Concept of God in Islam and Christianity   People have a different belief about their is this difference that forms the basis of their cultural and religious beliefs. Islam and Christianity are the prevailing religion in the community. Both have a supernatural being that forms the base of their faith. For Christian, they call their God Yahwe, while Muslims God is known as both cases, they believe in a one God who created the universe and who is a source of their blessings. This paper will contrast and compare the concept of God in both Islam and Christianity. Yahwe is a God who represents his will and expectation of his believers through the bible.due to this Christians believe that the bible of the old and new testament in its original language, which was Hebrew, greek and Arabic, is Gods words to his people without any error (Peters,2005). For this reason, all Christians are expected to live up to the teachings of the bible, since they represent God’s expectations of his believers. In previous research, it is clear that…

     Fasting Fasting refers to an act of willingly refraining from eating or drinking for a specified period, which majorly involves a religious observance. According to the Bible (1984), Mark 2:18-20 states that “now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. Some people came and asked Jesus, “How is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?” Jesus answered, “How can the guest of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. But the time will come when the bridegroom will get taken from them, and on that day they will fast.” In my opinion, I believe Jesus portrays himself as the bridegroom and the disciples as the wedding guest, where he meant that the time for the disciples to fast would be during his death, resurrection, and ascending to heaven period and time after that. According to (Venegas-Borsellino, & Martindale, 2018), there are several spiritual benefits of Fasting to which I concur. The mental benefits include soul cleansing, deeper praise, new…

It is possible for a Christian to accept evolution Evolution and religion are two subjects that try to explain the emergence of life in the universe. However, they provide the world with contrasting information that continues to challenge people to date. The evolutionist believes that there was no creation but the evolution of all living and nonliving things. Some suggest that even religion is a product of evolution. In the contemporary world, people have to choose one worldview over the other because they are not compatible. At the same time, some schools of thought argue that science can explain religion away, while others suggest that the Bible and other religious books can explain some scientific theories. However, there is a section of Christians known as “theistic evolutionists” who believe in the scientific process of evolution. They prove that it is possible to be Christians who accept the scientific theory of evolution. Evolutionists argue that people, animals, plants, the soul, the mind, and religion are products of evolution. These biologists insist that people cannot escape from their responsibilities to make critical…

Ray’s Religious Upbringing and its Connections with the Natural World in Georgia In her book “ecology of a Cracker childhood,” Ray shares her experience and life while she was living with her parents in Georgia (Ray, 1999, p. 4). She shares with her readers the fundamental values that played a role in shaping her into who she is today. She ascertains that she acquired the fundamental values after her parents imparted the same in her at her infant stage. The book vividly portrays the challenges that Ray’s parents found themselves, but they still stood to be steadfast as they knew how they wanted to bring up their kids. One standing thing that remains prevalent in the entire book is the religious values of Ray’s parents (Ray, 1999, p. 116). Ray was brought up in a family that attached a lot of value to the church as well as the doctrines and the word of the church. Both her father and mother continued to encourage Ray to understand and respect the word of the Bible and to attend the church. However,…

The World View of Islam A world view of the way people perceive and interact with the world. World view does not mean the physical aspect, but it refers to the philosophical perspective. The world refers to animate, inanimate and metaphysical realities. The world view is focused on trying to seek, comprehend, adopting and living with the truth. This truth h will thus be manifested in the world both in its simplest form and in its complicated form. A person’s world view comprises of their most critical assumption and set of beliefs concerning the world that we live in. It includes how a person would answer the question concerning the origin of human beings and what human beings are. A world view is also involved in comprehending the fundamental questions that appertain to issues dealing with the purpose for which man was created, the nature of life after death and hat are considered to be a good life on earth.  The world view of a person will attempt to answer these questions regarding a particular faith.   They will influence the…

  Jesus and the coming of God’s Kingdom Religion is closely knit and developed based on unique considerations that present a more specific platform in improving individual values and principles in life. Christianity is defined based on the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings, which offer a wider perspective where it is possible to identify critical underlying measures that promote positive development. Christianity, however, does not focus on the existence of Jesus but the living God. Through Jesus Christ, we can learn important things regarding the nature of God. We learn that God is merciful and forgiving and does not always like seeing his people suffer. People of God are those who follow his teachings and streamline their lives following religious values and principles. A belief in eternal life has been highly discussed when looking at the work of Jesus Christ and the influence he had on Christians. Jesus Christ is a unification figure in Christianity that helps in providing a more substantial platform that can be effectively undertaken to help improve the level of engagement. Therefore understanding essential…

Missing the Point Introduction Religion is a matter of beliefs. Christianity is one type of religion that has its central focus on God. One of the ways Christians communicate with God is through worship. Worship generally entails of songs that evoke deep emotion because of the intense and emotional lyrics. However, worship songs now have a different turn, and they do not adequately represent what worship songs are supposed to be about. As such, the book has inspired me to take a more in-depth look into the modern worship songs and understand how they are missing the whole objective of worshipping. Discussion Worship should be inspiring and provoke a person to lead a better life. However, modern worship songs only focus on personal relationship with God. Worship songs should, however, have a bigger picture than that. These songs are purposed to fulfill the mission of Christ which is to give hope to the hopeless, save the sinners and restore humanity to the world. The songs we have are so self-absorbed and only talk about the goodness of God because the…

MARTIN LUTHER VS MALCOM X, COMPARING THEIR ORATOR STYLES             Historical orators used different approaches and styles in their works to convey their message to the audience and it is through such differences that we get to understand each of them. Basically, the differences were as a result of their different personalities and context in which the messages were being conveyed. This paper scrutinizes two of the historical orators, Martin Luther King Junior and Malcolm X using their works “Letter from Birmingham Jail” [1] and “Ballot or Bullet” respectively. The two works have the same timeline, and that is during the struggle of black Americans for equal rights. Considering language usage by the two orators in the two works, many differences can be observed. For instance, Malcolm X has all through used aggressive words in his speech and which shows that he was totally emotional on what was happening to his fellow blacks. To some extent, he is using some statements which are extremely emotional and insightful to the audience[2]. At some point he tells his audience whenever in the…

 The Christian worldview             The Christian worldview is based on value for human life. Human life is viewed from three perspectives that sum up to explain the dignity and value associated with it. Human beings were created in the image of God, carry the breath of God and that human beings are covenantal. The value of human life is, therefore, incalculable, and God expects human beings to keep a connection with Him throughout their stay in the world (Shelly & Miller, 2009). Generally, the value assigned to a human person eliminates any excuse that can be presented as the reason to alter what God has created, and impacts the position held on abortion, designer babies, and stem-cell research. Holding the Christian worldview is crucial in determining the position to hold on issues associated with abortion, designer babies, and stem-cell research. The fact that Christianity gives incalculable value to human life means that alteration of God’s plan on a human person cannot be allowed (Meilaender, 2013). Abortion involves taking away the life of an unborn baby, going against the Christian belief…

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