

Tension The tension between the individual and the community is depicted where the community is believed to be able to only sit on other coaches. In contrast, the whites sit on the other. It is seen that the individual is not allowed to speak up, and if they do that, it’s against the authority. The writer, the mother and the sister and told to move from the coach to the ‘coloured’ coach when the train is in motion. The mother’s writer tries to explain that they can only move to that sit once the train stops. It’s very evident that the third party, that is the author’s mother would love to solve this. She feels her children’s lives are in danger if she makes them move from that coach to the coach designed for them to sit on. She, therefore, tries to resolve the situation by agreeing to move to the designated sit once the train stop. This is a means she is using to help solve both ends. The conductor agrees and promises to signal the engineer to stop…

Should the U.S Return to a Gold Standard Introduction When a country opts to tie their money value to the amount of gold they possess is referred to as the gold standard unit. In this light, the citizens are required to present the paper money in the possession and be exchanged with an agreed amount of gold known as the “par value,” which helps to facilitate trade. The U.S abolished the gold standard trade-in 1973, and the motive to return to the use of gold standard have been delayed due to various reasons (Eichengreen,2019) Notably, the motive will be a constraint to the U.S government in managing the economy. In this case, in time of inflation, which needs to be restored by reducing the money in supply by increasing the interest rate will not be achieved. Similarly, during the recession periods, it will be challenging to raise the money supply by lowering the interest rates. This will limit government intervention, balance the budget as well as fiscal discipline enforcement (Nagin, Daniel, and Robert,130) Economic growth may be inhibited if the…

Iran and the Protection of Cultural Heritage Cultural heritage is considered an extremely important part of society. While this is taken very seriously in many aspects of one’s life, many disagree and fight against keeping cultural heritage alive. Because terrorists and traffickers highly target cultural heritage, it is important for the organizations involved in the “protecting cultural heritage” initiative to continue and pursue the resolutions that have been decided upon to keep cultural heritage protected and seen as an important part of life for many (Nurki, 2015). During the world war I, the cultural heritage of France and Belgium was destroyed, during the conflict, the cathedral of Rheims was destroyed. Several years later, after the world war, countries like Iran are still the destruction of their cultural heritage (Craig, 2014). This research paper aims to comprehend how far Iran has come with the resolutions they have taken to protect their cultural heritage and monuments. During a meeting that happened in Paris in 2016, UNESCO director and the president of Iran agreed on the role that culture plays in society, therefore,…

Reply to Mackenzie Differences in analyses According to Mackenzie, she analyzed the issue of the issue where a company focuses on making money using unethical ways that land them in trouble. She attributed this issue of unethical greed for money on the toxic leadership of a company. Just like the case of Volkswagen, the manager just wanted the company to make money without fail. She further explained the cause of a company fails where people are so selfish with their interests leaving the company in the wrong direction and also companies like being given incentives to facilitate work, which is not working in a Godly environment. She pointed out the verse which explains that nothing was done under the darkness that cannot be relieved, and also the lawyers should be vigilant in identifying issues in the company before going out by collaborating with excellent and transparent leaders in contrast to my analysis, I explained on how transparency, ethical culture, and communication is significant for an organization (Ho, 2018). I saw it was good for a company to have culture among…

what self-harm is, the factors that contribute to its occurrence, and the control measures Introduction The presentation conclusively demonstrates what self-harm is, the factors that contribute to its occurrence, and the control measures. The paper focuses on the mental health of adolescents and specifically dwells on cutting as one of the methods of self-harm. The prevalence of self-harm on different age sets is described to understand how age and self-harm correlate. The paper identifies the misuse of the internet as the leading risk factor and precursor to initiating or exacerbating self-harm. The impact of social support networks is explained to address its importance, how the lack of it may lead to individuals feeling isolated, and the effect it has when it is negative in nature. The organization of the paper begins first by definition of self-harm and outlines the objectives that are to be achieved by the analysis of the subject. The risk factor that causes cutting is then identified and explained. The misuse of internet and negative social support networks is then elaborated on with specification on the contribution…

Difference between Proprietary and Contract Security Services As a company or an organization expands, so must be its security level, and must be prioritized. In deciding on the type of security to use, either contract security or propriety security, it is important for an organization to consider its value in terms of assets, employees, and customers. It is the value of the organization that needs to be protected than anything else to avoid threats like vandalism, theft, or destruction (Walby, Wilkinson, & Lippert, 2016). The main aim of all business people or business organizations is to make a profit. But for this aim to be actualized, there is a sense in which those businesses must be protected from the aforementioned risks. For this reason, all business organizations tend to look for a security service that they deem as fit for their business after considering the type of their business, their security concerns, and above all, the advantages and disadvantages associated with each security service option. There are two main types of security service options that an organization can choose from;…

BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED FEATURE SELECTION AND TUMOR CLASSIFICATION USING ENSEMBLE CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKs (ECNNs)   5.1 OBJECTIVE             In general, diagnosing a brain tumour usually begins with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI shows there is a tumour in the brain; the most common way to determine the type of brain tumour is to look at the results from a sample of tissue after a biopsy or surgery. This study addresses the problems of segmentation and detection of abnormal brain tissues and healthy tissues. Processing of pictures used in the medical tools for the discovery of the tumour; only MRI images are not able to identify the tumorous region, improved semi-supervised clustering algorithm, and morphological based segmentation proposed for identification of tumour regions with preprocessing of image. Preprocessing performed by Median filter, and skull masking is used, followed by image enhancement using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). Then the tumour segmentation process has been performed by the Semi-Supervised Fuzzy C-Means (SSFCM) clustering algorithm. After the tumour area is segmented, then feature extraction is carryout by using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).…

Sale contract The contract of performance involves a buyer and seller of pizza dough, pizza toppings, soft drinks, and desserts. The usual orders from most companies are a standard 150 pounds, but this time Jerry’s pizza offered to buy 200 pounds. Once Jerry’s pizza signed the contract, it automatically became a legally binding document between the two companies. Dazzling Dough Company, who was the seller, deliver the goods as per the contract but of different quantities that were not stipulated in the contract. The buyer paid an amount less than the agreed amount as he felt that the seller breached the contract and was willing to sue the companies for remedies. On the other hand, the seller was willing to sue the buying for remedies. From the scenario, it is clear that there is a misunderstanding that was probably brought up by the language used in the contract. The first, despite that, is evident in the contract is the language used. The seller in the contract writes that 200 pounds are payable for the pizza dough, pizza toppings, soft drinks,…

The Attack on Pearl Harbor from the Perspective of Franklin D. Roosevelt             The Pearl Harbor Attack is one of the landmark events in U.S history, especially concerning the country’s foreign policy, its entry into WWII, and the complete end of America’s isolationism. While this attack was both a surprise and terrible to the Americans, it influenced global acknowledgment of the U.S as a Superpower country. This paper explores the entire event from President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s standpoint and how the congress’ avowal of warfare against the Japanese Empire confirmed America’s superiority on military capabilities. Also, this paper examines the motivators on the Japanese Naval and Air forces to attack all the pacific islands and especially the U.S Hawaiian military and naval base, Pearl Harbor. Thus, this paper focuses on the President’s Roosevelt’s view of this deadly and historic attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. The attack of the Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor attack concerns the historical invasion of the U.S military and naval base in the Hawaii islands by the Japanese army. This deadly attack happened on the…

Fraud in Medicare Facilities Q.1 Medicare is an easy mark for fraudulent equipment sales because people have failed to account for the authenticity of suppliers of the equipment (Blanchard 2015). No check is done on the genuineness of the patients’ conditions as well as checking how qualified the doctors are. Ghost services are services offered by people who have no enough knowledge about what they are doing. It’s mostly done by greedy people who want to access money easily without meeting the right and the required requirements. US healthcare system is vulnerable to fraud, waste, and abuse because of inadequate funding by the government, which leads to a lack of legal and administrative tools to available to the federal government. The presence of fee for service payment systems in the private sector and automated claims processing systems. Q.2 Different forms of excessive medical billing. Excessive services which are billing something more significant than what level of genuine care requires. This can apply for both services or items. Duplicated claims where the provider changes some portions to charge twice for the…

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