Nadine Burke Harris’s TEDx talk Nadine Burke Harris’s TEDx talk on how childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime points out how exposures to toxicities and adversities for children result in deteriorating their health as they grow. Harris asserts that childhood trauma dramatically increases the risk of 7 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the U.S.A. Also, high exposure to childhood trauma affects an individual’s immune system and is more vulnerable to heart attack and reduced life- expectancy (Harris, 2015).  Severe threats such as neglect and abuse, parents abusing substances, and mental issues affect the physiological of children. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), as mentioned by Harris, are common among the population. The more one is exposed to ACEs, the worse their health outcomes turn out in their adulthood life. Hepatitis, Depression, Lung cancer, as well as, skin and heart disease are all linked to high ACEs. In most cases, childhood trauma is regarded as a mental or social issue. However, for Harris, there is a scientific link between ACEs and the health outcomes for individuals as they…

Workplace Toxins Introduction Employees working in chemical industries are usually affected by chemicals produced. Although such organizations have health precaution measures, it is not sufficient enough to curb the effect. Employees get affected to the level that they cannot be able to work again (Dimoff, & Kelloway, 2019). This chemical effect may even paralyze the person affected to appoint where they cannot be able to handle even the simplest domestic job back at their home. The employer must take care of the affected employee so that they can be able to meet their basic needs as before. The employer gets affected just like the employee. It is very devastating for many employers from such companies to lose skillful employees due to health issues. Employers may be affected mentally due to the stress of having an organization employee getting sick (Dimoff, & Kelloway, 2019). Employees may also demand compensation due to the health and physical damages suffering as a result of chemicals form these organizations. Sometimes the employers may not be ready to pay the costs done to the employee as…

How to File for Uncontested Divorce Online If there is anything that couples would wish to keep off from their lives, it’s separating and becoming independent parties’ altogether.  This is one area in life that nobody would desire to ask for it unless it happens. However, if it comes along in life, then embrace it and move forward. Having a contested divorce is not only a messy affair, but it comes along with disappointment, heartbreaks, emotional pain, and even financial constraints. This is all because one is fighting to win a case that is highly contested, and it’s generally a win-win game in issues to do with child custody, child support, division of property and financial settlement. However, for the sake of the children, there is a need to sacrifice some of the painful issues and come up with a plan that will help the couples to end their marriage peacefully. It will  give the children a peaceful atmosphere even as the transit to the next life where they expect to live with one parent only. The best way then…



  trade Trading activity has been the order of the day in all countries. For a country to boost its economy, business is given a higher priority, and the country ensures that it promotes foreign trade. Usually, there are predefined standards in the international market, which are meant to ensure that goods manufactured by different countries can be easily integrated. During international trade, countries often value the monetary value of their products as this boosts the country’s currency. Therefore, it is prudent to mention that different countries relate through currency. International monetary relations encompass the range of institutions and habits the facilitate money to function in a global market. Often, international monetary relations are intertwined with power and national interests. This paper justifies international monetary relations, foreign exchange, and exchange rates. Also, the paper evaluates how currency depreciation affects trade balance. An international monetary system is defined as a set of regulations that have been internationally agreed upon, which support trade in an international scope (Andrews, 1994). Over the years, superpower nations have dominated the international market. This is because…

Vendor services Vendor services are required in almost every project. These services might still be available after the project is completed. This is the main reason for creating a service level agreement before beginning a project. A service level agreement is defined as an agreement between a client and a service provider. It outlines the roles of the client and the guidelines of the terms of services that are being offered by the vendor and the client. IT minimizes the chances for the occurrence of a disagreement or conflict between the client and the service provider that might have a negative effect on the project and its deliverables. SLA has become a very critical component for IT service providers. Its usage increased with the occurrence of IT outsourcing and is now widely used in many other areas such as general project management. They control or regulate the relationship between the external and internal clients and the service provider. Certain vital elements define a service level agreement. Owing to the probable conflict and disagreements, a service agreement should have, at the…

diverse and dispersed teaming As widespread as diverse and dispersed teaming is these days, leading a virtual team can be a challenge. This case study offers ideas on making the best of diverse and dispersed team structures. Virtual teaming, that is, working on teams whose members are not present in the same location, is a fact of our modern, globalized business world. Virtual (or diverse and dispersed) teams are prevalent not only in multinational companies with offices in different countries but also in academic and non-governmental institutions with bases across the world. In such team structures, members often have to communicate and collaborate with others who could be thousands of miles and many time zones apart. As widespread as diverse and dispersed teaming is these days, leading a virtual team can be a challenge. Team leaders need to account for not only practical matters such as scheduling across time zones, but also technical issues such as varying rates of connectivity and access to communication platforms. However, one of the most significant factors in creating successful collaboration among diverse and dispersed…

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