its physical properties and that the only existing substance is the physical. Physicalism and materialism can be used in place of each other. However, there exists a difference between the two. The difference is that materialism is primarily used in line with metaphysics, while physicalism is mostly used in line with the philosophy of mind. When we take the concept of physicalism to be accurate, there cannot be a world that is identical to the actual world considering all the physical attributes but which is not similar to the real world in terms of biological, social, or psychological aspects. It is to means that objects which have similar physical properties must similarly exhibit identical properties in terms of their biological, social, or psychological issues. Mary’s room is a phrase that is used to refer to some kind of an experiment on human thoughts. The investigation argues that…

  ACER CHROMEBOOK II CB311 Acer has never disappointed when it comes to Chromebook models. Over the past years, Acer has been delivering a very impressive Chromebook, particularly Acer Chromebook 11 CB311 is the real deal. Acer Chromebook is the sexiest PC, with its magnificent indigo-blue classics. A well embossed Acer logo on the left and chrome logo above it stands out. It is armed with an Intel Celeron N345D processor, a 4G RAM, and 32GB storage. The 11.6-inch display with a perfect matte screen has recommendable battery life. The performance of such an affordable laptop is the best overpowering its predecessorAcer Chromebook 11NT The design The Acer Chromebook is a charm, eye-catching indigo color and well-textured body reels in you. The Chromebook is 11.7×7.8×0.7 inches and 24 pounds. It is slimmer and has lightweight, to feel much convincing, but the tarnishing is on another level. The slim and light Acer Chromebook 11 is excellent in terms of portability. The keyboard, though, looks bulky and lacks attractiveness. The speakers are placed at the bottom and the other top side above…

Ethical and Legal Issues in Decision Making Influence of values on the interpretation of ethical dilemmas? The ethical dilemma revolves around patient autonomy. In this case, the patient named Ann has decided her medical care without the influence of any patient and stated she would not prefer to be hooked to a breathing machine in case her survival probability goes down. It is the right of a patient to make an autonomous decision about their healthcare, and the nurses and the medics are supposed to respect these decisions. However, in this case, it is essential to note the condition the patient has put in her request, which is “if” there is no chance of survival. It, therefore, means that if there is a chance of survival, it is correct to go ahead and hook her to a breathing machine to save her life (Scott, Sochalski,&Aiken, 1999). In this case, the situation presented does not provide for having her hooked to the breathing machine. Instead, she is diagnosed as having pneumonia, and as the process of treatment is being applied, she…

Psychoanalytic and Operant Conditioning Theories Rape is a sexual act with a person by the use of force without that person’s consent. The action is usually done by individuals who feel powerful than their victims. In most cases, women are the most victims because some men consider them as sexual objects. Men can also fall victims of rape, especially underage boys who are coerced to do sex with mature older women. Rape can also take place between a man and another man. In this context, a more powerful man forces the less powerful man to submit into doing sex with that person. Rape in all its forms is unacceptable in all societies across the world. The act infringes individual rights where the victims suffer psychological torture. Young children may also fall victims of rape where their lives become endangered. Individuals who fall victims of rape may take a long time recuperating. This is because of the negative picture that is painted on their minds which becomes difficult to control. Rape perpetrators have long been classified as influenced by unbridled sexual…

Marxist theory Karl Marx is conventionally famous for constructing a division of two classes when he branded them proletariats and bourgeoisie. In the Marxist theory, class consciousness is defined as the awareness and understanding of an individual’s economic and social class as compared to others. Class consciousness also involves where one’s class, whether social or economic, ranks in the larger society and the wider picture. According to Karl Marx, an individual is also supposed to understand the characteristics and collective interests of his or her class in the political and socio-economic order of society. Class consciousness is a core aspect of Karl Marx’s class conflict since it is the basis of relationships formed between owners and workers in society. Class consciousness creates awareness about social, political, and economic relationships between the oppressors and the oppressed in society. Karl Marx believes that the lower classes would get tired of the constant oppression from the owners’ class and rise up to overthrow them. Subsequently, a new system of political, social, and economic values would be created based on inequality to do away…

Rainbow moonstone- The best gemstone to get potentials of the moon Gemstones have gained high popularity since the ancient ages not only for their beauty but also for their mysterious power. Moonstone is also one of the attractive gems with a pearly veil, locking the secrets. However, moonstone is of different types and one of them is rainbow moonstone. With the technical name, Labradorite, rainbow moonstone has also internal glow, giving us some Divine Inspiration. Rainbow moonstone has the capability of opening us to the synchronicity that is not perceptible to us in our everyday routine. Let us present you with more information on this gemstone. Meaning– Moonstones are lovely, attractive-looking crystals, available in a range of colors- milky white, peach, yellow, green, gray, blue, pink and the rainbow moonstone. The look of the stone relates the symbolic implications. In most of these stones, you can find a sheen and reflective quality. The stunning combination of blue and white color of these stones reminds us of the look of the moon. The specialized structure creates the sheen. However, this unique…

mission, vision, and values The topic of mission, vision, and values elaborates on the various beliefs, values, underlying rules as well as anticipated culture of Teal organization. The paper also establishes the practices for creating and resurrecting the values and culture of life in the organization.  New strategy The firm has the potential of taking its shared values to a significant level through various methods such as sharing beliefs of what Is acceptable or unacceptable or even clearing of the existing ground rules. Most Teal associations invest a great deal of energy during the enlistment procedure illuminating up-and-comers about the qualities regarding the association to decide if there is a decent culture fit. Greenish blue associations likewise set practices to now and again audit and question culture and conditions to guarantee those in the association genuinely live them. A few qualities that are frequently present are trust, straightforwardness, aggregate insight, completeness, and validness. Current outreach The of the next level of evolution of human consciousness is replicated by the Teal paradigm which, when used in other firms, views them as…

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