Circle of Caring Model The nursing field puts into consideration different strategies meant to intervene in the service provision in the profession. The circle of the caring model (CCM) is concerned with understanding the strategic communication used before, during, and after services are delivered. It is through the model that the relationship between the patients and medical providers is strengthened through the different activities taking place. A significant interaction that makes it easier for all parties to connect is mutually beneficial for those involved. Healthcare is a matter of finding the balance between the wellbeing of individuals in all segments. CCM differs from other theories in that it deals mainly with the process of providing effective services to have a great connection while the rest heal the entire person (Price, 2016). The significant characteristics of CCM involve the kind of practice they offer concerning maintaining substantial associations with the teams involved. The model is patient-centered in such a way that every decision is aimed at achieving positive results towards the wellbeing of the patients. It is also change-focused as…

Dementia in Saudi Arabia Describe the health-related problem you have chosen to cover. World Health Organization describes dementia as a syndrome that typically is of a progressive or chronic nature. This type of mental illness involves deterioration in cognitive function, such as the ability of thought processing beyond what is likely to be a result of usual aging. The disorder impacts thinking, memory, comprehension, orientation, learning capacity, calculation, judgment, and language. Nevertheless, it does not affect the consciousness of an individual. Cognitive function impairment is, in most cases, accompanied and also occasionally preceded by the deterioration of social behavior, emotional control, or motivation. Taking into consideration the aging population, it is challenging to distinguish between the mental illness effects from those of dementia. In most cases, dementia will present itself, especially among the elderly population via impaired reasoning, loss of memory, and changes of personality. The seniors are likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, and thus it is important to get a proper diagnosis to provide that proper treatment is achieved. Dementia is established as resulting…

Excessive Alcohol Intake. Dear Anonymous. Alcohol, which is a psychoactive substance, leads to dependence affecting many individuals across the globe. Its excessive use causes many problems relating to the personal health of a person, social and economic burden in communities(WHO, 2018). Similarly, the effects of alcohol use in excess harm other people such as family memberssince most of the deaths leave children orphaned and also strain a family financially. Excessive alcohol use is a problem affecting almost 14.4 million adults of 18 years of age, with more men being affected than women. The data most probably would change the behavior of alcohol users (Ritchie & Roser, 2018). However, more compelling statistical data should become a warry and enable one to change and start reducing their daily alcohol consumption levels. In the country, the alcohol use disorder originating from excessive use of alcohol is the third leading preventable cause of death following from tobacco use and poor diet and physical inactivity. In the global aspects, the WHO accounts for a total of more than 200 diseases, and injury-related healthconditions caused excessive…

Simple Hack to Apply Eyeliner Like A Pro Ever thought of having your eyes sparkle like those of a celebrity? One day your eyeliner turns out amazing on the first attempt, the other day it’s not that perfect.  Mastering the art of doing your eyeliner needs quite a lot of practice. Once you have what it takes, it becomes easy to use eyeliner to enhance your eye shape and colour. Here are easy steps to follow to apply your eyeliner like a professional makeup artist; Select your eyeliner Select your eyeliner according to various factors like; how intense you want the look to be and what style you are going for. There are multiple products available in the market like; liquid liner, pencil eyeliner and cake eyeliner. Eyeliner must be applied near the base of your eyelashes; you can do this by practising to get that perfect look by drawing thin lines. Remember not to use your eyeliner in a very thick line as it will give your eyes a tiring and burdensome impression. Pencil eyeliner They are the most…

  Racism in Othello  Racism refers to prejudice or antagonism directed against individuals based on their skin colour (Sonntag and Ranc 67). Often, racism is as a result of ignorance propagated by the belief that a particular race or a culture is superior as compared to the other races and cultures. The desire to yield control over a particular people deemed backwards in terms of civilization, fear of losing that control as well as the need to dissociate oneself from the rest are some of the reasons why racism continue to be propagated and the hatred being passed from generation to generation. This assignment will be addressing racism in Othello as well as explore the supporting subtopics such as tragedy, ethnicity and identity. Othello is Shakespeare’s masterpiece of an imagined tragedy that recognized the problem of racism ahead of its time. At the time of writing the play, few people outside London had come into contact with a Black person, and thus, racism was not as prevalent as it is the case today. The play was written to address racism…

POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY Introduction. Police accountability refers to a system of both external and internal checks and balances which are performed to ensure that the police perform their duties accordingly and take responsibility for their actions should they fail. The police department is bestowed with vast power which entails arresting criminals, searching and seizure as well as protecting citizens. While performing these duties, some officers abuse their power through actions such as discriminating against specific individuals. According to the Fourth Amendment of the U.S constitution, measures such as unreasonable seizures and searches are prohibited. Additionally, the fifth amendment of the U.S constitution forbids one from being robbed of liberty, property, and life without due process (Walker, 2012). Failure of holding people involved in violating these laws where the police can exercise actions such as discrimination openly deprives the public confidence in the law enforcement officers. In the paper, we shall discuss community accountability, political accountability, civil lawsuits on police accountability, and criminal prosecutions of the same. Community-based accountability Community-based accountability is a way in which policing can be made better locally…

Analysis of Grossberg’s article Introduction Cultural economics deals with the relationship between economic results relative to culture. As such, programmatic issues have been developed to exemplify the importance of culture in regards to economic prospects. It is important to study economic culture to ascertain the role of culture in economic behavior due to its significance in value addition. To study economic culture, an individual must study people’s micro behavior relative to their significance to economic changes. Hence, survey questions could be the most appropriate to understand cultural economics as stipulated by Lawrence Grossberg’s work. Therefore, Grossberg’s work, together with the other two readings, is vital in outlining the problems of economic essentialism. Analysis of Grossberg’s article According to Grossberg, economic culture stands for a common stand-in social changes to provide distinct idea domains on conjectural thinking (Grossberg, 2010). The brief summary provided on economic value aim at providing a secondary understanding of changes in modern society leading to production scarcity. Consequently, the article could be used to promote economic culture between the main ethnic groups in Singapore, like the Indian,…

Weight Loss Mental awareness plays a big role in weight loss. A balanced diet is important as it ensures our body functions properly. And lastly, protein intake helps to maintain and to lose weight. There is a great connection between weight loss and mental awareness. While regular exercise facilitates weight loss, an individual mindset plays a major role too. What drives consistency for regular exercise is the mind. For example, you cannot succeed in anything without putting your mind and thoughts into it. You need the “why” part, which is psychological. Without reason, you are likely not to gain your objective. Changing your mindset on what you eat, practicing self-discipline and consistency in training is more psychological. Hence, a successful weight loss requires more mental consciousness as it boosts your weight loss process. Vitamins and minerals are essential substances needed in our bodies. In vitamins, we have A, B, C, D, E, and K, while in Minerals, there is calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron, among others. The difference between the two is that; Vitamins are organic substances obtained from plants…

Skeptical argument of Descartes Many individuals have different ideas about how the world operates. Each individual would like to believe that their ideas about how the world runs are true. The presence of philosophy in the daily lives of humans is to help them understand the concept of knowledge. Grasping knowledge of how the universe runs, helps individuals different between convictions of scientists and those from cult societies. Philosophy helps get the right avenues of gaining knowledge and what it really means to know something. In this essay, we will analyze skeptical arguments from Descartes and his proposals on what guarantees knowledge. Descartes is an individual known for his radical ideas and great arguments, no one would dare argue with him without any knowledge of the idea. Descartes’s arguments are based on illusion, insufficient coherence and, deception. During the 17th century, a lot of scientific progress was witnessed which saw the formation of communities that defined what constituted science. What constituted science was based on empirical affirmation. Descartes, however, had other ideas, he believed that scientific information gained from senses…

SOCIAL ANXIETY PHYSIOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS Social anxiety refers to the fear of being evaluated negatively or judged by other people. It is characterized by the overwhelming fear of being in situations where others will evaluate one’s presence or behaviour. This fear leads to feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, self-consciousness, inferiority, inadequacy, and depression. Physiological symptoms of social anxiety are bodily reactions that occur when one feels anxious and maybe apparent to other people. These symptoms include excessive sweating, blushing, weak shaking voice, muscle tension, hands shake, a fast racing heartbeat, swallowing with difficulty, facial freezing, and blood pressure rising. Despite the depth or intensity of social anxiety, these symptoms can be managed through the use of a structured, systematic approach such as cognitive behavior therapy. This therapy helps one to identify all the negative thought patterns and behaviors and change them. Deep commitment and positive attitude towards the treatment regimen are needed to help one overcome social anxiety. Through unconditional and consistent support from family, therapists, and peers, they can learn to manage their social stress. This, in turn, helps them to…

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