Factors to take into consideration and thought process The first factor I would take into account to determine right or wrong is the moral argument that will assist me in justifying the case. The moral judgment contains premises and conclusions which may be simple or complex. My thought process would be to analyze the moral premises of the dilemma, which includes the moral premise of the statement. For instance, the account; my parents are kind people is a more descriptive claim and would require another moral premise to connect the nonmoral premise to a conclusion to help me in making a decision. Moral theory The moral theory of cultural relativism best aligns with my view about morality because it explains that their cultures determine the noble actions of an individual. I consider this right because most cultures teach different doctrines about how people should conduct themselves. This also includes religions such as Christianity where for instance killing or abusing people is forbidden, and people would not therefore kill because of cultural background Moral reasoning steps The first step of my…

Health Care What do you immediately notice about the dynamics of the team? The team is not cooperative, forgetting that a project can never be successful when they are not united. The team also lacks coordination, and no one is ready to be accountable for the outcomes of their actions. Who had the most authority? The physicians had most authority in that they want to push most of the work to the nurses, and when it is impossible for the latter to handle all the tasks, they neglect the project and decides to deal with preventive measures only. Why was this team ineffective in accomplishing its goals? Everybody wants to do what is easy for them and leave the rest for others to do. The physicians, to be precise, want the nurses to be responsible for everything, thus increasing their workload to the extent that it becomes unmanageable. What could the team members have done differently to collaborate more effectively? Every member of the team should need to be assigned a specific task so that everyone was responsible for his/her…

TEENAGE PREGNANCY IN JAMAICA             Approximately 20% of the women in Jamaica undergone pregnancy experience at least once before attaining the age of twenty years. The socio-cultural, political and economic environments in Jamaica have played a major role to influence the phenomenon and thus pointed out as the basic causes of teenage pregnancy in Jamaica (Rawlins, 2012). Jamaica unfortunately has undergone periods of marginal economic growth and negative growth currently. This has made the country funds to be channeled toward dealing with the enormous deficit in the country budget and deprived support towards the essential social programs like assistance to the young women to educate them on sexuality and contraception. There have been startling lacks of easily available contraceptives and services which are youth friendly (Rawlins, 2012). According to expert researches, one of the major causes of teenage pregnancy in Jamaica is the high level of ignorance by the youths regarding proper sexual practices and the consequences. 47 percent of males between the ages 15-19 do not use condom always with their regular female partners, and 40 percent do not…

States Empires Common Practices Ancient territories are known to have lived a more simple life than the current society. Most empires were founded upon traditional settings where there were no structured buildings and the communities inhabited new environments which had no inhabitants before. The state of governance was centralized on a one-party rule where the top leaders of the empires were highly respected, and no one would have questioned their judgment. In the Assyria, Han China, Persian, Greece, and ancient Egypt among other realms, armed worriers were obligated to protecting the leaders and the entire community especially women and children from harm and other external attacks. The early communities believed in God existence whereby a sacred scene was set for religious sacrifices and only the selected members of the population would perform the rituals. A good example is the Greek who believed in gods of Mount Olympus where they performed dancing, thrilling songs rituals in celebration of the god of wine (p. 171). The people of early empires were either farmers or hunters and gatherers with the gender being the…

Accounting Rate of Return Organizations always compare the Accounting Rate of Return to the expected rate of return. This makes it easier to reject or accept a project. If the accounting rate of return is more than or equal to the anticipated rate of return, then the company should undertake the project. On the other hand, when it is lower than the expected rate of return, the company should reject the plan (Thiess & Wright, 2010). Therefore, for Love well company, if the accounting rate of 16.7% is more than the anticipated rate of return, it should take the project. However, if it is less than the expected rate of return, Love Well Company should reject the project. Benefits of Accounting Rate of Return Just like the payback period, this method is easy to comprehend and compute because it takes into consideration the total income or savings over the lifecycle of the project. It also considers the value for money because it recognizes crucial issues like the net income and depreciation, which are crucial factors in appraising an investment (Shaban,…

African slave trade What is the validity of the different schools of thought on the African slave trade? Slavery began in the ancient times way long before ancient times. Slavery started before the dawn of human society. (1).. But why did the English men prefer black slaves to Indians and European slaves? In an attempt to answer this question, many authors published their arguments on why Africa was the best target. What are the reasons for African enslavement from different schools of thought? Winthrop D Jordan expounds on the English perceptions concerning the color, manner, sexuality, Christianity, and social hierarchy of the black people. He majors his explanations on why African slavery increased as European bondage reduced. The white people were biased against the blacks right from the start of slavery, although they intermingled sexually, giving rise to the African-American race. Both slavery and bias lead to the degradation of black slaves. (2). The white people degraded the African slaves and denied them the right to protest for their rights, unlike their white counterparts. The Englishmen enslaved negroes due to…

Holy War Lack of knowledge and years of indoctrination have led to religious intolerance and bigotry, something that Islam opposes. Islam is compatible with the ongoing process of time if its core values of justice, tolerance, morality, honesty, and accountability are promoted. In addition to this, Islam is broadly represented as a religion of intolerance and killing. The word “Holy War” portrays the negative image and is widely misunderstood. In the Arabic language, the word Jihad means “To strive.” Additionally, in Islam, Jihad can be classified into several realms, Jihad by heart, tongue, hands, and finally, by the sword. Unfortunately, the latter is usually the level of Jihad that is most publicized and exposed due to its vast misinterpretation and misuse by extremist Islamic groups for their interest. Other factors could be lack of education, high illiteracy rate in majority Muslim countries, shallow democratic moves by leaders, and strong repugnancy towards the western world. Another factor could be the prevalence of unbridled materialism and moral decline, where the money is considered an essential thing in life. This dilemma was best…

           Europeans in both Japan and China The primary reason why the Europeans arrived in Japan and China in the nineteenth century was to practice the trade. The Europeans wanted to trade directly from Asia, and this meant finding a new sea route. During the 1600s, the Chinese emperor had declared an embargo against Japan, causing a scarcity in Chinese goods both in Japan and China. The Europeans got a lucrative opportunity to act as middlemen between the two countries. The Europeans monopolized the rights to trade with both China and Japan. The civil war that occurred in Japan was beneficial to the Europeans, as each competing lords sought to attract business to their regions. The Europeans also arrived in both states to spread Christianity. Some of the traded valuable goods in the Nanban trade include the Japanese silver and Chinese silk. Other useful commodities include gold, horses, and slaves. The Europeans in both Japan and China to spread their technology and learn other cultural practices. The Europeans introduced new cultures such as Japonism and new technologies, including the arquebus,…

The Stranger review The Stranger by Albert Camus explores the idea of a man in distress as his actions have led to catastrophic events, and his character and behavior do little to help his situation. Chapter two of this story offers more insight into Meursault’s trial and his stay in prison. The confinement as a prisoner awaiting sentence offers Meursault a chance to reflect on his previous life and all the people he had interacted with in his life as a “free” man. His less talkative nature does not allow him to talk about things that he does not consider essential, and he comfortably gets used to the life of a prisoner even before he faces trial. Historically, the narration of Meursault’s fate is based on in French because the guillotine was initially designed by the French government to execute people until it was abandoned in 1981. This shows Meursault was a prisoner in France and was subjected to the “human razor” as a form of punishment to his deeds. Part two is characterized by events of Meursault coming to…

What is a script kiddie? It is a term used to refer to non-serious hackers who are believed to reject the ethical principals held by professional hackers, which entail the pursuit of knowledge, a motive of self-education, and respect of skills (Techopedia, 2020). What is a code monkey? Code monkey infers that an individual’s skill set is basic or could be easily replaced. It is categorized as a derogatory term for a developer or programmer. What are the differences? Does it matter? The difference between a script kiddie and code monkey is clear since script kiddies are unaware of their deeds and try to take whatever they must hack and result in havoc to others unaware. On the other hand, code monkey knows their acts on a fundamental level and create programs (Techopedia, 2020). I believe code monkeys matters a lot than script kiddies since they apply the necessary skills and little experience; they must add some financial value. Does a kiddie make more money than a monkey? Programmer? Developer? Engineer? Kiddies make no money at all since they lack…

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