Explore Adventures Website Plan Introduction and Business Background Competition in the market for businesses and companies has heightened owing to the technological advancements that have changed the way people communicate and conduct their day to day activities. Businesses are, therefore, adopting technical models to give them a cutting-edge advantage against their competitors in the market. One of the technical models that companies are assuming is the establishment of an online presence through having a business website. Most of the businesses that lack websites are being edged out of the competition by rival businesses (Konidaris & Koustoumpardi, 2018). Websites have become a basic need for businesses focused on growth and development, as about ninety percent of purchase decisions are made from search engines. This data means that businesses that lack websites only account for ten percent of their market shares (Shaltoni, 2017). Business websites further indicate how professional business is giving potential clients trust to transact with the business. Through business websites, people can easily do background checks about companies to verify location, management, and official telephone lines without having to…

The Chinese Lantern Festival Last week I attended the Chinese Lantern Festival that was held in Chinatown, Los Angeles, California. Chinese lantern festivals are a typical festival in the Chinese culture that is usually held fifteen days after the Chinese New Year. The festival took place at 1101 West McKinley Avenue Gate17, and by the time I arrived at the festival. Going to Chinatown for the celebrations was interesting in my case since the town is not only rich in culture and but it is also always beautifully designed to complement all aspects of learning. The town was decorated with several balloons that formed different shapes and sizes that are representative of the Chinese cultural elements. Chinese culture is rich in various aspects of culture, and sharing in the culture creates a part of connection, love, and unity within individuals that make it a unifying factor. Most parts of the town were decorated using lanterns, some of which were used to do writings on the ground while the rest were suspended in the air and toed so that they cannot…

Aboriginal Spirituality The first belief system in aboriginal spirituality is monotheism – a belief in the existence of one God or deity. This belief system was vital because it gave the members of society an opportunity of striving to be like the creator. The people can communicate with their God rather than depending on their religious leaders to act as conduits or representatives. The second belief system is polytheism – worshiping or a belief in multiple deities or gods. This belief was also crucial because aboriginal spirituality incorporated not only new gods but also ideas into their belief system. The people had an opportunity of allowing different gaieties or gods to exist simultaneously since there were so many problems that could not be addressed by one god (Preston et al., 2017). The last belief system is materialism – explaining reality in a simple form. It was an important belief system since it allowed people to connect between the physical world and their realities, truths, and spirituality. The aboriginal community highly respected their places of worship as they were considered sacred.…

Gun-Related Harm Statistically, America reports more gun-related deaths and causalities compared to other developed nations annually. According to the results from the U.S. Census Bureau, states that report many gun-related injuries include California, Texas, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, and Pennsylvania, among others. Gun violence in American states is more prevalent in low-income urban settlements, which reports more gun-related cases compared to the suburban rural areas. Moreover, gun-related harms are more associated with gangs, especially in the large city of Los Angeles, often involving young youths and juvenile delinquents. Groups engage in drug trafficking, firearm trafficking, and human trafficking activities that predispose them to buy guns to protect their businesses and lives. Historically, the first gun-related violence dates back to 1966 at the University of Texas, where a former marine sniper killed 16 civilians and harmed 31 in less than two hours. The mass shooting of 1966 remains one of the deadliest mass shootings recorded in the United States. Charles Whitman, known as ‘Texas Tower Sniper,’ used semi-automatic firearms and rifles, resulting in the high fatality rate. Charles Whitman fire…

The Field of Gerontology Introduction Gerontology is the study of social, cultural, psychological, and cognitive aspects of aging. This field deals more with the various factors that revolve around the aging process. The name was firstly gotten in 1903, from a Greek word Geron, which meant older adult and logia, which means the study of. Some gerologists are professionally trained to handle older adults in all fields. These gerologists are from various fields such as psychology, nursing, medicine, anthropology, housing, public health, among many other things. The number of older adults that is over the age of 65 years has dramatically been increasing each day. This, therefore, calls for serious attention to these people. Meaning that there should be an increase in the resources as well. The United States has documented a very high growth in gerontology over the past 20 years. This number has been said to keep on increasing as the decades going by. Researchers have proven that by the year 2065, the total population of an older adult will rise from the current 16percent to a 23percent.…

The Magical Chinese Lantern Festival The Magical Chinese Lantern Festival is one that attracts a multitude of attendees, most of who are usually not Chinese. Despite being a source of entertainment and adventure for many, the festival boasts as richly educative and supportive of the Chinese culture. As I visited the different stands in the festival, I got to learn more things about the Chinese culture, and I as well got entertained altogether. The festival is open for all ages, and even children below the age of four get free entry. The festival runs for six weeks from Thursdays to Sundays. I think that showcasing the culture and education of the Chinese in the United States makes the festival a public diplomacy tool by the people’s republic of china. I think that holding the Chinese Lantern Festival is a public diplomacy method because of the various exchanges of culture and values that are witnessed during the event. This festival fosters a better mutual understanding between the Chinese people and the United States of America. The festival ensures that the goodness…

Pride Toronto Pride Toronto is a non-profit organization that promotes transgender rights in Toronto. The primary goal of the movement is to eliminate violence and discrimination against trans folks in regards to housing, employment, and access to healthcare services. The organization holds an annual transgender festival, where they celebrate the diversity and gains made by the LGTBQ community in Toronto. The festivities are held in Church and Wellesley village, along Yonge Street in the greater Toronto area. For years now, members of the transgender community in Toronto have been discriminated against regarding education. Many schools and institutions of higher learning rely on discriminatory policies against LGBT members, especially public toilet legislation. This mistreatment has been a focal point for the Pride Toronto Movement. Besides, a survey evaluating Canadian high schools in 2009 revealed that 75% of students identifying themselves as LGBT members experience verbal harassment, and 38% report physical violence over their gender orientation. Three in ten trans students report sexual abuse within their schools in the past year. These statistics prompted Pride Toronto to prioritize access to quality education…

Lantern Festival: Celebrating Diversity The Chinese lantern festival was created to honor the lives of the people that lost their lives on the 15th day of the Chinese New Year. The tradition has been carried from as early as the Han Dynasty to the present decade to create an element of unity and peace present in China after the event. The celebration has been observed in China and other Chinese nations over the years. However, with the increased migration to the western countries, the activity has been carried to other neighborhoods that are not necessarily Chinese. On the 21st of November, the event premiered in Orange County, California. I visited the event as I had enjoyed the games and the lantern presentation when I was growing up. Moreover, attending the event allowed me to be part of the ritual and advance the ceremony that means so much to the Chinese community as part of the new year celebration. The celebration was organized to honor the different generations of the Chinese immigrants to America as a sign of acceptance of the…

Concert Critique             The concert that I attended was a music festival that was to be performed by a well-known artist in Miami. The vent was advertised in the mainstream media, and tickets were selling at high prices. It was an event that lovers of music would not miss. People were waiting for that event, and booking was high so as not to miss a space. The first element of the performance was the lights of the concert and how they interrelated well with the song. This moved me since the rhythm of the artist’s songs were in line with the lights. This made me feel part of the concert, and my moods were fully transformed to the extent that I felt as if I was the one performing. The second element of the performance was the interaction between the artist and the audience. How he would engage us during the concert was welcome and heartwarming. I was able to move in line with his dancing movements. This not only made me enjoy the show but also made me feel…

Oberoi Hotel   Executive summary After independence, owing to the wealthy historical and cultural inclusiveness of the country, India was one of the most appealing to the tourist’s nation. It attracted not only tourists but also global hotel business chains looking for high business chances in India, and the number of foreign tourists in India grown exponentially from 17,829 in 1951 to 7 million in 2003. The case’s introductory paragraph starts by narrating us of the encounter of a client at The Oberoi Vanya villas in Ranthambore, India. It is one of the company’s best properties, consists of twenty-five luxury tents in a jungle close to a tiger reserve. This hotel geared towards offering its clients a luxurious wildlife encounter. But regrettably, during his stay, a guest was very uneasy because he was unable to sleep at night due to the passing sound of a train that was almost some miles from the premises. Buell et al. (2015), the customer left the room within two days, while the customer made a reservation for three days. To compensate the client, the manager repaid…

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