Buddhism and Confucianism Confucianism is a religion whose beliefs are based on social philosophy, etiquette, and ethics. On the other hand, Buddhism is a religion that focuses on instilling good karma, getting spiritual enlightenment, and breaking the cycles of reincarnation. The striking difference between Confucianism and Buddhism is that Confucianism focuses more on respecting peoples’ positions in society, while Buddhism heavily focuses on religious enlightenment. Confucianism and Buddhism ethical themes Four main ethical themes are identified with Confucianism. They include respect for seniority and autonomy and beneficence. Other moral values associated with Confucianism are non-maleficence and justice. On the other hand, Buddhism is based on three ethical values, namely virtue, good conduct, and morality. All these form one of the three Buddhist practices known as Silla. Similarities and differences between Confucianism and Buddhism There are several striking similarities between the two traditions. Firstly, both traditions practice worship in temples. Secondly, the two cultures were founded by individuals. Confucius founded Confucianism while Buddha founded Buddhism. The other similarity is the presence of Buddha in the two traditions. Just like the Buddhists,…

 Shinto and how it is comparable to other societies to gain insight into the underlying essentiality Introduction Shinto has for ages been deemed as a critical aspect of Japanese religion that leads to their uniqueness and promotion of individuality. As an element that spans the societal, religious breadth, it has become a defining cultural element of the Japanese people. The global awareness of Shinto became extensive after World War II with the foundations of behavior, respect, and worship. Hence, the Shinto bears the unmistakable features of an essential religion that entails the worship of nature, the rulers, and taboo against the Kegare (Impurities). Throughout the evaluation of mythology, it is apparent that some features are similar to the different religions, myths across the globe. From the Jews to Europeans and the Iranians, it is clear that the Shinto has some features embedded in the different regions. Therefore, at the core of this paper will be to review the Shinto and how it is comparable to other societies to gain insight into the underlying essentiality. Japanese Shinto tenets The Japanese Shinto…

Paper deta ils: The quote is an extraction from the Heart Sutra.The Heart Sutra is one of the most popular Sultra in Mahayana Buddhism. It is also called the Heart of Perfection of Wisdom. In this Sutra, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is addressing Shariputra, who was one of the historical Buddha disciples.This extract is one of the earliest lines of the Sutra. In it, Avalokiteshvara discusses the five skandhas which, according to research, they are form, sensation, discrimination, conception, as well as consciousness (Nhat,2). According to the bodhisattva, the skandhas are empty, which means that they have been freed from any suffering. Emptiness in the Sutra context means a foundational doctrine in the Buddhism of Mahayana. However, despite being a foundational doctrine, it is the most misunderstood in all Buddhism. Most of the people in Buddhism believe it means nonexistence of anything which is not the case. The teachings of heart Sutra are subtle and profound, and as such, it is impossible to understand them completely. There are about 40 Sutras, and Heart Sutra is just a part of the collection (Nhat,p.29).…

Empirical Study    Introduction This article focused on students’ levels of spirituality and how it may have an impact on their thriving. The researchers sought to understand the experiences of participants concerning their thriving, and how each participant’s institution and its programs, staff, and faculty may have influenced the increase or decrease of thriving during the semester. According to this article, the goal of faith-based institutions is teaching holistically for the students to function as a whole. This article used a mixed-method phase of a longitudinal sequential explanatory study of changes in thriving over the course of one semester from interviews with 23 students on five faith-based campuses. This article somewhat supported my topic in terms of how faith contributes to students’ engagement; however, this article did not specify whether the students were predominantly monolingual or students from other countries who speak different languages. This study had many limitations; the review was at a faith-based institution, which the authors suggested for further research to include non–religious private and public institutions and longer longitudinal. To analyze the data, the researchers used…

Moving to Norway Slide 1 – Moving to Norway Hello, I’m Student Name Here and thank you for joining me for today’s presentation.  I’m excited to announce that in a few short weeks I will be moving to Norway, specifically the Western Norwegian Fjords area.  While I know this will be a change from North American Core that I have grown to know and love, the move to Northern Europe will provide me opportunity to immerse myself in the culture, traditions and environment of Norway that I’m sure I will quickly adapt to.  I wanted to take this opportunity to speak with all of you about the similarities and differences of the regions, and why this move is so important to me, both personally and professionally. Slide 2 – North American Core Region I thought it might be nice for us to start with what is familiar, and I’m sure you all recognize the areas of this map.  Here we have what is known as the North American Core Region.  You can see noted the cities of Boston, New York,…

Japanese cultural elements in Hayao Miyazaki’s anime Background information on Japanese cultural heritage   Japan is considered to have a rich and unique cultural heritage. Nations around the globe are being highly influenced and buying into Japanese pop culture. Anime in Japanese setting refers to a particular aesthetic technique involves specific stories and characters and kinetic art. Anime is Japan’s most diverse culture export, as it includes a variety of methods, genres, and themes (Poitras, 2014). In the modern era, the universal importance of anime has brought up ways of reaching several target audiences. It is, therefore, possible to provide a visual taste of Japanese contemporary life. People outside Japan who are interested in learning more about Japan’s cultural history watch their anime. They are, therefore, able to get a better grasp of Japanese culture, as is illustrated in particular anime (Yoshioka, 2014). In spite of the heavy influence hailing from the western side of the globe, Japan has remained firm in its practices, culture, food, clothing, and etiquette. The socio-cultural connotation of anime depicts a consistently changing pattern that…

What would Hobbes say about Ricci’s mission?             Man leaves in nature where one decides on his own .This is how Hobbes see Ricci’s mission. This is how Hobbes see Ricci’s mission. “Man do not believe in serving the Lord of Heaven since it is serving something they cannot see instead they are busy reading and considering all teaching and what man has written.it is complicated if one fix his mind and faith on the knowledge of fellow human beings it becomes unclear to determine direction to follow.” Humanity is equated with love in the five cardinal relationships one may like good and evil man Evil is unlovable but in bad man we also can find goodness, in the world everyone is lovable. Man loves the lord of Heaven and in consequence loves other (Hobbes, p. 14). “When man comes to realization that it is on account of the Lord of heaven then he show love to everyone. With love man can change is evil to goodness”. This is how Hobbes see Ricci’s mission. According to the author there are…

Mongolia Empire Mongolia Empire was the largest land empire in the history of Europe. The empire existed between the 13th and 14th centuries. The empire extended through Eastern Europe and some parts of Central Europe to the Sea of Japan. The empire was established through a merging of various nomadic communities in ancient Europe. Its first and most influential leader was Genghis Khan. Khan was proclaimed as the leader of the empire by a council during the year 1206 (Ma, 2019). The empire experienced rapid growth and development over the years under his leadership and that of his defendant. The empire easily conquered and defeated almost all armies of the time. This paper is a discussion of the history of empire and its impact on the entire Europe and neighbouring. Thesis: The Mongolia Empire had a significant effect on agriculture, politics and economy of the whole of Europe and the Surrounding. The mention of Mongol attacks was one of the most dreading fears in Europe. The Mongol expanded their empire by use of swift and decisive attacks on the neighbouring…

The Epitome of Unity in Diversity ‘Unity in diversity’ is what describes the incredibility of India. The land of millennium-old civilization is an example of a perfect conglomeration of religions, cultures, heritage, and remarkably-diverse destinations to visit. Any itinerary expectation can be met with precision in India, offering the best experiences. From the snow-capped Himalayas to archipelagos Guarded by the mighty Himalayas in the north, the Indian Ocean in the south, the Arabian Sea in the west and Bay of Bengal in the east, India is the 7th in area and 2nd in population in the world. From bustling cities to tranquil forests, amusement parks to pristine falls, stretched serene beaches to archipelagos, you will discover an incredible India on the way. Socio-economic Development: A seven-decade journey India got her independence on 15th August 1947 and freed herself from the shackles of colonial rule. Despite suffering from two severe blows of World Wars and the unruly regime of the British Empire, India got back on her feet. The socio-economic progress of India as a 3rd world country is remarkable. Within…

visit a Buddhist temple We managed to visit a Buddhist temple on Monday, December 2nd. The temple, located in Geneva, was constructed by a small group of people originating from Sri Lanka in 1992. Warnasena Rasaputram, Sri Lanka’s ambassador at United Nations at that time, among other people, are also recognized for their support in helping set up the temple. A large sign welcomes people at the entrance, informing them that they are now in a Buddhist Center. A beautiful garden surrounds the building, and there is a Buddhist statue as well as a Stupa, indications of a Buddhist temple. The temple is comprised of three rooms, a library, a room to welcome all faithful, and one for the Monks. Our guide was kind enough to enlighten us on a few beliefs about the Buddhist religion. I was intrigued to learn that Buddhists do not believe in a superior being, but rather believe in self-enlightenment. Buddha translates to “enlighten,” and according to their beliefs, when one attains eternal peace, he or she experiences Nirvana. The guide went on to say…

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