Noah Shachtman in “enlighten engineer” Meditation has been in existence for a long time and is usually associated with Buddhism and eastern Asian cultures. Mindfulness, on the other hand, is a meditation technique involving attendance of the present time without making judgment or reference on the past or future. Recently meditation has been adopted in western culture as a way to ensure peace of mind and handle various life situations. Tech companies in Silicon Valley are also using meditation to improve the welfare of their employees, which in turn improves productivity, creativity, and quality of work. Noah Shachtman in “enlighten engineer” convey the themes of mindfulness and meditation in various ways. The search inside yourself program and wisdom 2.0 have been used in the passages to help illustrate meditation and mindfulness effectively. The first passage involves the search yourself program that teaches google employees in Silicon Valley about meditation. The theme of meditation gets conveyed by the sharing of stories of employees of tech companies in Silicon Valley. Kenneth Folk, a meditation trainer in San Francisco, shows that companies are…

The notion of the Rose and Emptiness in Buddha explained “When the Buddha sees a rose, the rose he sees is a miracle”( pg 102). It is the rose of actual being. The rose that you and I see it may be one of nature. In the above sentence, Buddha demonstrated similies using roses. He was referring to being attentive to embracing collections and identifying that they were not personal than concentrating on flowers. If one could acknowledge a rose, we all would get the concept of the whole universe. “In the argumentation of prajnaparamita, it involves three levels: (1) A rose is (2) not a rose, therefore (3) it is a rose. The third rose is distinct from the other roses. The idea “empty of emptiness” (shunyata) in prajnaparamita education’s main objective is assisting the people to be clear of nothingness convictions. To go along with the Bodhisattvas path, one needs to go above individual awareness to identify not only other people’s imperfections but also theirs, which are very similar. Pure emptiness is not emptiness. The right gap is…

Briefly explain three of the basic views of salvation outside the Church, as presented by Sanders. Agnosticism is one of Sander’s significant views of salvation. Christians who follow that view believe that God’s primary intention was to save people from sin and eternal suffering by sending Jesus as a savior 1. For that reason, anyone who believes in Christ receives salvation. Such arguments could mean that non-Christians are not saved and are destined for eternal suffering. However, agnosticists avoid that conclusion by saying that the available information about salvation is inadequate to draw reliable conclusions 2. They believe that only God knows the truth about the right way t salvation. Agnosticism view can also be supported through biblical verses such as Genesis 18:25, which states that one should not judge but instead leave it to the most superior judge, God 3. However, some Christians believe that the information about salvation is enough to know the people who will receive salvation and those that will not. Parity Pluralism is another view presented by Sanders. Pluralists believe that Christianity is not the…



Buddhism   Like other religions, the teaching of this religion is based on the teaching of Buddha. Siddhartha is a child whose abilities are noticed at birth. It is interesting how elders were able to distinguish his unique skills at such a tender age. His father was keen on his son becoming a political leader preventing him from viewing other aspects of the world that could lead him towards becoming a religious leader. When Siddhartha is released, he becomes exposed to how people live. That is, he realizes people become sick, some lack food, and that people are not immortal. On this quest, Siddhartha abandons his family to seek answers to the numerous questions that were disturbing him. This practice was against his religion and traditions, but he went on to pursue what he yearned. Additionally, it is evident that unlike in Christian religion where Satan exists, in Buddhism, there is no coequal to God. Instead, there is the Mara, who is a demon king, and it is all in a person’s mind. Psychological forces that are within a person’s…

Why should you visit Imperial Bhutan Bhutan is a land of paradise enclosed by lofty mountains, serene rolling valleys, refreshing greens, and ancient monasteries that will calm you from within. The abundance of flora and fauna in this small landlocked country makes it a refreshing retreat. It is akin to a kaleidoscope as whichever part of the country you turn to; you are going to be greeted by enthralling beauty. The majestic Himalayas standing tall and the colourful culture of the country truly make it imperial. Sailani Tours arranges tour packages to this imperial land of beauty, where you can experience a thoroughly rejuvenating time while enjoying the scenic panoramic views. Planning your itinerary in the Land of the Thunder Dragon won’t be difficult if you follow the excellent vacation packages made to give you an all-round taste of Bhutan. Here are some of the places that you must visit in Bhutan. 1. Thimphu   Thimphu Valley is one of the most breath-taking sites to visit in Bhutan because of the stunning views it provides. You can have a panoramic…

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY EXAMPLES SAMPLE ONE: Is Buddhism better than Christianity? Buddhism is one of the religious practices which mainly focus on the life and the teaching of Gautama Buddha. On the other hand, Christianity is also a spiritual practice that focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (King, 2016). Buddhism does not believe in a supreme creator such as God, unlike Christianity which is monotheistic and involves the belief that the Creator of the world is God or Jesus Christ the Son of God (Harding, 2018). From this viewpoint, the primary objective of this is to indicate whether Buddhism is better than Christianity doctrines. From my viewpoint, I will support that Buddhism is better than Christianity. According to Buddhism, God is not the Creator of the Universe. However, Christianity indicates that God is the Creator of all creatures in the Universe (Harding, 2018). Buddhism supports activities associated with meditation, while Christians believe that prayer is essential in connecting with God. Mindfulness and meditation practices are highly valued in Buddhism (King, 2016). Buddha is the centre of attention in…

Global Asia Introduction Located in the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the earth, Asia is the world’s most extensive and populated continent. It covers an area of 44,579,000 square kilometers, which represents 30% of the earth’s land area. As of June 2019, its population was 4.5 billion, which represents 60% of the worlds’ population. Most of the religions practiced today, and the morality and ethics codes originated from Asia because it is the home to most of the oldest civilizations. The continent is divided into six regions; Central Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia, North Asia, East Asia, and South Asia. Each of the areas has its religion, cultures, and languages. Trade is the primary factor that influenced the spread and diversity of Asian cultures. People from different regions were able to connect as a result of their various sea routes and road networks present in the area. The Asian cinema, commonly known as the Eastern cinema, is diverse; this is as a result of the many cultures and languages present in the region. Asian Culture Culture is the peoples’ way…

First Day of Winter by Breece D’J Pancake Breece D’J Pancake’s First Day of Winter revolves around Hollis, a farm boy, who struggles to overcome the ever-present challenges in the rural environment. The story begins by Hollis lamenting about the tomb-like house his brother Jake had built for him. He also recalls the completed farm activities that results in work done for figures in bank to clear debts. In the fierce farm environment, Hollis lives with ailing parents, “mother giggling, her mind half-gone from blood too thick in her veins; his father, now blind and coughing.” In the end, Pancake crafts Hollis’ final image that Hollis finally succumbed to his fate. Therefore, Hollis had to accept or succumb to the fate of poverty and struggles in the farm without any option left for survival. Hollis’ inner conflicts revolve around the level of poverty that prohibits access to basic needs and proper health care for parents. As the story begins, Hollis lives in a house comparable to a tomb, his previous produce from the farm used to clear bank debts, parents…

Gardening essay Introduction The term “Gardening” defines the practice of growing plants in an area specially allocated for such activities only.  A “Garden,” on the other hand, is the area where actual gardening takes place. Today, many houses have their own gardens, which can either be small or big based on their available space. Such gardens are majorly used to grow decorative plants and flowers to enhance the beauty and aesthetics of a house. However, sometimes, people use their gardens to grow leafy vegetables and fruits. Therefore, other than enhancing the look of a house, a garden also supplements its kitchen supplies. Today, most people consider gardening to be a favorite activity and hobby because of its aesthetics, spiritual, and organic reasons. Ideally, the weeding, watering, mulching, trellising, and harvesting process that goes into a garden makes it a perfect physical activity. The physical labor that a garden demands from a gardener make it a perfect inclusion to one’s exercise routine. Practically, a garden allows the gardener to grow their own fruits and vegetables, thus ensuring that they put a…



Moonies Moonies is a religious movement that was started in 1954 by Reverend Sun Myung Moon in presented North Korea. The church is also known as the unification church, started as “The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.” Since its establishment, the movement has attracted thousands of followers from more than 100 countries across the world. The movements consist of eclectic Adventist and aggressive theologians who believe that Reverend Moon has a similar influence as Jesus. The unification church belief reverend moon and his second wife are the “real parents” of the world who would unite the world with God. In the 1970s, the unification church practices were termed as ‘cult’ as it was associated with exploiting its members. The leadership of the church came up and denied the charges. The preaching of Sun Myung is comprised of personal teaching and presence, a situation that has influenced his followers to call him the messiah of the modern world. There have been arguments about the legitimacy of the church as a Christian church, but there is no evidence…

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