Determinism and its threat to Free Will Introduction Human beings’ behavior cannot be exclusively linked to a certain stimulant.  It is, therefore, essential to determine whether human beings react from forces they have no control over or whether they decide on how to behave. There is a connection between determinism and free will. Although determinism appears to be in favor of most psychologists, it assumes that a person’s behavior results from forces within and outside, which we cannot control. It is the argument that a person’s anxiety could result from their genes. This essay will focus more in-depth on determinism and how predicable our actions are. Determinism and its threat to Free Will             Explaining in detail what determinism is, it can be grouped into either external or internal. External determinism is a theory that behavior is triggered by factors outside an individual, such as school and media. Children can, therefore, sometimes get aggressive when raised by violent parents. Internal determinism, on the other hand, is a biological approach whereby behavior is governed by evolution. Some reactions are triggered by…

The Economic Value of Hajj in KSA Religious pilgrimages have existed since ancient periods and continue to be a central pillar of contemporary societies. Hajj is the most prominent trip to the religion of Islam, where followers travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to satisfy their spiritual needs. However, the annual event directly influences the economic landscape of the host nation due to the demand for support systems for millions of visiting supporters. People require hospitality resources for their six-day stay as well as a network of related logistical services. Such elements inject substantial revenue into the country’s economy as well as prompting the government to invest in essential utilities to support important religious tourism. Qurashi, investigates the material aspect of Hajj in his article “Commodification of Islamic Religious Tourism: from Spiritual to Touristic Experience,” focusing on the economic value of the feast to the local population. The yearly commemoration of Hajj incentivizes the economy of Mecca and the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, denoting the commercial influence of holy tourism. The influence of religious travels is undeniable in contemporary societies.…

Honor-based Violence Introduction Honor-based killing can be defined as slaying done as a commission by the extended family to restore the honor after dishonor through cultural norms violation. Murder for honor puts threats on girls and women if they do not perform some cultural acts such as covering their hair and not acting as their domestic servants. It can be done through being run over by a vehicle, stabbing, strangulation, and set on fire (Mallicoat, 2018). Muslims are the most known to kill their women for the honor. Mostly, the perpetrators work in conjunction with other family members. This essay gives instances of honor killings in the united states, how the killings can be reduced, and how religious and secular groups can compact such murder.   Instances of Honor-Based Violence Occurrences of honor-based killing in the united states include Amina Said, a younger girl of 18 years and her sister Sarah 17 years of age, were killed by their father at their home Texas in January 2008 (Chesler, 2009). Said, his father, with the help of their mother, killed the…

Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route The book by Saidiya Hartman narrates a journey to trace the unknown people ‘who left behind no traces’ (pg 15). She is on a quest to find out her ancestral connection and origin from Africa. It studies deep into the Atlantic Slave trade that took place in Ghana where her background is found. Hartman went to Ghana as a scholar and stayed there for a year researching into the save trade, intending on tracing the itinerary of destruction from the coast to savanna. The book is stimulating the thoughts on the scarring effect of slavery that still haunts the present-day. There is an identity that is lost and can only be found and shaped when the real truth and vivid explanation of what happened during the slave trade are given. This lost identity is what Hartman hides in the tittle Lose Your Mother. Hartman, among many other Africans living in America, faced a lot of challenges because of their skin color. She explains her feeling about the situation that she…

how Proctor and Gamble strengthen its generic strategy through complementary strategic moves Summarize how Proctor and Gamble strengthen its generic strategy through complementary strategic moves. Be sure to answer the following questions: -Outline what the company has done to fit its approach to the industry and company situation. -Has your company responded offensively or defensively, or both, to improve its strategic position? How? -Has P&G pursued complementary strategic options? Explain your answer. -What are your recommendations for P&G to pursue future complementary strategic alternatives to strengthen its competitive position? The generic strategy involves attaining market share that is relatively high through price and cost-consciousness. This is achieved by reducing the number of products to targeted consumers. A strategic move is an approach used in-game theories when an individual player takes action outside the described rules to increase playoffs. Proctor and gamble companies use generic strategies to realize viable merit in the industry. The generic strategy model has been used by Proctor and Gamble company to thrive through this business amid stiff competition in the gambling industry. The company has used…

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