Jane Eyre The novel is about an orphan who is subjected to suffering and mistreated by her auntie. At the tender age of 10 years, Jane was an orphan and lived at her uncle’s place (Brontë, 2011). The novel articulates that her parents died of typhus. In this regard, Jane, as young as she struggled to find love and acceptance in a family. Additionally, it is at this young age that she also was in search of her identity and happiness (Brontë, 2011). The situations that she went through under the arms of her auntie forces her to move from one setup to the other with the hope of finding parental love. Even so, Jane’s quest for freedom similarly affected her relationship with her auntie, Mrs Reed (Brontë, 2011). Several themes have been articulated in the novel. Most of them centre on Jane’s life and her desire for freedom and happiness. Additionally, the novel makes use of characters that have played a critical role in bringing out Jane’s experiences (Brontë, 2011). The plight that is emphasized by the novel is…

The Inferno The definition of justice revolves around what society defines as being fair and what gives equality of deserved consequences. The concept of justice takes its basis on several fields that include ethics, law, religion, and equity. The theme of justice carries a significant part of literature where authors give different definitions of justice or leave the meaning of justice at the discretion of the readers. The administration of justice by various institutions such as courts tends to suffer from contradiction from other institutions such as religious beliefs. In Christianity for example, a disagreement arises when a choice has to be made between serving justice and embracing forgiveness. The bible favors forgiveness instead of administering justice since forgiveness represents love. However, the definition of justice differs significantly between denominations since different denominations have different laws of government. The Inferno is an Italian poem written by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century about Dante’s experience in hell. In religion, hell represents a realm that serves as punishment for the rebels of spiritual values. In the poem by Dante, nine concentric…

            THE GARDEN TOMB JERUSALEM   Garden Tomb also referred to as Gordon’s Calvary is found outside the old city walls of Jerusalem. It was unearthed in 1867 and faces a rocky escarpment which scholars from the mid-19th century have proposed to be Golgotha.  Within this garden, there is Jewish ancient rock-cut tomb and many Christians consider it to be the site where Jesus of Nazareth, the son of God was buried and later He resurrected. So it’s a site where many Christians visit to be witnesses of Jesus history and worship. With a purpose of preserving and maintaining this site, the garden grounds were purchased by the Garden Tomb Jerusalem Association in 1894. It is a charitable Trust which is based in the United Kingdom (Kark, R., & Frantzman, S. J. (2010). The Association is made up of people from various different national and denominational backgrounds that are united by their belief in the glorious message of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Volunteers from all over the world in association with the local team of Israelites and…

The Separation of Church and the State             The definition of the church and the state differ in several dimensions. However, the two institutions have coexisted for several years with concerns being raised concerning their interrelated roles. Dante lived in an era when the Roman church had taken dominion offer the state and political power had been given to the church. The church not only controlled part of the civic sector but was given some regions to exert power over. In his poem “Inferno,” Dante, however, holds a different view concerning the involvement of the church in politics. Dante believes that the allowance of politics in the church contributes to the mass deviation of the clergymen and other church leaders from their spiritual responsibilities. Dante uses his experience in the purgatory to support his idea that hell was holding several church leaders for their involvement in politics at the expense of their spiritual duties and that the church should be separated from the state. Dante uses the motif of the separation of church and the state by basing his argument…

Going Back Home The book of Philemon is one of Paul’s shortest letters. It was a letter to Philemon, a member of the church, and also a rich man who had slaves. One of Philemon’s slaves had run away and had met Paul. The slave’s name was Onesimus. Onesimus had met Paul and coincidentally had gotten born again, and he now believed in God. Slaves who had run away from their masters were killed as punishment. In this letter, Paul beseeches Philemon to spare the life of Onesimus and accept him as a brother in Christ despite his past condition. Paul explains, “no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a fellow man and as a brother in the Lord.” (New International Version, Philem. 1.16). Paul’s letter speaks of forgiveness of Philemon to his slave Onesimus. In the letter, Paul is cautious with his words. He starts by thanking Philemon for being supportive of the ministry and carrying on the good…

Should Abortion be Legalized? Abortion isthe expulsion or removal of a fetus or an embryo from the uterus.Abortion continues to be among the world’s controversial issues as various states debate on its legalization.The paper analyses the reasons why abortion should be made illegal.Abortion ismurder;every human being has a right to life, defies the word of God, and causes psychological damage. Under Federal law,a fetus is regarded as a human being.The law gives protection to the unborn child from any form of assault and murder(Ananat, Gruber, & Levine, 2007). Therefore,it is morally wrong to kill unborn babies.Anybody who kills intentionally or tries to kill an unborn child needs is punishable because of her attempt to kill a human being. Once fertilization takes place,a human being starts to be created with a particular genetic identity that does not change in his/her entire life.Besides,unborn babies are human beings with fundamental rights to life that need protection.Abortion interferes with the fetus’sfundamental rights to life, and therefore,it should not be legalized. In Christianity,human life is sacred and God’s gift.Christians believe that it is at conception…

ways that modern Christian faith differs from the religious world of the Greco-Roman Empire into which Christianity was born Of Tyana was a great pagan man who was holy and a neo-Pythagorean teacher of the 1st century C.E. he worshipped the Roman gods, and his teachings and life are recorded in a book titled The Life of Apollonius which was written by Philostratus, his later follower (Ehrman 18). He is significant for our understanding of the way traditions that developed around Jesus in the Greco Roman world because he shares in the things that Jesus is associated with. His life was similar to that of Jesus, and he was considered a teacher and a miracle worker. Hence by studying his life, one will have in one way or another be conversant with most things that happened in the life of Jesus. Discuss three ways that modern Christian faith differs from the religious world of the Greco-Roman Empire into which Christianity was born? the religious world in the Roman Empire, national or international organization of religion who had either elected or…

Abuelita’s death Abuelita’s death marked the rebirth of the narrator’s new life, from rebellion to responsibility and change of behaviour. The end marked the narrator’s leap to maturity until Abuelita’s death; the narrator is presented as a very rebellious and troublesome individual who is not respectful to neither the mother nor the father. Abuelita passes on when the girl is with her alone in the house, making some soup in the kitchen. But what an abrupt change of character? To her, the grandmother was the only one who gave her the love she had desired, the only one who reassured her. So Abuelita’s death marked the turning point from all her bizarre ways. When she finds the grandmother dead, she instinctively knows the right and appropriate thing to do. Like the sun that must meet the earth according to the narrator, it was time for her to go. “…transitions from one colour to another …when the sun is finally defeated, finally sinks into the realization that…although endings are inevitable, they are necessary for the rebirth.” The sun in this scenario…

SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRODUCTS             Industrial waste products are currently contaminating our environment which leads to climatic changes. Plastics have been extremely dangerous to aquatic life and vegetation lives. Other industrial waste materials such as carbon pollute the air environment and eventually influence climatic change through destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere which protects us against ultraviolet light rays. Chemical waste from manufacturing industries and mining fields waste are channeled into water bodies which contaminate them. To handle this menace appropriately it is important for community and various governments through globalization take initiatives to curb the catastrophe. Industrial waste products are one of the significant challenges that the present society faces and has become a considerable concern in various disciplines. Since industrial wastes are inherently a challenge to the society, sociologists have not adequately developed methodologies to handle present challenges. Industrial waste products which cannot be recycle poses threats to human life and other forms of nature so the sociologists should influence people into adopting strategies that minimize industrial waste.. Sociology is widely applied in developing…

Present sociologists imply three significant theories to study Christianity on the modern days Introduction According to the study, it is clear that people going to church are perceived to have an agenda of going for spiritual nourishment. It’s believed that the majority of church-going individual all ways pay attention to the word of God they get from the preachers.  The irony of the experience the study indicates that there are a lot of sociological issues that encompass the typical way that takes place in a church. The research has shown that there is little attention that people attending the church pay to preachers. Social life has overturned the really and perceived belief that people usually follow church proceedings attentively. On my study, there is a clear indication that people mostly are overtaken by the social world while the sermon is in progress. The aspect of people using their phones to ready what is trending and not and not concentrating to listen to the teachings in a way that social life has overturned the spiritual life in the church.  The observation…

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