Memory Artwork – Jochen Gerz Understanding the relationship between contemporary artworks and their contribution to the memory of essential events to people and humanity at large is the core motivation to Jochen Gerz’s work. The life and work of this artist are deeply embedded in this complicated relationship, especially on the current artworks that are more of an impression than expression. However, for Gerz, the memory is in the people, and not in the pictures and other artworks. At the heart of Gerz’s work and principles in artwork are the roles and contributions of art in processing and memorizing the traumatizing events in life. The center of this artist’s work is on memorialization discourse and how his conceptual artistry contributes to the understanding of, relationship, and identification with the past traumatizing events. This is achieved through the application of traditional monumental sculptures that indicate the socio-political, economic, and cultural perspectives of a given time in history. Gerz has focused on the conceptual artistry that connects the past to the present through memorization and remembrance. As an internationally-recognized conceptual artist, Gerz’s…

Summary of the case of Iron Man According to the article about “The comic book as a symbolic environment the case of Iron man” by Jon Hogan in 2009. There is a secure link between the relationship between humanity and technology. Whenever there is an introduction to a new tool, many questions arise about how people interact with the device. According to the article, “Marshal McLuhan investigated the effects of technology on human consciousness. Jacques Ellul fretted about humankind’s eventual loss of autonomy to machines; Neil Postman lamented the lack of critical thinking about this issue.” The exploration of the relationship between technology and humanity is always done using the comic book. It is a medium where the true reflection of the relationship can be easily understood. The author says, “While poor special effects in a live-action movie stand out as glaring failures, a drawing of a fantastic machine in a comic book looks the same as the cartoon people with whom they interact and illustrate landscapes where they exist.” It merely implies that to avoid noticeable failures, comic books…

Journal 2 Reflection Introduction The need for social work that is relevant to Indigenous societies has prompted the development of Aboriginal social work. Indigenous people form a significant percentage of service users, especially in countries that were colonized. The prevailing social work practice is adopted from Western culture and, therefore, not very helpful for Indigenous people, families, and communities. Critical Reflection The assumption that Western thought ought to be the conventional thought in most educational platforms is quite harmful. This assumption has led to the marginalization of Indigenous people in social work education through erroneous penning of their culture, language, and history. Both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal social workers that have gone through the Western system of knowledge might not be adequately equipped to handle the needs of the Indigenous population (Sinclair, 2004). The only sure way for social work students to learn about Aboriginal people is through cross-cultural social work education and practice. This necessitates Aboriginal social work education, which incorporates the history and culture of Indigenous populations to ensure both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal social workers are adequately equipped to…

Everyman Thesis statement   The play defines peoples’ understanding and comprehension of death and that they have no capacity to get away with it without regard to their riches once death is knocking at the door. Death is used as an inevitable admission between heaven and hell, and going to heaven requires repentance of sins.   Introduction   “Everyman” is a short English play that was created in the late fifteenth century by the author, who is unknown. Everyman is considered to be the finest representative of morality play and one of the greatest medieval dramas in history (Kalish, 2019). “Everyman” is concerning the aspect of end of life of one’s life pattern on earth. Death in the play is associated with the exploration of the reasoning of life. The subject of death is perceived in a different way by different cultural setups, and it is inclined to impact a persons’ ethics, morals, and experiences (Beavis, 2016). Everyman is a morality play that offers insight and gives a demonstration of how peoples’ lives are hindered by death. The play defines peoples’…

Internal System             Avoidant John As emphasized by Schwartz, the internal family system model comprises of three subpersonalities that include managers, exiles, and firefighters. Every part has its own perspective, memories, interests, and viewpoint. A key principle of the Internal Family System model is that every part comprises a positive intent for an individual, even if the effects or actions are cause dysfunction or counterproductive. Thus, there is no reason to coerce, fight with, or try to eliminate a part. The IFS enhances internal harmony and connection. Prioritization of these parts under the IFS model revolves around the need for transformation through therapy. In the case of exile part, it involves pain, shame, fear, trauma from childhood, and the other parts have a responsibility to exiles this part from coming out (consciousness) and ensure the pain does not come to the surface.  Avoidant personal disorder was as a result of extreme shyness, sensitivity, and feeling of inadequacy. The effects also involved unwillingness to get involved with other people unless I was certain of being liked, being anxious about criticism or…

The idea of the ideal man, as presented by Confucius The idea of the ideal man, as presented by Confucius, is impressive. The current society across the globe, in my opinion, has fewer Chun-Tzu individuals compared to earlier communities. First, the idea of seeking to be a ‘gentleman’ in the context of the teachings presented by Confucius is a possible and achievable endeavour. Individuals can try to improve themselves – a great example of a typical individual goal across society. It is possible to achieve the mentality of the Junzi. Still, various characteristics of this man require an advanced and heightened level of self-consciousness and discipline – which I feel has deteriorated over time and is lacking in the current society. It is most visible in vital areas such as leadership where, unlike in the communities in Confucius’ time, fundamental qualities have eroded, leaving the world in a compromised state of affairs. The 21st-century poses various challenges to Confucianism as a thought and approach to life. For example, the complexity of today’s society at multiple levels poses hurdles for individuals…

Bronchodilators Bronchodilators are treatments offered to people experiencing breathing difficulties. Bronchodilators are used to ease breathing by making the lungs muscles relax, and creating a broad way for the air (bronchi). Bronchodilators are used to treat conditions of Asthma, which is inflammation of the bronchi commonly in the lungs (Gadomski & Scribani, 2014). Bronchodilators are also used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary defect, which is a side effect of heavy smoking hence causing difficulties in breathing. Bronchodilators are either short-acting or long-acting. Short-acting is a sudden relief from breathing difficulties but usually for a short term. Long-acting helps to increase regular breathing in Asthma. Three main used bronchodilators are beta two agonists such as (salmeterol, vilanterol, and salbutamol), anticholinergics such as (tiotropium, ipratropium, and aclidinium), and Theophylline. Beta- 2 agonists `           Beta-2 agonists are types of drugs used to treat both chronic obstructive pulmonary defect and Asthma. Some of the Beta-2 agonists drugs are only made for the treatment of COPD only. Beta-2 agonists are inhaled through a little hand friendly inhaler, but also available in the form of syrups…

The globe and mail   Introduction When we think about humanity We risk being prisoners of our souls by losing some of our cultures without even having knowledge about what it has been. The rate at which cultural diversity and biological destruction is happening in the 20thn century, people fail to recognize the technological innovations that have taken place in this era a hundred years to come. This research essay will focus on the topic of end of human diversity, based on the articles obtained from, the globe mail, the Toronto star and BBC ,all which discuss on human diversity and environment. Thesis statement Anything that harms the environment  in the current world ,will rally contribute towards the loss of our humanity ,and could affect the incoming generation. To mitigate this we need to make sure that the future generations will make will meet their needs if restore our culture and live our live.More than one million species have become extinct for the past twenty five years. We tend to concentrate on the biological life that we are losing and…

                                                Sugilite healing properties At some point in our lives, we all have craved for an external aid or help. We have wanted a savior that could vanish away all our problems in the blink of an eye. Admit this that in dark times, humans look for even the slightest sign of salvation. Well, the wait is over! A mystical and enchanted stone that has ultimate healing properties has come to liberate you from hardships. Sugilite, a gem of unparalleled charm and beauty, will blow away your mind.   What is Sugilite? Sugilite is a rare pink to purple stone. It constitutes a cyclosilicate mineral that has a complex chemical composition. A hexagonal crystallization with prismatic structures lattice forms its base. Sugilite is also known as Royal Lavulite and purple turquoise. The hues of Sugilite vary on a broad spectrum of purple and pink. Sometimes the Sugilite is referred to as “Stone of the Violet Ray.”   Location Sugilite is extraordinarily gorgeous and as scarce as hen’s teeth. Small traces of it are found in Canada, South Africa, Italy, South…

Alan’s notes on Kant’s Theory of Knowledge Kant (1724-1804) tries to unite the theories of rationalism and empiricism into a new third approach to explain how we gain knowledge. To do this he starts by taking Descartes’ ‘I’ and asking what is this ‘I’ Descartes talks about so much. Kant also takes Locke and Hume’s basic empirical model of the mind as a blank paper (tabula rasa). Kant adapts Locke and Hume’s model of the mind by dividing their blank paper into sections. These sections he calls categories of the mind. He argues these categories, just like Mathematics and logic for the rationalists, are inside us from birth before we experience anything at all. In other words they are innate, as well as being universally the same for every living human being. Examples of Kant’s categories include space and time, cause and effect and substance. When the mind receives some sense information (experience) reason decides which category it should be placed in. We can understand Kant’s mind as an empty bookcase with reason as the librarian. Once reason places a…

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