Buddhism and Jainism Question 4 Buddhism and Jainism are two distinct religions. However, these religions are in a way or two related to each other, basically due to their common origin. It is believed that a revolt placed the two apart from being a common religion. Nonetheless, these two religions do have common beliefs and practices. For instance, both believe in life after death, Karma, and God and scripture. Concerning the life after death, both Buddhism and Jainism subscribe to the fact that reincarnation comes later after we die. The latter refers to the rebirth of the soul in a new form after the present body dies. The two believe in paradise as the permanent residence of our souls. Hell, for the two religions is non-existent. The concept of Karma is found on either side of the two. In both ends, Karma is an attachment of forces either negative or positive based on a person’s deeds, spiritual attachments and beliefs. Reincarnation always is believed to carry on the force, and as such, it takes effort to purify the soul. Both…

I believe in Buddhism A belief is the feeling that one develops over time that something is right. It is by the alternation of the mind that the person trusts an absolute existence to be significant enough to base their lives on it. Beliefs have varied over time, and some keep changing. One of the major faiths of the world is Buddhism. Buddhism is a religion that was founded by a man called Gautama in India. The Buddha, who is the founder of this religion, is not a god but rather an extraordinary man. The doctrine has grown to be prominent in East and Southeast Asia, but its influence is growing across borders. It is a religion that does not necessarily rely on the existence of a powerful deity or god. Instead, they focus on achieving enlightenment, which is a state of real awakening. That state of enlightenment is explained as having experienced nirvana. I believe in Buddhism because I think that people should do more good things because everything has a cause and effect that comes with it. I…

China’s Invasion of Tibet And the Destruction of Tibetan Buddhism write a four page paper about China’s invasion of Tibet and the destruction of Tibetan Buddhism. Your paper must have a thesis and three clearly stated arguments. Please follow the content, thesis, and three arguments that I have already written. NO COUNTER ARGUMENT AGAINST TIBET. it has to be totally pro Tibet and focus on how China destroyed Tibet′s Buddhism and their human right. No citation is required at all, but only use factual source. my professor is an expert at this topic. Write two pages based on what I wrote already.[unique_solution] China’s Invasion of Tibet And the Destruction of Tibetan Buddhism write a four page paper about China’s invasion of Tibet and the destruction of Tibetan Buddhism. Your paper must have a thesis and three clearly stated arguments. Please follow the content, thesis, and three arguments that I have already written. NO COUNTER ARGUMENT AGAINST TIBET. it has to be totally pro Tibet and focus on how China destroyed Tibet′s Buddhism and their human right. No citation is required…

 types of Buddhism The differences in the three major types of Buddhism revolve on their belief in religious teachings. For instance, Theravada Buddhism uses Pali-Canon teachings, whereas Mahayana uses sutras, which is the most recent teaching on Buddha. Moreover, they vary in terms of their teachings on liberation. The Vajrayana focuses on the use of objects and visualization to make people enlightened to liberate them while the Mahayana focuses on liberating all people in the society rather than individual liberation. Theravada, on the other side, believes in the liberation through the cultivation of the noble eightfold path. Based on the differences between the three types of Buddhism, conflict amongst them arises because of their diverse beliefs on religion. The varying beliefs of the three sects of Buddhism typically result in a spiritual conflict which originates from the argument on the side, which represents Buddha’s teachings more accurately. Every group believes in their teachings about Buddha, and they perceive others who do not hold to their teachings as outcasts. Similarly, due to their strong belief in Buddhism, which associates Buddha as…



 Buddha In the southern part of Asia that includes countries like Nepal, India, and Pakistan, among others, the representation of Buddha differs from country to state. For instance, in India, Buddha is represented in two sculptures of bodhisattvas in Gandhara and Mathura parts of India. However, the different issue in the representation of the images is that, according to Buddhism culture. Bodhisattvas should sit in paradise. Thus the meaning in the placement of Buddha in these areas has not yet been understood. In Nepal, the sculpture in the central part is of Avalokiteshvara (bodhisattva of compassion) is so different from that in India. On the aspect of the southeast of Asia that includes countries like Burma, the Philippine, and Thailand, the case is also so different compared to the south Asia part. For instance, in Burma, there are two sculptures various due to the different Buddhism cultures Theravada and Shakyamuni. For this case, the image consists of a statue of Shakyamuni with two disciples bowing and two bodhisattvas flanking at Sakyamuni. In Thailand, the fact is like that of Burma,…

10 Day Trip My ten-day trip will be to Laos. The tour will be primarily for sports, site seeing, and learning the culture of the locals. Laos in an independent country that is located in the south of Asia. The country is landlocked with Thailand bordering it on the northeast and Vietnam to the west. The choice of Laos was informed by the numerous attraction sites in the country and magnificent resorts. Furthermore, the laid back lifestyle is not available in many other places in the world. Some of the places to visit include the Pak OU Caves, the ruins of Wat Phu, plains of Jars, and the magnificent Mekong river. One of the challenges will be the language, but I will have a translator who will also be the tour guide. I will also have to learn the Buddhism culture, which is the most popular religion in Laos. The culture here prohibits the expression of intense emotion. Additionally, people here lack strong ambitions and are discouraged from working too hard. In this society, people do not want to get…

French Culture Most people perceive Paris as the center of French culture as it has been known for centuries to be the origin of French fashions, art, cuisine, and architecture designs. People fail to comprehend is the fact that France is, in fact, the source of the term culture. According to Hoffmann (2017), the word “culture” was derived from a French word “culture,” which can be translated as “tend to the earth and grow, cultivate and nurture.”  Just like other nations, various elements of French culture can be studied through the country’s language, dressing code, religion, among other cultural practices. Some of these elements have been portrayed in the French film “Mariam.” Miriam is a French film that addresses French dressing for Muslim teenage girls. As a tradition, Muslim teenage girls are required to wear a hijab as an identification dressing code. The film discusses Islamophobia as the central theme. Islamophobia refers to the fear and hatred inflicted on Muslim believers based on the presumption that they are a violent community (Hoffmann, 2017). France is a country that accommodates several…

Sociology post Suicidal cases have been rampant in today’s society due to certain factors that cut across several sectors, such as social and cultural. However, there exist social factors that guard against suicide around the globe. They include religion. Several religions in the world discourage the act of committing suicide, such as Christianity, Hinduism, and Islamic. In Christianity, among the commandments given by God, no one should commit murder, referring to the act of murdering someone or committing suicide. The act is punishable before God. As a result, individuals belonging to such religions would fear to go against the law. Besides, living with members of the family reduces the chances of one committing suicide. Here, the members, including children, enable individuals always to think positively and see life from a different perspective. Members act as a source of inspiration whenever faced in times of difficulties. On the other hand, living alone brings loneliness, which might make them take unnecessary decisions to commit murder. Also, marriage guards against suicide, research shows that married middle-aged individuals have a low risk of committing…

Buddhism Spirituality             There is a common saying all spirituals are religious, while not all religious are spirituals. Merriam-Webster online dictionary (2020) refers to being spiritual as “relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things” (par 1). Buddhism is considered the world most spiritually organized religion in the globe. Melvin McLeod, a religious analyst, states that while Christianism, Islam, Hinduism and Jainism focus on the complete absolution of the spirit through the bodily act, Buddhism believes between the body and the soul but rather the unity of the body, soul and spirit as one entity (BBC, 2017).  Spirituality defines the essence of both the spirit and the soul over the needs of the body but does not separate them. Firstly, there is no recorded existence of a Buddhist God. The different schools of thought on Buddhism contain varying understandings of the deity of Buddha (Muesse, 2019). The Southern Buddhists believe that Buddha was a normal human being born of living parents who discovered the “path of to the awakening.” One common understanding…

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