NORWAY PRISON SYSTEM Summary The film, “Where to Invade Next” is an American documentary movie directed and produced by Michael Moore in 2015. In the documentary film, Moore travels through several countries across the world. While touring the individual country, Moore notices differences in how each country had dealt with economic and social problems that, at present, impede the United States. During Moore’s journey to discover economical and social measures that the United States could embrace, he visits Germany, France, Iceland, Tunisia, Finland, Portugal, and Norway. Some of the issues that Moore discourses are education, inmate treatment, worker benefits, and women’s rights. The documentary revealed the views of Moore and the citizens, ranging from the President to the middle-class workers. With the determination to persuade the United States government to embrace different practices, Moore visits countries around the world who have fixed social and economic issues and interviews citizens. However, the film fails to accurately present such issues fairly to all sides, despite interviewing citizens who range within the social class. Though the documentary film may have displayed how changing…

Journal about Completion of First BSN By completing my first BSN course, I feel that I have achieved one of my greatest dreams in my life. I have been dreaming of acquiring nursing skills essential to elevate the health of my community more so in curbing life style diseases such as HBP and HIV/AIDS and communicable diseases like TB. In addition, I feel that I will be an important asset to achieve health ministry’s objectives to increase life expectancy attributed to the high level skills acquired. Therefore, I feel the BSN skills acquired is essential since it will improve my nursing care services offered thus elevating the general community health. I have formulated several goals that I intend to achieve after completing my first BSN course. I intend to provide high quality health care services to the patients. This involves adopting ethical and professionals’ skills such as empathy, beneficence and love when serving patients. I also intend to identify to adopt skills that will aid the identification of health requirements of a population. Besides, I intend to acquire skills related…

An Intimate Dinner with President Trump episode review According to the episode “An Intimate Dinner with President Trump,” it’s clear that election is influenced by money. Money for Campaigns is at the extremely heart of protests concerning elections. In the United States, Money as well as ,it’s probably changed in corrupting is at the extreme empathy of protests regarding politics. Donald Trump influence can tell that money can influence elections. Trump summoned his Republican opponents for being obliged to their main benefactors. The trouble of money in political affairs is thus generally acknowledged that even Donald Trump went for it. Money can buy an election. It is also a determinant whether one will win or else lose the election. It is related to the success of political affairs. As Trump has exposed the game by confessing that he offered cash to politicians to have favour with themHis achievement in election recommends the level to which citizens of the United States are tired with the money influence on political affairs. His campaign to be successful in the presidency seat needed money…

Importance of Showing Virtues to Others Virtues represent the character of an individual, in most cases used to determine the destiny of a person. Individuals who have realized the impact of practicing virtues have on their lives, and the lives of others enjoy a life filled with joy and fulfillment. Acceptance is a good virtue when interacting with others; it is good to accept people for who they are; people should never be judged. The right way of accepting others is by forgiving them and being contended with their actions (Chapman, 2020). An individual with an ideal character can be described to be a virtuous person. Virtues occurred naturally, but an individual need to nurture them until they become stable. Noble people will never misuse their morals in order to gain favours from other people (Chapman, 2020). many people do not understand what it takes to be a good person; this research study aims to understand when one individual benefits from the virtues of another individual. In many cases, people fail to appreciate that good character and virtues go hand…

Stephanie Oliksowycz   Buying or selling a home by yourself can be gruesome. You can either burn out in the process or have Stephanie Oliksowycz help you out. She is proficient in Spanish, has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (International Marketing) from Pace University, a licensed realtor and member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) since 2018. Her knowledge in business administration has empowered her to advise her clients knowledgeably. Her skills in marketing have enabled her to form highly valuable networks in realty. Besides, being a landlord since 2002 further decorates her wealth of knowledge and experience in the real estate business.   Stephanie has been in the service sector for the better part of her life. She worked in retail while in high school and while in college, and worked as a department head of a five-star hotel. In the wake of the September 11th terror attack, her hotel became a missing persons’ hub. Since they lost most of their clients in the towers, their clients reduced significantly, and her career ended.   Her experience in…

Assessment of Depression and Community Intervention   A depressed client would often manifest the condition in several ways, and hence, subjective and objective data would differ from one person to another. The essential objective data to assess from a client would be their temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, weight, height, and body mass index. It is essential to recognize that depression affects all the body systems concerned with the regulation of the given conditions. The subjective data to be screened from the patient would include pain episodes, sleeping problems, loss of appetite, reckless behaviour, and irritable behaviour. There are, ideally, various screening tools that can be used to assess a client with depression. This discussion would only consider PHQ-9, which is one of the screening tools that are currently being used across the globe. Researchers and clinicians often utilize the given tool to conduct individual assessments and for purposes of large-scale reports. The tool has been developed in line with the 9 symptoms of depression described by the DSM-IV framework. All the clinicians who have ever used it acknowledge that…

Cultural Pluralism Many atheists maintain that they do not believe in God because there is no evidence God exists. What is your opinion? I believe that God exists. The complexity of the universe shows that there is a deliberate Creator who created it and sustained it even to date. The universe had a beginning, and scientists only provide theories that cannot be proven ultimately. Do you think people who don’t believe in God or gods can live good lives? Why or why not? No. because they have to bear critics from the majority of religious people. Many people who do not believe in God are regularly consumed by fear that they may be following the wrong path because most people in the world identify themselves with a religion or God. Where do you think people who don’t believe in God or gods get their moral compass? People who do not believe in God get their moral compass from the law of the country they live in, from other people who do not believe in God, from the society, or from…

Complementary Partners Introduction Conflict is basically dissagrement between two or more parties basing on their opinions. Leaders are expected to play a very critical role in settling any possible conflict arising in the organization. Discussed below, are some of leadership traits,strategy to improve communication in work place and methods to motivate employees in a Labour market. All this aspect higly contribute effective running of an organization resulting in high production. Leadership Traits That Help Manage Conflict Empathy is the act of showing care for other persons and the willingness to help them. This Conflict resolution trait highly helps not only in peaceful solution but also make individuals understand and appreciate other individuals’ opinions and perspectives of life. That is different persons’ are able to humanize each other and bring greater understanding to any situation. Firstly, empathy can be used as a way of resolving conflict in the work place by becoming self-aware. Acknowledging that conflict in work place is normal phenomena and ought to be dealt with a lot of sound mind. The act of blame game which is oftenly…

Response to Debbie             Hello Debbie, your post is increasingly informative, especially on previous studies on the incidence of medication mistakes as well as the use of barcode scanners in the prevention of faults in the administration of drugs. In this line, I agree with you, and I have learned that there is a high prevalence of medication flaws, which adversely affect patients’ life. Findings from surveys indicate that over 1.5 million Americans suffer from injuries occasioned by medication faults (Frequency and Cost of Medication Errors, n.d.). Similarly, I am impressed by the fact that both of us have discussed the use of barcodes as a method of alleviating medication errors in the health organizations where we work. However, I would like you to clarify the efficacy of barcode scanners in the prevention of mistakes in the administration of drugs. Also, I would like you to elaborate on how a pyxis machine prevents medication faults. Reference Frequency and cost of medication errors. (n.d.). Response to Terri Hi Terri, your post is increasingly insightful. I can relate with your fear of…

Medication Errors and Patient Safety Even though several nursing issues and concerns exist in healthcare settings today, I have chosen medication errors due to their high prevalence and adverse effect on the patient, and sometimes on the nurse. Medication errors account for at least one death occurrence every day. About 1.3 million Individuals are annually reported to have been affected by medication errors in one way or another (Izadpanah et al., 2018). The issue has been ranked number one among the five patient safety concerns. Unfortunately, the problem has persisted even after the adoption and implementation of electronic health records. However, the fact that these issues can be prevented provides hope that such cases would be minimized. Medication errors are often caused by mistakes made by healthcare personnel. In order to eliminate such costly issues, nurses should incorporate an effective handoff communication strategy to prevent miscommunications that always result in errors. Physicians should equally strive to make accurate diagnoses upon which the prescription and administration of medication are based. The healthcare team should directly involve pharmacists in the treatment plan…

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