Cultural and Ethnic Studies After reading “Is Yellow Black or White” by Gary Okihiro, it is evident that Asian Americans, just like other racial and ethnic minorities in the United States, continue to suffer from racial oppression and discrimination owing to the binary racial schema and hierarchy in society. First, Asian Americans have been historically classified as Blacks because they share a history of oppression in America. Traditionally, African Americans and Asian Americans served as sources of slaves and cheap labor, respectively, were increasingly absorbed or excluded from the white-dominated system, and were victims of mob terror and Jim Crow rule. However, the latter should enjoy more rights and freedoms because they arrived as paid workers and not slaves, but the bi-racial classification system disregards this vital difference. Second, Okihiri claims that Asian Americans are treated the same as African Americans because they have a similar history of colonization by the Europeans. As a result, whites consider themselves superior thus cannot enjoy the equal rights and freedoms with racial and ethnic minorities, and this explains why the bi-racial divide persists…

Vengeance and Forgiveness in Shakespeare’s the Tempest The Tempest, at the surface level, is a story of Prospero, who is an exiled Duke of Milan. Prospero is a character that is at the center of the Tempest. Within the play, he has a lot of action and the last work. The book revolves around Prospero’s search for revenge against the people who overthrew him. He is seen as an all-powerful, all-knowing, God-like character who has power over the island and could easily destroy his enemies in a variety of ways (V.i.1). Instead of destroying them, he chooses to bring them face-to-face with their mistakes forcing them to repent. He later forgives them and allows them to marry his daughter. In the book, it is clear that forgiveness is heartfelt and real and shows the author’s need for a humanist future where bigotry and religious hatred can be transcended. In the Tempest, Prospero tells his daughter Miranda as they are watching the storm from a shelter on the island of how he was once the Duke of Milan, but he was…

HAPPINESS IN EVERYDAY LIFE             Among many factors which bring meaning to human life is happiness, a feeling that is rare in human life because of many ups and downs which people must go through in everyday life. However, for those who have embraced happiness in their lives have always testified of what it means to have a fulfilling life (Parks, Della, Pierce, Zilca & Lyubomirsky, 2012). One unique feature with happiness is its timelessness and endurance regardless of the circumstances. Failure to appreciate the role of endurance in order to live happily has made many people to live miserably. To describe happiness in words has been a challenging endeavor because it can only be felt, but of much importance for leading a good life. People have different opinions on happiness, with some believing that happiness can be found in money and good relationships yet others feel elated when succeeding professionally. Contrally to what many people belief, that happiness is a feeling that just happens in human lives, Erber & Erber (2014) proved the notion wrong by quoting that happiness…

What are the top essential things to know about the mulch We all are quite lucky to have pets in our life. They are the little furballs that fulfil our lives with joy and happiness. No matter how hard the day was, a lick and a wag make it all worthwhile for us. No doubt that we all the pet owners love to splurge on getting the best products for the welfare of our furballs. The seasons are changing, and so is the range of temperatures around our babies. The constant rise in the heat and thus, one needs to keep a check on the activities of their pets. It is no wonder that the garden activities would be rising in the upcoming season. About Mulch According to the studies, the word “mulch” comes from “molsch,” which means something soft and is on the verge to decay. The garden area around the residential houses have lots of such decaying debris lying around during this time. The fur babies love to play around these areas and tend to consume these from…

The Cognitive Theory of Depression             The cognitive approach of abnormal behavior is relatively modern and focuses on how people think, assuming that our behavior is affected by our thought processes. The model, supported by the works of Aaron Beck, George Miller, Ulrich Neisser, and Albert Ellis, was developed due to the failure of the early behaviorists in acknowledging feelings and thoughts. It illustrates the significance of cognition in understanding behaviors, ideas, and emotions, and in psychopathology, the tendency of people to create their problems depending on their interpretation of events they experience in their environment (Beck, 2002). Cognitive theorists propose distorted judgments and thoughts lead to depression. Therefore, any individual suffering from depression thinks differently in comparison to people without depression. The focus of this paper will be to demonstrate the causes and symptoms of depression based on the cognitive theory by different behavioral theorists. There are different variations by behavioral theorists on the cognitive way of thinking. Aaron Beck explains that negative thoughts due to dysfunctional beliefs are the leading cause of symptoms of depression. He further analyses…

Happiness             Happiness is a fundamental emotion in people’s day to day lives. Happiness is a feeling of joy and contentedness. People seek happiness since it brings forth meaning to life. Everyone is in pursuit of happiness in his or her way. Different things make different people happy. What makes an individual happy may not be the same thing that makes another person happy. Happiness is not measurable and cannot be traded. Happiness is a positive state of mind, whereby one feels satisfied with his or her life, and is aware of things that make him or her happy, and it is also a choice that people have to make to remain happy continuously. Happiness is the main goal of people’s lives. People do everything within their means to get or to remain happy (Chittister, 2011). Some people find hobbies, and others build relationships while others choose to carry out certain activities to be happy. Every individual has their version of happiness. One has to be aware of what makes him or her happy to pursue happiness. Some people misunderstand…

happiness didn’t last long ‘But this happiness didn’t last long, here was a son of the commander Surya Sen, whose name was ‘Avanindra, when Avanindra grew up, he came to know the meaning of his name, he thought that he is the only Lord of this Universe, ‘Avanindra declares himself the king of the whole kingdom, ‘But Avanindra arrested by his father Surya sen, ‘Who was the commander of this state, ‘And very loyal to me, ‘Surya sen took Avanindra captive, ‘But I left Avanindra and expelled him because Avanindra was evil but his father Surya sen who was also my commander, ‘Suryasen was so loyal. ‘And No matter what the son is, ‘The father can’t see his son’s sorrow. I saw the pain of Suryasen and donated the life of Avanindra, and expelled gave out Avanindra from Country. ‘But fate had something else approved, ‘After a few years, ‘Avanindra brought a large Demon army and subjugated our kingdom, ‘First of all, he killed his father, Suryasen, ‘Saying Mihir stops. ‘Dev is shocked to hear the words of King Mihir’…

Religion, Spirituality and Happiness             Human beings have sought happiness for as long as they have been in existence. Unfortunately, happiness has not been coming along. The aspects within which human beings have been seeking happiness are not genuine, and disappointments have always been coming up. For example, human beings have been going after money and earthly possessions, thinking that happiness will be obtained. Unfortunately, the insatiability nature of possessions continues to woe human beings as they seek more sources of happiness. Religion has appeared as the most credible source of happiness as people get the freedom to base their happiness on the strength of their faith. Religious and spiritual people tend to be happy than the unreligious ones, whether or not they are faking happiness, but faith takes away the unhappiness associated with have no beliefs. The purpose of this paper is to assess the association between religion and spirituality and the happiness level of an individual. Religion and spirituality are based on social service and interaction. Human beings are social beings who find happiness in being together and…

Annotated bibliography: Three types of Happiness Khazan, Olga. “The Three Different Ways To Find Happiness.” The Atlantic, 2019, In the article, momentary happiness experiences Olga discusses the three types of Happiness. The author claims that lessons should be bought and not things. He adds that the joy of experiences start before these experiences begin. Moreover, the author claims that skills are essential, for they provide both anticipatory and afterglow Happiness (Khazan, 2019 n.p). Again, the author argues that obtaining new things evokes a positive jolt. He says that music and frame also play a critical of generating Happiness. The author quotes various scholars’ claims on the topic of Happiness. He uses Weldman and Dunns’ quote. it goes, “Material purchases have an unsung advantage in that they provide more frequent bouts of momentary happiness in the week after they are acquired.” Fobelová, Daniela. “Ancient desire for fragile happiness.” Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie/Politechnika Śląska (2017). In the article, ancient desire for fragile Happiness by Fobelova Daniela, critically highlight the topic of Happiness. The author answers question on the differences in the contemporary…

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin “The Story of an Hour” is a short fiction story by Kate Chopin. The story is all about the concept of the women logging to have their freedom. Kate Chopin introduces the story by the news about the death of Louise Mallard’s husband. Louise is heartbroken by the story at first and goes upstairs to console herself. The cloud of bitter emotions surrounds Louise and keeps weeping for some time (Chopin, 1). Mrs. Mallard thinks about how she would feel when she sees Brently’s corpse. After sometimes, she thinks her future on how she would be free, meaning that she would not under the rules of her husband anymore. Mrs. Mallard is finally seen happy not because her husband is dead, but because she would be independent for the rest of her life. Later in the story, Brently is found not dead, and the news makes Mrs. Mallard collapse and die. The doctors state that the heart attack was because of excess happiness. Kate Chopin has used several literary devices, including symbolism,…

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