Islamic Architecture Architectural designs around the world satisfy the basic needs of humans from simple house designs, roads, and all other infrastructures. In most cultures, architectural designs are highly valued and linked with people’s belief systems. Muslims from different nations around the world observe and understand Islam differently based on the values, ideas, and cultures of the societies in which they live. But all the Islamic cultures hold the same belief that their values directly influence human values and the way they live in the community. These values enable them to develop a specific activity system where people live in particular means that allow for the creation of architectural designs that reflect their activity systems. Cultural practice is essential in Islam, as observed in the ways they live and how they express their values. One concept that is common in Islamic architecture is decorations seen in the buildings and the artworks on objects developed by Muslims. Islamic architecture consists of unique decorative themes and techniques found in mosques and their religious structures. Adherence to Islamic principles in decorations demonstrates the…

Tibetan Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism is a kind of Buddhism that is predominant in the Tibet region and the general region that surrounds the Himalayas. It was branched from Mahayana Buddhism in the last steps of Indian Buddhism. It protects and honors the Vajrayana traditions on the believes and the culture. Tibetan Buddhism has incorporated the customs and practices of the native people of Tibet. Excellent influence and spread of this kind of Buddhism were during the era of the Mongol Yuan dynasty. The dynasty was in charge of a vast region, which included China, some areas of Siberia and Mongolia. Tibetan Buddhism has become a global due to its spread to diaspora. Tibetan Buddhism is founded on various believes and practices, which includes the six perfections. Moreover, methods such as deity yoga and six dharmas have been well incorporated in the Tibetan Buddhism culture. The main objective of Tibetan Buddhism is the rainbow body, and the dominant dialect that is used to study the traditions is classical Tibetan. Tibetan Buddhism also has various schools, which include Sakya, Gelug, Kagyu, and…

Mughal Emperors and the defeat of the Portuguese In the 17th century, Portuguese predominance in North-Eastern India had seen most of their trade deals flourish in the region, and they were getting comfortable by the day. The Portuguese had set foot in many parts of the Middle East and South East Asia and had hugely profited from trades in these parts for almost half a century. Their aggressiveness in trade and strong Christian beliefs characterized their code of conduct, and consequently, terms and conditions of their trade deals. While various theories explain their exit from India, it is apparent that they suffered a terrible defeat in Port Hoogly, and this defined their influence and interactions with the natives. In later years, the Portuguese lost control of most of the trade, and The Bengal now controlled this. There are many reasons historians associate the discomfort of the native Indians towards the Portuguese. These include corruption from the officials, competition from other European countries, and undesirable religious practices by the Christians to the Muslims. When the group of European merchants settled in…

origin of Globalization Globalization is the process of interchange, interaction, interconnection, and combination or amalgamation among various Human beings, Companies, and Governments in the continent. A diverse group of schoolers has come up with different theories explaining the origin of Globalization, for example, O’Rourke and Williamson claim that Globalization began when intercontinental commodity retail integrated.[1]  However, in their papers, Held et al., argue that Globalization began when humankind first started to travel a very long time ago.[2]  Their various alternatives explaining the word “globalization” is, both options can be considered to be right because the definition of Globalization changes over time. Globalization has changed to become the definition of the world spread the use of newer technologies and ways that people connect all over the world, such as airplanes, the internet, and the flow of trade between states. It can be argued, as O’Rourke and Williamson mentioned in their paper, that Globalization started around the 15th century when Columbus came across the Americas.[3] Globalization then could have been defined as simple as the Europeans that came to America to live…

BUDDHISM AND ISLAM Introduction Buddhism and Islam have always been perceived as fundamentally different, and they are irreconcilable. Their similarities are pointed out in mysticism and ethical areas[1]. However, the issue of god has been a major problem in Buddhist and Muslim relationships. This divided the two traditions on the most fundamental level; thus, making it difficult for the Buddhists and Muslims to understand and accept one another[2]. It was arguable that Buddhism is the largest religion around the world when counted following the Muslim faith in other parts of East Asia. During the modern era, Buddhism has been vulnerable, but both secularism and evangelism from other religions such as Islam. Among other religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Hindus, Buddhism is predicted to decline both in terms of numbers and as a proportion of the world population. However, Islam is still increasing, and this makes Muslims be over five times as many as Buddhists. The trend of the world’s population suggests that conflicts between the two religions increasingly characterize the meeting point between Buddhism and Islam in Asia. Sensibly,…

Plants and people   The plant product chosen for this research is a rubber. The product comes from Hevea brasiliensis, which is commonly referred to us a rubber tree. Rubber is a plant product that can be used for various purposes since it can be made either hard or soft. Stretchy and soft latex is used in all types of everyday things like condoms, pencil erasers, protective glove, paints, and balloons. Also, it is used to produce adhesives such as sticky white PVA. Rubber, in the form of latex, is extracted from the laticiferous system of the Hevea brasiliensis by tapping the trunk. Tapping involves cutting through the bark of the rubber tree. Latex forms from a milky liquid that oozes from the wound of the tree and dries up. The usual technique of tapping is to notch the tree with a knife for the perimeter of the trunk. The cut is slanted down at an angle of 30 degrees from left to the right. Cutting starts from the highest point that is suitable for the tapper. Moreover, the succeeding…

Why South Asia was attractive to other nations South Asia was attractive to other nations because of it’s well known treasures and wealth; therefore, other countries were interested in trading whatever they had with the residents of South Asia. As a result of the traders and scholars coming in, political, cultural, and religious influences started to emerge, the more the foreigners stayed, they influenced the occupants of southern Asia with their different lifestyle, which was quite attractive to the people of South Asia. The people of South Asia adapted the foreign culture and religion, which later spread throughout the nation from the coastal regions to the other areas. The idea of South Asia having not only wealth but also wisdom became an excellent destination for traders and scholars. Its many marvels attracted people from all over the world .its treasures attracted traders who interior side’s .this activities resulted in hundreds of different dialect being spoken in India today. South Asia became a crossroad for language, culture, and religion as traders met to carry out their trading activities.Southeast Asia happened to…

Religious Pluralism in Rome Introduction. Religious pluralism is the attitude about the diversity of religious belief systems that exist in society. Every religion is maintaining their own truths and claims that they believe in, and the beliefs show significant differences from one religion to another. When people from these religions meet in public squares, they agree and accept that religion is not a discriminative tool and that everyone should live in peace with their neighbors regardless of their religious differences. Therefore, different religions exist in the same community in harmony without quarrelling, as they value one another’s presence, and act within the laws of their beliefs. This report will focus on religious pluralism in Rome, that has several religious traditions existing in harmony. It has been an important centre for the Roman Catholic Church until 1870, which is a period of nearly two millennials. Rome was considered as the home to the Roman Catholic Church for the most part at that time. However, the current Rome has many other religions, including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism (Porterfield 25). Overview of…

The Buddha’s Wizards by Thomas Nathan Patton Buddhist community comprises of faithful devotees who remain conservative in their traditions never to brash the shoulders of strangers[1]. Through all-accepted religious and community policies, the natives do not welcome strangers to their residents. Seemingly, unexpected occurrences would guarantee the isolation of visitors away from the reach of family members. The members allege to suspicions of danger and insecurity to the traditions of the society as crucial factors to exclude strangers. Based on personal experience, the believers present their anticipations, plea, and petitions to the Supreme Being before the onset of the day. My essay explores the customs, norms, and beliefs of the Buddhist community as outlined by Thomas Patton in his book The Buddha’s Wizards. According to my interaction with medical experts at the health facility, it is surprising that the community conserves fascinating stories[2]. The term Weizza denotes the unseen supreme with divine powers to intervene and bring peace and blessings to the community. Through consultation of most high, Bo Min Guang, whose portrait remains an icon, the ill restores to…

Violent/Loving God Observations   Psalms describe God as loving where his favor rests upon the people of the Earth, he approves the work of their hands and makes their efforts successful. His grace is upon the world, showing he is loving. The ten commandments warned the Israelites from worshiping other gods because he is a God of envy. While prophets in the Bible predicted punishment upon Israelites who had gone against his teachings, indicating God was violent. A perfect example is how He (God) destroyed the Egyptian armies in the Red Sea, showing his extreme side while saving the Israelites as a loving act. The ten commandments, 8-Fold Path of Buddhism, the Confucian Virtues, and the 12 Vows of Jainism, believe in the truths and teachings that God expects humans to live. The things to follow and what is regarded as right from wrong. The commandments teach that man will end in heaven through Christ, while Buddhism believes that separation from God leads to continuous suffering on Earth and in hell. There are the same concepts of doing and faith…

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