Academic integrity Academic integrity means maintenance of honesty in studying and assessments. It is also the basis for making ethical decisions and behavior in the context of academics. Some of the values that inform academic integrity include trust, honesty, fairness, responsibility, courage, and respect. Any breach of Academic integrity is an academic misconduct or infraction. Academic violations are situations in which students seek to gain for themselves or assist others to gain an academic advantage through unfair means or deception. Violations that violate the student code of academic integrity include plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration and use illegal materials, aiding others to commit academic misconduct, falsification and impersonation. Plagiarism is the practice of using other people’s ideas or works and claiming them to be your own. Plagiarism occurs in two forms, unintentional and intentional. Unintentional plagiarism is due to naivety, lack of understanding of learned behavior that is acceptable or lack of care. Avoiding this kind of piracy is easy. Intentional plagiarism, on the other hand, is gaining academic advantage through paraphrasing or copying work done by someone else and claiming it…

What are some of the hands-on pluses of booking tours through travel agencies? Traveling is the new trend nowadays that anyone and everyone prefers. People are highly enthusiastic about tours and adventures nowadays that often involve adrenaline-pumping activities. Whether it is business travel, luxury travel, adventure travel, or solo travel, funding makes a significant necessity. However, if a tour is well planned, it does not have to be costly. It is all about planning smart and with the increase in travel rates among millenials, globalization of businesses and boosting business travels, and the demand for traveling has increased. Travel bloggers have also added on to the tourism industry significantly and this is precisely why it has become so much common today. If you are well aware of the nitty and gritty on how to plan your trip, it surely can be super pocket-friendly and effortless. So take a look! A large percentage of the travel agents are all-inclusive Well, this is one of the leading advantages when you are booking through reputed agents. You not only get to book the…

The Emergence of American Nationalism WORLD HISTORY The phrase ″The Emergence of American Nationalism″ is frequently used by some historians to describe a set of political and cultural trends in American History between 1815 and 1840. To what degree is this phrase appropriate? Discuss three examples/developments in American society or politics that can be cited as evidence, and evaluate their impact on the American ″character.″ ″The American Civil War was the first of the modern wars.″ To what degree do you think that this statement is true? In evaluating this assertion, consider the following elements: New technology (both on and off the battlefield), the rise of industrialized societies, and the increased democratization of societies. Support your answers with specific examples. Same rules and grading rubric apply for this as for the mid-term: Two essays(one file), about 3-4 pages each, at least three sources. Pay attention to spelling and grammar. Academic Integrity policy is in effect. The phrase ″The Emergence of American Nationalism″ is frequently used by some historians to describe a set of political and cultural trends in American History…

Information Systems Information systems are a type of software which are present inside a company. They are used to store data and process and distribute it inside the company. It also helps in maintaining and organizing huge data which is present inside the company. The data which is obtained by the company after conversion is used for decision making purposes. Components of Information systems Information systems contain mainly five components. They are mentioned below: Computer hardware: this is the physical portion of the information systems, and mostly contains computers as well as the peripheral devices of the computer (like a mouse, keyboard) Software: it is the part which gives order to the hardware to carry out a task. They can be of two types: application software and system software. The system software is mainly responsible for the working of the hardware. Application software is responsible for carrying out a specific set of function. Telecommunications: this is the part which connects the computer systems with each other. This connection is called a network. It can use wired means or wireless means…

“En el Fondo del cańo hay un negrito“ “En el Fondo del cańo hay un negrito” by Jose Gonzalez describes relevant concepts of poverty. The story, loosely translated as “There’s a Black boy at the bottom of the pipe,” provides significant concerns about the challenges of the Black society. In analyzing the story, Jose addresses the hope of overcoming poverty in the Black community. Gonzalez uses Macarin’s story to depict the deplorable state of a community. Macarin sees his reflection at the end of the pipe. He smiles at his reflection and waves at it. However, the child has not eaten for almost two days. His father asks about his milk, but the mother informs him that Macarin has not taken any meal since the previous day. From the story, this aspect symbolizes the poverty the people feel, yet other individuals live in luxury. The author has used urban spaces to describe the sharp contrast between the rich and poor. For instance, Macarin’s father views cars moving through the area into the city. They live at the shores of the…

Progress Report Introduction In its last meeting, the Board decided to scale up the database design process and incorporate components into the new system that are important to the organization. The development of this new system and thus the creation of a database management system that is unique to the organization is critical for the improvement of data consistency in its manipulation, collection, and distribution across the company’s operational structure without incurring additional costs or risks. As per the Board’s request to prepare progress reports on the development of the database system, the following progress report lays out essential elements and highlights the progress made to incorporate these elements as crucial components of the new design. More importantly, the report also outlines various steps and measures required as living instruments for up-to-date reviews and adjustments in a bid to improve the functioning of the new design system in line with the National Investment’s needs and business environment Work Completed To date, I have a clear understanding of the company’s needs. Using sample data I received on inquiry during the initial…

 motivated and detail-oriented corporate solicitor As a highly motivated and detail-oriented corporate solicitor, I happily submit my application. I am instrumental in performing my tasks and well vast with legal experience of over four years. I am flexible with adept leadership and problem-solving skills and high regard for work ethics and integrity. The position at hand will take advantage of my course work skills and years’ experience in offering cutting edge services and initiating contracts with clients on board. I am passionate about my career; thus, my communication skills and presentation skills are above reproach. In my previous capacities, I successfully managed to implement high priority transactions and by exceeding the deadlines. My time management skills and enabled me to maintain a reduced delivery time by 30%, which helped me to handle more clients satisfactorily sufficiently. I am keen to acquire new knowledge, thus engage in vast research to build my intellectual capacity and take care of more contracts. I am creative, innovative, and highly enthusiastic about my ability to offer moral and intellectual guidance to upcoming associates and, more…

how to create tables in Microsoft Access OBJECTIVE The primary objective of this assignment is to help you learn how to create tables in Microsoft Access. By completing this assignment, you will be able to gain DBMS skills such as (1) setting up table structures and field properties and (2) establishing table relationships. You will also gain familiarity with DBMS concepts such as (1) primary and foreign keys, (2) one-to-many and many-to-many relationships, (3) a relationship table (i.e., a bridge entity), (4) referential integrity, and (5) a REAL diagram.   COMPANY BACKGROUND Almost a year ago, Linda was approached about an idea for a new business venture by one of her college pals, Jim. Jim had been considering starting a merchandising business to distribute various table tennis products to schools, private clubs, and individual players in the Midwest area of the United States. Jim asked Linda to fund the initial investment to establish the company, uSPiN, and purchase some inventories. Jim works for Linda as the business manager handling purchases and sales. Linda is responsible for the office administrative tasks…

AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT This assignment will require watching: PBS Frontline: Divided States of America (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. This is a two part documentary that is approximately 4 hours in length. This assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate that you thoroughly understand key course concepts from our course well enough that you can apply and connect them to this documentary. Your responses should be original and do not try to answer these questions by doing Google searches, using Wikipedia, going to the documentary website and copying or paraphrasing someone else’s ideas. This is not a group project and you must submit your own individual responses to these questions. [unique_solution]In short, be very mindful of the academic integrity policy found in the course syllabus and please consult with me if you have any questions. 1) Identify five specific definitions, concepts, or themes from our textbook or in-class projects that are evident in the film and then explain how they connected to the documentary. You should first define the definition, concept or theme and then fully explain…

Introduction Research integrity highlights the need for researchers to adhere to the ethical principles of professional standards required for responsible practice. This aspect has elements of both moral character and experience (Jambawo, 2018). Besides, research integrity is significant because it creates trust, which is the heart of the research process (Ketefian, 2015). Researchers must be able to trust each other’s work so that they can also be trusted by society since they provide expert knowledge on issues that impact people’s lives. Steps Taken The first step taken is to advise my classmate on the need to cite his or her work correctly. I will tell my colleague that the citing of the Evidence-Based Project Draft (EBPD) shows that you have done adequate research by listing the sources where one has gotten the information. This approach can act as a reference, especially to those who would wish to verify the authenticity of the information (Ketefian, 2015). Besides, I will inform my colleague that by appropriately citing one’s work, you give credit to the scholars and researchers by acknowledging their ideas. The…

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