Integrity Issues in Telecom The United States did not jump too soon on the case of COVID-19. Instead, people are becoming more concerned about the illness because of its ease of spread. Initially, there were few cases in other parts of the world outside China (Chen et al., 2020). However, with the significant rise in infections of the disease in Europe and the US in recent weeks, there has been a wave of panic among people in the US as they know that they, too, are susceptible to getting infected. Therefore, they are inclined to taking more protective actions that are bound to prevent them from getting the disease. The public, however, needs more information regarding how the disease is infected and the fact that it can be diagnosed and treated. However, such information does not necessarily mean that people should become careless. Instead, they need to follow the recommendations provided for disease control while at the same time remaining calm about the entire situation (Cho, 2020). The process will enable them to be effective both in terms of protecting…



Cybersecurity Introduction Cyber security is a body of process, practices and technologies designed to protect devices, networks, data and programs from damages, attacks or unauthorized access. It may also refer to the security of information technology. The military, corporate, financial, and medical and government body’s process, collect and store exceptional amount of informations on their computers and electronic devices. Most of the data stored is sensitive and it might include intellectual properties, personal information, financial data and other type of information, which if exposed or falls in the wrong hands, could cause a lot of damage. Organizations usually transmit enormous amount of data across networks during business transactions. Cyber security is therefore the discipline that is dedicated to protect that data and the systems used to store and process it. In the recent past, there have been rise in volumes of erudite cyber-attacks. Thus, organizations tasked to protect information that is related to health, financial records, or national security have to up their game and protect personal and sensitive business data. Digital spying and cyber-attacks are now considered as a…


Tom Weylin

Tom Weylin Tom Weylin took an instant disliking to Dana because she talks like she was too educated, and she came from a free state. According to Nigel, the master did not want niggers talking better than he did or giving other slaves the idea that they could be free. Slaves were supposed to be uneducated. Slaves were supposed to be inferior to their masters, and Dana seems to be educated, unlike the others. For Tom, this was a red flag since he had other slaves, and Dana may influence them. Margaret Weylin strongly disliked Dana and resorted to verbal and physical violence because Dana had spent the night in Mr. Franklin’s room. Margaret considered her house a Christian household, and Dana being a woman spending the night in a man’s room, sent the wrong impression. Margaret did not know much about Dana, and this is not something she liked. Rufus Weylin is a needy child who is always getting himself in tough situations requiring him to be rescued. He tries to exert his dominance on Dana as he is…

Honesty and integrity in research Introduction Ethics is a set of rules that govern our behavior and how we expect others to act. While there exists a broad agreement of the ethical values, there is a vast difference in the interpretation of how these values should be put into practice (Lewis and Graham, 2007). Research ethics govern how scientific research is performed and disseminated in research institutions such as universities, colleges, among other places (Gheondea-Eladi, 2017). Honesty and integrity is a fundamental ethical value since it entails demonstrating that the methods, data, and research design have been reasonably and truthfully stated to avoid misleading the readers. Steps to Address the Issue One of the steps that I will take to address the issue is first to empower my colleague on the need to uphold honesty and integrity while undertaking an evidence-based practice (EBP). I will inform him that it is a mistake to make up data, not citing the research correctly, unreasonably extrapolating results, among unethical practices. The essence of research is to form a body of knowledge that can…

Can You Use A Random Orbital Sander On Hardwood Floors? If you want your hardwood floors to maintain a gleaming finish, the latter may have to be redone a few times. Fortunately, this task need not break the bank – in fact, you can complete the entire refinishing process yourself. For the best results, however, you will need to know the most efficient tools to use, as well as the amount of work your floor will require. If you are uncertain how to make this assessment yourself, you may need to contract the work of a professional.   Choosing the right sander will mean that you are at least halfway there. Signs Your Floor May Need Refinishing You will need to be sure that your hardwood floors would be best improved by a refinishing rather than more extensive work. Warped, squeaky and cupped floors will generally need much more than a bit of sanding, smoothing and polishing. In fact, you may have to replace some of the wood, as it could be partially damaged. You can usually do this assessment…

Mitigating maritime security threats The United States is composed of more than 100000 miles of the border, indicating the essence of limiting the illegal entry of persons and contraband goods. To mitigate the nation from maritime security threats, the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 implements a framework describing safety regulations in ports and employee selection. The SAFE Port Act addresses the fact that 93% of the deferral border is sea navigable, and terrorist cells could exploit the lack of preparedness and smuggle contraband items. Laws and strategies are essential such as the Small Vessel Security Strategy in conducting searches of marine bound vehicles (Weiss, & Davis, 2005). In the process of enhancing maritime port operations, the great lakes region ought to increase coordination in the identification and to prevent marine security threats. The great lakes navigable waters is a source of illegal narcotics smuggling and logistics a classified coast guard intelligence attack of possible 26 suspected Islamic terrorists The SAFE Port Act Security measures in maritime activities include training of employees on sources and nature of security threats as…

  UNITED HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION I; How are you? Friend: I am fine. What about you? I: I am fine, thank you …. Okay…I am… I am here to conduct a little analysis of the United Homeowner Association-which I believe you are a member. Right? Friend: Yeah, that true. I am among the members of the organization, carrying various activities in the organization. I; What derived you to joining the America Homeowner Association, and what are the various benefits of the association? Friend: One of the significant reasons why a joined the homeowner association is due to its numerous benefits. Members of the association can gain huge benefits, which are hard for non-members to access. Let me mention a few of the benefits associated with the homeowner association Protection of the community property values. One of the fundamental jobs of the HOA is to help protect the network’s property estimations by managing the support and upkeep of the individual units just as the grounds. One, the arranging and recreational territories are very much dealt with; at that point, the properties are…

organizations worldwide use cryptography in different ways Most organizations worldwide use cryptography in different ways to ensure they have enough protection for their data. Cryptography is a method of writing and storing data in a way that can only be accessed by those who need it and hide it from others for security reasons. Companies use cryptography to ensure there is secrecy in their data storage. Storage encryption is the application of cryptographic styles on information while in storage files. Confidentiality in storage is kept by storing data in coded forms. Organizations design their computer systems in a way that a user has to provide at the beginning of a session to get access to the information. The system itself ensures there are proper encryption and decryption throughout the period in use. Other companies have some hardware devices that are used in personal computers to encrypt the data in the disk. The data can only be accessed when an individual provides the right key; otherwise the information will be useless when an individual steals it (Kim, 2016). This approach helps…

Public key cryptography Public key cryptography is a form of encryption that uses two keys, which include the public and private keys. It is referred to as the most secure form of encryption and helps in securing data and information from unauthorized access. This form of encryption has a public key that is most shared and can be accessed by anyone who wants to share information. The private key, however, is stored and known by the owner of data. Data is converted into a random form that is unreadable, thus making it hard for those who don’t have the key to making sense out of the data or information until they have another key that is private to be able to see the content of data. One key which is the public is used in the encryption process whereby data is converted into cipher, which is the unreadable form, and the private key is used in the decryption process. The two keys are mathematically related; however, they are not the same. The public key is freely available, making it easy…

FIFA : bribery and favoritism Leaders and employees have to conduct themselves with dignity to ensure harmony within a firm. According to research, nearly 40%of employees around the globe believe that their various organizations have a weakness in one or more areas of moral weakness (Transparency International, 2015). Organizations around the world do not fully comply with the required ethical standards. However, some organizations try to incorporate appropriate measures to mitigate the weak moral points both in and out of the entire organization. FIFA is one such organization that is currently struggling to create the right image after numerous cases of unethical conduct within its premises. The main issue at FIFA is bribery and favoritism. In 2015, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) disclosed fraudulent actions within the world football governing body. The unethical doings were involving the top leadership of FIFA. DOJ issued a 164-page document as an elaborating on the fraudulent bribery in the organization that totals to nearly $150 million. The DOJ made arrests of sixteen officials of FIFA at a Swiss hotel in 2015 (Labiba,…

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