interview contacted professional registered nurses in Manhattan Hospital Introduction This excerpt represents the responses collected from a face-to-face interview contacted professional registered nurses in Manhattan Hospital. The main aim of the interview section was to gather ideas about the real-life work experience of a vocational registered nurse in the nursing industry. The respondents included five nurses; Mattie, Jordan, John, Mark, and Liz. The respondents hid their full identities for security purposes. Nature of the Interview The interview questions capture the day in the real-life experiences of a registered nurse. Some of the experiences express the components of the nursing career such as the income, the process of acquiring the position, the education level required in the national registration of nurses, and the expectations of the industry in future. The respondents also shared information that they deemed as critical to beginning or practitioner professionals in the nursing industry. Responses Mattie, John and Liz described their typical day as an 8-hour day, with additional hours of flexibility. A registered nurse typically delivers medication to patients as well as treatment and assessing the…

A Data Analysis on a Research Done On the Impacts of Corona Virus on Tourism, Trade and Companies Prior to the interviewing day, the CEOs of the chosen companies that deal with hotel and accommodation were contacted and asked if they would be willing to undertake the survey. Luckily all the six CEOs agreed to this. A well-drafted email was sent to each participant each containing similar questions. Under each question, we gave enough space for every participant in drafting their answers. For the data we got, 70% of the participants in the survey explained that coronavirus had brought business to a closure especially after the declaration made on international flights that served as a basis for their work. 30% claimed that they had appropriately prepared and stocked up their stores. They stated that business had not been so bad for them since they have the required essentials to serve their customers. However, they explained that if the coronavirus issue is not managed as soon as possible, it will shut down businesses. The research questions that were emailed to them…

Global Market Entry Exporting Exporting the product is one of the ways to enter the global market. Since sanitized doorknobs are an innovation that might prove valuable to many, directly exporting to potential markets will be low risk but high return venture. Agents will be employed to be the face of the product. Their duties are to source for orders from interested parties, which are directly serviced from the production company. The success of the product in one market would form the basis of marketing and supply to other direct referrals. Once the local market is saturated with the product, exporting is also a way to clear existing products that remain before venturing into more production. Direct Investment Direct investment is a way of expansion that follows high market demand. The direct investment would involve investing in a production plant, and marketing^ supplies office in an international location. Direct investment has a high initial cost but proves convenient, especially when faced with large scale orders. The company will consider having a hub per continent to start with, then expand according…

YouTube and the challenge to journalism Peer, L., & Ksiazek, T. B. (2011). YouTube and the challenge to journalism. Journalism Studies,12(1), 45‐63. This debate examines online broadcast to gauge whether this mode of the fourth estate departs from established journalistic norms. A gratified examination of YouTube data discloses that new content sticks to traditional production procedures. The authors discover that these more composed, comfortable proceedings are compensated with higher amount of views. Results are debated in the circumstances of the likelihood of a new agreed procedure and its ramification for the present and future state of the media. Bridges, J. A., Litman, B. R., & Bridges, L. W. (2002). Rosse’s model revisited: Moving to concentric circles to explain newspaper competition. Journal of Media Economics, 15(1), 3‐19. This study rethinks the canopy copy of competitiveness brought forward by Rosse in the 1970s, and bestows it to replaced state of affairs at the beginning of the 21st century’s print media market. It realizes that the arena is more fluid with distinct dissemination trends compared to the past. While the surface outlook of…

Public Works & Infrastructure Project – Part 3 Needs, Problems, and Opportunities Needs             The need to have the municipal water project arises from the fact that there is water scarcity in the area. The locals would spend so much money on buying water because they need it for their daily activities. Some vendors would take advantage of desperate people and sell water at extremely hiked prices. Sometimes the vendors did not have enough water to cater to all the people. Also, the water that the vendors provided was not necessarily clean, resulting in several water-borne diseases among those who did not treat the water. Therefore, there was a need to provide clean, affordable water that was safe for drinking. People would not only save the money they used to buy water but also the one spent to treat water-borne diseases. Problems             The major problem was the availability of funds to carry out the project (Goodman & Hastak, 2015). The cost of buying equipment and paying laborers seemed overwhelming. Finding a suitable piece of land to set up the…

EEOC Employee Protection Initiatives EEOC oversees the coordination and oversight of all employment policies, practices, and equal employment regulations at the federal level. This paper focuses on three of these cases revolving around sexual harassment, race, and disability discrimination in recent months. On the 18th of December 2019, Uber faced a sexual retaliation and harassment lawsuit. The EEOC Commissioner had filed the charges against the taxi-hailing giant in 2017. This lawsuit followed the emergence of evidence against uber on the claim that the firm permitted sexual retaliation and discrimination against female workers who complained about sexual harassment. Uber’s actions in 2017 violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Uber and EEOC entered into a reconciliation process that would see Uber pay a class fund of $4.4 million. On the 8th of July 2019, EEOC filed a lawsuit against Kroger for an alleged disability discrimination lawsuit. The case involved a Kroger employee with visual impairment. In this case, Kroger’s management fired Mr. Haugabrook because of his visual impairment despite his request for an aid to help the employee…



MEMOR Life exposes us to experiences, some of which are memorable, while others are difficult to remember. Some of the memorable moments are happy moments, while others are sorrowful moments; others are just neutral moments. I have discussed the life experience that I encountered, and I will always live to remember. It was on a Saturday evening when we decided to go out with my fellow college mates since it was on the weekend. This was meant to act as a moment of socializing and also having some break after a long and tiring week. We were all eagerly waiting for an out as we all loved outs. We all assembled at the place where we had all agreed to meet at the exact time that we had planned. All of us had gathered, and we started to move towards our destination. We were head to a particular waterfall. Due to the humid condition of the area around the waterfall, I wore my woolen jacket, which would offer the necessary warmth in the humid and cold atmosphere. All my friends…

Inside The Meltdown Documentary The documentary is indeed very well narrated to an extent one can even think that they are indeed part of it. Even though who were not there during the period when there was this economic meltdown, and the bursting of the market bubble will indeed appreciate the fact that this is indeed very informative. The issue role of policymaking and policy implementation of policies in the occurrence of the financial crises was indeed a huge factor in the things that were being seen. The decline by the Federal Reserve to give the loans to JP Morgan Bank was indeed a huge reason that perpetuated the continuous challenges and the systemic risks that the American economy was being subjected to. Other key interesting things were the issue of the volatility of investments. This is the case when it comes to issues such as mortgages. By the time the US congress leadership was being told of the dire situation, there was a need to manage it effectively to ensure that the public will not be able to understand…

Email to the contract cleaner From: Operations Manager email id To: Contract Cleaners email id Subject: Invitation to a meeting to discuss concerned areas Dear workers, This is to inform you that in Ozhouse Clean, the performance levels of contract cleaners have deteriorated. The residential customers have been complaining endlessly and therefore; I would like to set a meeting with everyone. The customers have already ceased to use the services, and this can be harmful to the reputation of the firm. In this meeting, I shall be discussing the ways in which every one of you can investigate the case and identify the service gaps. In this meeting, we will be focusing on improving the service levels and overall performances. I would like to conduct the meeting on 2.4.2020 at 5 pm, and I anticipate the presence of each one of you. I am hoping that this meeting will bear fruitful results in the long run. Regards, Operations Manager Conducting the meeting Date: 2.4.20 Time: 5pm The purpose of the meeting is to identify areas of concern and to use…



IFRs, IFRs, which in full is the International Financial Reporting Standards are a particular set of principles governing accounting. The board responsible for formulating the standards is the International Accounting Standards Board. These standards are the basic rules and regulations governing how the financial statement should be made. These standards promote transparency, consistency and similarity all over the world. The business thrives by having a common ground of understanding because they are equals, and some countries cannot claim that the standards have favouritism on other countries. The IFRs is their common language, so to speak (Australian Accounting Standards Board, 2015).  IFRs have been adopted globally by over 100 countries, which are commonly referred to as G20 jurisdictions. The G20 symbolizes a group of twenty, which is made up of 19 central bank governors and the European Union.  Major Asian countries are also part of the alliance. Australia is part of these countries and our main focus in this article. The board in charge of Australia is the Australian Accounting Standard Board (AABB) (Australian Accounting Standards Board, 2015). IFRs were first…

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