The Hobby Lobby Case Summary This case, which is usually referred to as The Hobby Lobby Case, began before any  of the corporations involved had any knowledge that a lawsuit was in their future.  The events that precipitated the lawsuit began when Congress passed the Patient  Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2012. The goal of the act was to make  certain that all (well, at least most) Americans had health care insurance. The mechanism by which this was to be accomplished was a mandate that all employers who  had more than 50 workers employed on a full-time basis would have to provide “a  group health plan or group health insurance coverage” that would give those employees “minimum essential coverage.” [26 USC Section 5000 A (f) (2); Sections 4980 H  (a) and (c) (2).] To enforce the law, Congress attached stiff penalties, in the form of  heavy fines, for employers who failed to obey the law. (In the case of Hobby Lobby,  for example, those fines would have been more than $1.3 million daily for a total of  $475…

Proposal: The Cost of Supererogatory Acts In life, sometimes, people perform some actions that are above and beyond duty. Such actions require self-sacrifice and compromise of beliefs, principles, and even morals (Heyd, 1). Supererogatory involves the performance of more than what is asked for even though they are not morally required, and those acts have costs that should not limit our desire to sacrifice for others (Sachdeva, n.d).  Russell Jacobs argues that as people try to make self-sacrifice for others, it is their duty to respect their own intrinsic self-worth for some acts that are too costly to remain our duty to perform (Jacobs, 96). The primary question in this paper would can the cost and consequences if supererogatory acts limit people’s sacrifice for what they believe is right. In the novel the Boxer and the Saints, Gene Yang use two characters, Bao and Vibiana, to show the extent people are willing to sacrifice for what they believe is right (Yang, n.d). The book focuses on the fight between Christians (Vibiana and missionaries) and anti-Christians (boxer movement) lead by Bao…

Paul Harris Paul Harris created this perusing, and he was a history educator at a college in Moorland. David Brainerd was a teacher from the Presbyterian Church. He lived between the years 1718 and 1747. His work was chiefly in North America, particularly the conditions of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. The work was distributed in the year 1746, a year before his demise.   As indicated by Brainerd, the Indians restricted the methods for the white individuals because of shameful acts they had experienced from them. He, in any case, found a warm gathering from the dissipated Indians in the southeast districts. Brainerd built up an uplifting demeanor towards the Indian people group. He got the opportunity to be sympathetic and minding to the network. It was a direct result of the difficulties that Brainerd experienced when conveying his administrations to the dispersed populace. He assembled them and changed them into one city.   Brainerd had a few worries about the transformation of Moses Tinda Tattamy to Christianity. The concerns were because Tattamy was an ordinary Indian. However,…

Evangelical Christianity              My theology and ministry have played an instrumental role in influencing my faith in Christianity. In my view, I consider them to be inseparable. Specific theological traditions that hold believes and ideologies on ecclesiology and Christology have acted as building blocks in shaping my ministry. Since I was young, I believe I am more evangelical in my faith rather than liberal. Too much exposure to evangelical Christianity laid foundations in my ministry and ideologies that are in line with the doctrine. Evangelical Christianity holds beliefs that are central to the conversion of being born again experience in receiving salvation and in spreading the Christian message. It is such beliefs and sentiments that have not only shaped my ministry but also helped me to get a profound experience of evangelical Christianity. I tend to align my belief, faith, and ideological views on Christianity that are in line with the evangelical doctrine rather than the liberal doctrine in my ministry. This belief is due to reasonable teachings from evangelistic seminars and churches I attended that persuaded me to hold…

The Incarnational Church             The Incarnational Church refers to a ministry that lays emphasis on the immersion of an individual into the local cultures and after that becoming the culture’s Jesus. In this regard, the Incarnational Church is seen as seeking to dispense itself with the ministry from a distance while also providing a personal and up-close embrace to the ministry by maintaining that God’s love and Christ’s gospel have been embodied and incarnated by the person who ministers (Parker, 2016). In a manner similar to the way Christ adopted human life as he came into the world, the Incarnational Church recommends that humans should adopt the culture to which they minister and subsequently become the Jesus in such cultures. This leads to the conception of the incarnational theology that calls on Christians to represent and adopt the incarnated gospel. The core tenet of the Incarnational Church idea regards the call on Christians to be “living the good news as opposed to preaching the good news” (Whitehouse, 2015) With regards to the differences between the Incarnational Church and my initial…

theory of evolution   Darwinism Today the theory of evolution is a well-supported, unifying principle in biology, which explains how life on earth began and developed. The scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, is the person most remembered for his contribution to how the process of evolution works. He wrote a book, published over 150 years ago, called On the Origin of Species, which was very controversial at the time. His scientific explanation of how evolution occurs was essentially correct, but incomplete. On the basis of newer knowledge, and particularly advances in genetics and molecular biology, many of Darwin’s concepts have developed into the more complete modern theory of evolution. Science and religion In the 19th century, Darwin’s discoveries made an enormous impact in England, Western Europe, their colonies, and the USA, where Christianity was the dominant religion. Darwin’s theory was seen to be in conflict with the literal interpretation of special creation to be found in the Bible in the Book of Genesis, and even today…

How is Catholicism different from Protestant Christianity? Catholicism Catholicism is the most practiced version of Christianity in the world. Contemporary belief in the Catholic Church perceives it as the formal continuation of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ after he ascended to heaven. Christ’s disciples are credited with the expansion of the religion after they all dispersed to different parts of the world where they were to spread the Good News. Regardless of constant Roman persecution and conflict with the Pagans, Christianity continued to spread and was legalized in the year 313 by Emperor Constantine I. With the Roman Empire, under the rule of Emperor Theodosius recognizing Christianity as the leading state religion in 380, the faith would spread, not only in Europe but across others parts of the world. Protestantism After Catholicism, Protestantism is the second-largest version of Christianity practiced in the world. Protestantism was established as a rogue faction that did not agree with the elements of sacraments and papal supremacy that Catholics practice. Protestantism formally began in 1517 after the publishing of theses by Martin Luther,…

Argumentative Essay- Fourth of July as an Inspiration to Fight against Slavery among African- Americans  The United States of America gained its independence from British in1776. Consequently, July 4 was set apart to celebrate America’s acquisition of freedom and independence. This implied that they were free of colonial oppression. The day does not only meant to celebrate independence but also acknowledge the struggles of great men who made this happen.  On the 76th celebration of independence, Fredrick Douglass delivered his speech, what to slaves is the Fourth of July?  The speech is mainly concerned with how African Americans perceive America’s Independence Day. In the speech, he outlines that only Americans ought to celebrate, as they were the only ones who had independence.  Fourth of July was African- American’s insight to fight against Americans slavery. In this paper, we shall address how the speech ignites the need for racial equality between Americans and African Americans in the light of independence and the abolition of the slave trade. Independence Day was a celebration of freedom fighter’s victory in the fight against colonial…

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Iris Caldwell. There is that one character from the reality show Married at first sight that caught your attention. Iris Caldwell is a beautiful young lady who participated in this fantastic series. You may be wondering about her life and would want to learn more about her. There are a lot of fascinating things that most people do not know about her. If you are curious about this woman, relax because this article will tell you about ten things you most probably did not know about her. She has a firm decision to remain a virgin until marriage The fine lady admits that she is a virgin. She is a Christian who has firm beliefs; that is why she holds highly to her decision that she will remain single until she finds the right partner. When Iris got married to Keith in the reality show Married at first sight, she did not agree to consummate their marriage on the wedding night. Iris felt that Keith did not open up enough about himself to her…

An Appraisal of Vengal Chakkarai’s Christology and its implication for the United Pentecostal Church of North East India towards other denominations in Christianity Statement of the Problem There is a misconception of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit among the member of the church. Due to this, there is less unity towards other denominations in Christianity. Elaboration of the Problem During the Revival Movement in Mizoram, the work of the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in the rapid growth of the very church named the United Pentecostal Church of North East India. During those days, majorities of the churches were Presbyterian Church of India and Baptist Church of Mizoram, whereas the waves of awakening revivals in different places at different periods had brought various issues within the Mizo Society. One of the problems was the misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit and its works within the church. There was a thought concerning the work of the Holy Spirit, which is available to receive only by the actual member of the church among the Mizo Society, which resulted…

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