How does this image continue This image is maintained by Kyoko Mori when she asserts that she cannot knit a sweater because the patterns will confuse her. This happens after she narrates of her experience, knitting a mitten to the German woman that she met. This image is also continued when she made an asymmetrical sweater with one sleeve being more extensive than the other. She also talks of her first homec sewing project being no better than the mittens meaning that the project was as bad as the mitten situation. She also acknowledges that there is the spirit in her knitting life of laziness and overachieving, and that is why a voice in her will say that she won’t try something because it doesn’t come naturally to her. Mittens emerge as an essential part of the essay’s theme in ways such as the regard of Latvia’s tradition for girls to make mittens from a young age to start early on her dowry chest. During the wedding, mittens were distributed to all participants. Also, Mori ultimately decides to reconcile to…
Amazon’s recruitment process Question 1 Amazon’s recruitment process is well designed in America to ensure the acquisition of talented staff and sustain the turnover rate (Antoun, et al., 2016). The Amazo has been applying multiple ways for assessing candidates’ performance and skills both in the USA and UK. In America, Amazon often approaches candidates from LinkedIn, followed by two telephonic interviews. Candidates must go through written tests in both America and the UK. Amazon has also been evaluating candidates’ judgmental and rational approaches by asking them technical questions by using online software in both countries (Phillips, et al., 2001). These questions are based on arithmetical coding and intelligence-based issues. After endeavoring of all mentioned rounds, candidates must proceed with multiple technical rounds, hiring manager round and HR round in America. However, in the UK, the overall recruitment process is similar, but its online application system might make it distinct where the candidate can approach Company by sending their resumes (O’Connor, 2013). Question 2 Radio Disadvantages: The life of the radio advertisement is concise (Nysveen & Breivik, 2005). It is the…
Intended Message (Encoding) Business communication is the mechanism of which information flow confined to legal lines within the market environment Communication between companies is not a new phenomenon (Comor, 2006 ). In DBS bank, the mechanism, forms, methods, and techniques are the same as the general communication mechanism. The main distinction DBS bank in Singapore communication process is how the organization and individual needs and expectations are implemented. The communication process and marketing strategy are in accordance with Marcom planning strategy. According to (Comor, 2006 ) pp. 83 communication process in DBS bank is to two-way process which involves the sender who encodes the message either verbal or non-verbal way and transmits it through a channel or medium like a memo, telephone. The message reaches the intended person of the receiver. The person may be an employee or customer. The company gives and receives feedback which the company has specialized at giving the best response and services. There are three main communication types in DBS bank, namely internal-operational, external- operational, and personal communication. Internal operational communication is one of the essential…
“Do today’s Olympics and other world championships perform the same social functions as the ancient Greek Olympic and other Panhellenic games?” Modern Olympics are but an innovation of the Ancient Greek Olympics and other Panhellenic games (Donnelly, 2016). However, according to some scholars, recent games are purely different from Ancient games. Sports have been made more democratic to the extent of being placed on an international stage. In ancient times, the idea of amateur competition and international state games was not in existence. Also, there were fewer sports disciplines, such as horse racing and athletic contests. Finally, it is critical to note that these games were a dedication to the gods. Therefore, a series of ritual events, which include prayers, processions, and sacrifices, accompany the activities. The paper explores some of the Ancient societal functions that have been upheld or abandoned by the modern Olympics. The article begins by highlighting one of the attractive characteristics that distinguish the modern Olympics from the Ancient Greek Olympics. The Ancient Greek Olympic and the Panhellenic games were firmly rooted in religious beliefs. Ancient…
Bottom Line Approach The general accounting framework involves preparing a business for profitability. The Triple Bottom Line approach adds to the standard framework and covers three aspects hence its name. Triple Bottom Line approach involves strategies that take into consideration the profitability of the firm, the planet, and the people. Therefore, the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach ensures that the business takes care of the social aspect, ecological factors, and the profitability of the company. Businesses across the world have chosen to embrace TBL in a bid to remain competitive and ethical in the business field. Some of the businesses that have proved that TBL is possible are DHL, Seventh Generation, and EnviroPure Systems. DHL is a multinational shipping company that has, in the recent past, embraced the triple bottom line approach in carrying its businesses. Generally, shipping companies are by far large consumers of oil and gasoline (Azevedo & Barros, 2017). Therefore, the environmental aspect comes in, and the firm’s accounting department has to take care of it. DHL has been employing environmentally friendly methods of delivery in…
Public Transport Vs. Private Transport. Who does not depend on various means of transport to travel from one place to another? Every day, millions of people around the world commute from one place to another using road transport. Well, there are many activities like jobs, businesses, and other things that make people choose different means of transportation to their destinations. Either way, one is supposed to select a specific means of transport. Among the means of transport commonly used are public and private. Private cars are mostly preferred because they are comfortable compared to buses. When using a privare car, one is assured of a seat where you don’t have to struggle. On the other hand, buses sometimes carry more passengers than the seats available and therefore one is expected to hurry to get inside to secure a seat. There is privacy in private cars where one can receive and make calls comfortably without distractions. Similarly, one is free to listen to the music of his or her choice. On the other hand, when using buses, one is obliged to…
The Danger of a Single Story The course of one’s life is not governed solely by the choices they make but by other factors some of which are beyond the control of humanity. However, many stories have been used to portray the fact that humanity can alter or even change the course of their lives by engaging in certain actions or making certain choices. This misnomer is perfectly explained in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk “The Danger of a Single Story’. Herein, she explained how entire communities are judged or defined based on one narrative (TED TALKS). Similarly, one of the Arabian Nights tales called ‘The Seven Sea Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor’ has also played an important part in my life because of the inherent irony. Unlike the story, man cannot succeed solely by wandering in adventurous life expeditions. Hard work and intelligent planning are important aspects of the process and goal. The Arabia Nights tale of ‘The Seven Sea Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor’ involves a poor sailor who is accompanied by his brother and several close friends…
Growing up in a family where l was taught that nothing comes at hand easily unless you work for it Growing up in a family where l was taught that nothing comes at hand easily unless you work for it, l have managed to remain steady and aiming to accomplish my visions. My mother has a master’s in elementary education. She was my role model and I admired the way she handled problems precisely and portrayed a charisma attribute that commanded respect, thus l vowed to follow her footsteps. My dad doesn’t have a college degree but he always encouraged me to be all that I can be no matter what obstacles I encounter. Being raised by parents who had held different levels of education and managed to educate their children on moral values, challenges me not to judge others following their level of education but by level of intelligence. In school and life, I have applied my parent’s teachings to differentiate right from wrong and pursue anything l believe l can achieve. Besides, I have grown up feeling the…
The Devil Wears Prada The Devil Wears Prada is a movie that attracted massive reactions from the public at the time of its release. All through the year 2006, the movie trended as a significant hit even to the extent of ranking as the 17th best movie that year (Berardinelli, 2020). Most assuredly lot from the fashion world as well as cautionary drama. Certainly, the film is one that many young men and women love to watch repeatedly based on its perfect incorporation of comedy and deep-seated lessons. The Devil Wears Prada is a two-in-one film, a caustic energetic satire that showcases both the fashion of the world and cautionary drama (Berardinelli, 2020). It is, however, striking that the running time of style in the movie appears to overshadow the appearance of caution in the film. It is, additionally, notable that even in scenes where the performances seem to be cool and still, there is still a profound presentation of epic action by the cast, including the likes of Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, and Stanley Tucci. The movie tells about…
Resilience in Oedipus and Hamlet Resilience is the ability of someone to return to a previous good position after a period of problems. Resilient people are robust and work through hardships. Oedipus and Hamlet both face challenging situations throughout their lives. They both show resilient qualities in overcoming the troubles they encounter. However, Hamlet is the more resilient character since he sustains his toughness till the very end. Oedipus is the protagonist in Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King. The play’s plot is built around the character Oedipus, King of Thebes. Oedipus is fixated on finding and punishing the person responsible for the previous king’s death. This person ends up being Oedipus himself (“Oedipus the King”). It is a story of a person trying to fight fate only to end up fulfilling his destiny. The play begins with the citizens of Thebes, begging Oedipus to take action in averting the plague that ravages the kingdom. Oedipus has already sent his brother in law Creon to the oracle to find out the reason behind the epidemic. Creon returns with news that the scourge…