EMOTIONAL AGILITY. Using the first 10-12 chapters, how does emotional agility relate to everything that we′ve read so far? That′s basically what it′s asking. For example, how can we use emotional agility to show respect(chapter 5)? Using about 2-3 of the chapters is probably enough. Exclude chapter 6 though because it′s about the same thing written by the same person. You will need access to the book “everyday emotional intelligence” Harvard business review press. It includes authors Daniel Goleman, Annie McKee, and Shawn Achor. For this assignment it is fairly short but I do need whoever helps write it to use the actual book listed above. I need exact references to the book. One page should be enough however I will allot payment for two goes if needed. Using the first 10-12 chapters, how does emotional agility relate to everything that we′ve read so far? That′s basically what it′s asking. For example, how can we use emotional agility to show respect(chapter 5)? [unique_solution]Using about 2-3 of the chapters is probably enough. Exclude chapter 6 though because it′s about the same…

The non-pharmacologic approaches involve offering emotional and psychological counseling to the patient.  NHS is coming up with strategies that will ensure sickle-cell patients are well-taken care. They are advocating for early diagnosis of the condition to reduce the cost of treatment and the rate of hospitalization. They will also help in reducing the psychological impacts of the pain on patients. Most patients have particular psychological responses to both acute and chronic pain episodes.  The responses or effects include low mood, stress, and poor coping strategies such as alcohol abuse and negative thinking. Most patients adapt these responses at an early age, and it becomes difficult to change during old age. However, psychological therapies can be used to reduce the psychological pressures experienced by these patients. Socioeconomic factors have an impact on clinical patient outcomes. The deprivation of these factors has adverse effects on the quality of life of sickle-cell anemia patients. For instance, patients who do not have insurance covers avoid hospitals due to financial problems.  To reduce such cases, the UK NHS is offering universal medical care. Evaluation of…

Emotional Outlets             Various scholars have struggled in search of a perfect definition of the term emotion. However, recently, sentiment has been concluded as one of the complicated psychological states that involve various components such as psychological responses, subjective experiences as well as expressive or similarly, behavioral intervention. They have been assumed to rule the daily lives of human beings as decisions are made based on happiness, anger, frustration among others as they are intertwined (Globokar, 56).  On the other hand, emotional outlet refers to the means or ways in which emotions can be made use of or similarly, be expressed. This paper seeks to determine how social media is an emotional outlet. With the continued advancement in the field of technology, it has become possible and easy for one to share personal information on social media. Based on the various studies that have been conducted, it has been noted that social media has a significant impact on the emotional development of individuals (Globokar, 56). In support of this statement, the security provided by the advanced technology has rendered social…

Importance of Emotions in Service Marketing Introduction Many scholars limit consumer behavior to forces of demand and supply and the influence of price changes. Although customer preference and taste are also factors considered in buying decisions, recent research has found out that customer’s emotions have a role to play as far as buying decisions are concerned. According to Krishna (2012 p 332), the purchase of a commodity, especially services, is significantly influenced by what he calls sensation and perception. In simple terms, Krishna refers to the influence of emotions on buying decisions. This means that the purchase of a product is a function of all utility aspects and the emotional element. Bagozzi et al. (2007 p184) defined emotion as the state of mind concerning readiness to buy a product, which is a result of an appraisal of events, thoughts, or visuals with a phenological tone, and which leads to a particular course of action. Marketers have noticed the influence of emotions on customer behavior and have made a move to use emotions as a marketing tool. In this kind of…

Student’s Name College Instructor’s Name Course Date Speeding up Website Design Please list and explain three recommendations in which you can improve the way the current functional structure operates to speed up website development. A properly structured organization has the power to formulate efficient and sound decisions. A proper structure enables the organization as a collective unit to adapt much more accessible to any change incurred in the world of business. However, confusing structure or one that develops bottlenecks in any decision-making process can turn out to be counter-productive and generate adverse effects on company revenue. However, specific recommendations can be put in place to improve the company structure. For instance, in the provided article, the company requires particular recommendations that will enhance its structure and speed up their website development (Bai, Wenxiao, et al. 74). Three of the essential recommendations include; clarity of the structure, development of a cross-functional based team, and put checks into place. Clarity of the structure. Proper communication of information is essential when improving company structure. Staff members should have access to crucial data. As…

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