Progress Report on Chosen Topic The topic of focus in the report concerns the development of a database management system for Integrity Towing Services. This upcoming firm aims to transfer the management of customers’ data from a manual filing system to a database system. The project involves a presentation of a proposal to develop a database management system to achieve this objective. The database management solution for the firm aims at assisting it to define and control information for both individual and corporate clients. In this report, I have made progress in the achievement of an in-depth review and understanding of the technical needs of the company. Besides, I now understand the preferences of the management and members of the organization. I have used reviews of industrial data and data concerning the company to understand the particular needs and features that are necessary to incorporate in the data management system to ensure its effectiveness and value in meeting the needs of the company. This understanding represents an essential achievement in the project because it lays the ground for sufficient identification…

The virtual private network The virtual private network has a vital role to play in enabling a secure connection from one system to another over the internet. It ensures that security is guaranteed at all times, which means that the connection is only created between individuals and cannot be accessed by others who are not authorized to obtain access. VPN is an essential type of connection as it hides one’s identity, thus enabling secure connectivity. They can be used to access region-restricted websites while shielding one’s browsing activities from the public. The VPN, therefore, can be used to secure connections between one business to the other. They were created to create a secure connection that prevents unauthorized access while guaranteed security between those connected to it. Therefore, it is evident that the VPN is used when one wants to connect to another network securely over the unsecured internet. We cannot ignore the role that VPN plays in ensuring that there is a secure connection over the internet, and this is the reason why its use is growing at a significant…



HIPAA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a law that was passed in 1996 to protect patients‘ privacy on a national scale. As a way of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare system, the HIPAA incorporated Administrative Simplification provisions through which the HHS was expected to adopt national standards for security, unique health identifiers, and electronic health care transactions. During this time, Congress was keen enough to note that advances in electronic technology increased the possibility of health information falling into the wrong hands. As a result, incorporated provisions that necessitated the inclusion of the Federal privacy protections for health information, which could be individually identified, were incorporated into the HIPAA. In December of 2000, the HHS created a Privacy rule which aimed to protect an individual’s medical records as well as their personal health information by three types of covered entities; health care clearinghouses, health plans, and health care providers. The rule applies to all forms of health information, including written, electronic, and oral. It creates conditions that limit the use, accessibility, and disclosure…

Why Is Aluminum Fencing a Good Option? Aluminium panel fences are fast becoming one of the most popular fencing solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial needs for many reasons. If you’re looking for a fence for your home, pool, yard or business, take a good, long look at this increasingly popular product.   Why Is Aluminum Fencing a Good Option? Its installation is simple as the panels are usually light. It often’s shipped in assembled panels. The panels are attached to posts fixed into the ground during installation. It can be moulded in a variety of styles, notably the open picket style.   One of the reasons why aluminium is a good option is that it is maintenance-free. While initial costs of acquiring it might be slightly higher than those for wood and chain link, you will save in the long run. Wood requires regular painting and replacements. So it’s understandable why most people are going for alternatives such as aluminium.   Another benefit is its durability. Aluminium fencing is nearly indestructible, and because it doesn’t rust, it is an…

The need to value patient autonomy and integrity This practice helped me to understand the need to value patient autonomy and integrity, compassion, justice, non-malice, empathy, fairness, professionalism, and cooperation in the field of Pharmacy. When the patient discussed their interactions with pharmacists and their clients and with pharmacists, medical practitioners, and other health workers, I felt the need for more effective ethical relationships. In other words, regardless of position, the activity showed responsibility for the creation and accomplishment of mutual objectives. This encouraged me to use creative thinking to see new ways to achieve professional goals. It also revealed values and conduct that correlate to the faith that patients, other healthcare providers, and society have placed in the profession. Some of the patient’s symptoms include unconscious behavior, hypnogogic delusions, excessive sleepiness, and cataplexy. The man, when talking about his encounter with a pharmacist, seemed to have a medical condition that caused both strong emotion and humor, but was still aware of a sudden physical fall. The first step in mitigating their effect was to uncover the patient’s harmful behavior.…

What are the things you must know about the seven C’s of credit? There are many reasons for procuring loans from different investors in the market. Also, there are different kinds of loans that are available in the market to cater to every need of the individuals in the market. However, there are some keynotes to identify before taking any kind of no credit check loans from the market. Remember that any type of moneylenders available in the market would check your current as well as past credit histories thoroughly. Such an account lets them understand the potential of their clients to pay back the loan amount within the strict deadline. Hence, before you get into such credit loans, make sure to know the essential five C’s of credit. These are: Capacity Capacity refers to the ratio of the debt and income of the borrower in the market. In simpler terms, this one relates to the plans of the borrower, which he undertakes to repay the slick cash loan money to the lender within the deadline. Character While procuring any…

Data Integrity Scenario for the application being built in which a series of steps must be performed as a transaction rather than individually. The scenario involves transferring $50,000 from account X to Y while crediting each account with a 2% interest payment. As both transactions will be made at the same time, there is no telling which transaction will be executed before the other. Nonetheless, the outcome will be that the transactions follow one another serially. Accordingly, the steps for the transactions include beginning the transaction, making it active, and issue a READ or WRITE operation (Thakur, n.d.). After this phase, the transaction becomes partially committed. The recovery protocols are activated to ensure that the money transfer and crediting activities remain intact. The transaction can either be successful or a failure. If, for instance, the client cancels the money transfer the active state, the entire process goes back to the failed state. The aborted phase entails returning before the transaction took place, and the data is rolled back to the database. The last stage is the committed stage, which signifies…

Ethical obligations of a defense attorney Defense attorney plays a crucial role in defending the client. The defense attorney must discharge his duties or obligations with due diligence. Ethical and professional responsibility is of the essence of every defense attorney. The defense attorney has a moral responsibility for analyzing the available evidence to face the prosecutor. He should fully understand and internalize the facts, and all legal support theories to win the case for his client. Ethically, he should not disclose any evidence of his client to anyone whatsoever the situation. If information leaks, the client represented by the defense attorney may be prejudiced or disadvantaged and may be convicted. Secondly, the defense attorney has the responsibility of contacting and communicating with the client regularly. It is vital in case of any developments and gets informed at the right time. Conversation between him and the client should be kept confidential between the two of them only. Also, communicate with the client to understand the possible outcomes from the court to avoid gotten unaware. Furthermore, the defense attorney participates actively during…

Tegrity Presentation Rubric   Requirements of submission: Submit a URL that links to a Tegrity video presentation. For more information about using Tegrity, see these Tegrity resources. There should be an audio recording that goes along with the PowerPoint presentation in the same format and fashion as the one provided by the instructor as a video overview in Module One. Use Tegrity to create a voice recording along with PowerPoint slides (There is no requirement to show video during the presentation, but audio is required).   Presentation No. 1 should be 3–5 minutes in length. The presentation should include 3–5 PowerPoint slides documenting the idea, its value and uniqueness, and what problem it solves or need it meets.   Presentation No. 2 should be 3–5 minutes in length. It should include PowerPoint slides or other material to properly “pitch” the idea to potential investors. There are no specifications on how many PowerPoint slides to use, and you may also choose to show various websites or other resources using the Tegrity video screen capture tool to maximize the value and impact…

‘Living Old’ Movie  Looking at the “Living Old” movie, one gets astonishing statistics that indicate the number of older people in the community are rising in the modern world. There are nearly thirty-five million elderly individuals in the USA, above the age of eighty-five years. That’s surprising! The numbers show how elderly populations are increasing in the state due to the advanced technologies placed in medical-care and improved living standards, which results in raising life expectancy. The next thirty years will see their population rising to seventy million, representing twenty percent of the entire US population. Despite the great achievement in raising life expectancy among older people, there is another worrying trend of chronic diseases affecting them. Several individuals are affected by not only one chronic illness, but two or more at the same time. It takes doctors much time prescribing and diagnosing the elderly because many do not know how to describe the illness affecting them. Therefore, it entirely goes to the doctors themselves to make a precise diagnosis and assist in providing medication or treatment. The older adults…

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