Analyzing Bill Maher’s “Religulous” The topic of religion has been a subject of debate for a long time. Atheists and other non-believers argue that it is overrated, and aims at enslaving people with its beliefs. Karl Marx is famed for his sentiments on religion, which he posits, is the opium of the people. Marx perceived religion as a human-made theory, which attempted to enslave man through its principles. In the film “Religulous,” comedian Bill Maher equally criticizes religion as the worst form of slavery to humanity. He posits that the world could be a better place if there were no religion and its principles to govern people’s beliefs. His argument is structured upon various significant religions of the world, which he criticizes throughout the movie. In the film, he is seen touring the world, where he conducts interviews with Christians, Catholics in Vatican, Mormons, Buddhists, Islam, among other religions. He attacks Islam with the Jihad concept, while he finds no fault in Buddhism and Hinduism. He perceives Christianity in light of Thomas Jefferson that it is the most perverted system…
Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun and Churchill, Top Girls Top girls is a play authored by Caryl Churchill, which focuses on the character of Marlene. It delves into what a woman’s place in society is and what it means to be a successful woman. On the other hand, a raisin in the sun is a play by Lorraine Hansberry, which is a narration of a low-class African American family that lived on the Chicago south side during the 1950s. The play focuses on the family efforts to move in a white middle-class neighborhood where they are not welcome and the struggles of investing as African American individuals. Therefore, this paper will compare and contrast the two plays by summarizing the plays and its character, describing the protagonist’s dilemma, analyzing the plot, and discussing the critical moment, themes, scenes, symbols, or characters who stand out in the plays. Summary of the plays and its characters A Raisin in the sun is a story of a lower-class American family-the youngers- of African descent that resides in the Chicago south side during…
Plants and people The plant product chosen for this research is a rubber. The product comes from Hevea brasiliensis, which is commonly referred to us a rubber tree. Rubber is a plant product that can be used for various purposes since it can be made either hard or soft. Stretchy and soft latex is used in all types of everyday things like condoms, pencil erasers, protective glove, paints, and balloons. Also, it is used to produce adhesives such as sticky white PVA. Rubber, in the form of latex, is extracted from the laticiferous system of the Hevea brasiliensis by tapping the trunk. Tapping involves cutting through the bark of the rubber tree. Latex forms from a milky liquid that oozes from the wound of the tree and dries up. The usual technique of tapping is to notch the tree with a knife for the perimeter of the trunk. The cut is slanted down at an angle of 30 degrees from left to the right. Cutting starts from the highest point that is suitable for the tapper. Moreover, the succeeding…
Karma and its Influence on Indian Spirituality Karma is a concept from the Upanishads that decrees, one’s actions in his current life determines the kind of life the person will lead upon reincarnation. Destinies are formed according to previous lives’ Karmas. As per the Upanishad concept of Karma, a good or positive deed goes towards the betterment of one’s life, just as harmful acts lead towards detriment. There are several types of Karmas. Karmas are classified according to one’s motive of performing a particular action. Some perform actions thinking of the rewards that the sacrifice will result in while others perform actions selflessly. According to the Upanishads, “These performers of Karma (sacrifice), be- cause of their attachment to the fruits (of their sacrifice), after a temporary enjoyment of their heavenly reward fall back again into misery.” (Eknath & Nagler, 1987). The ultimate aim of life is to achieve liberation and end the birth-reincarnation cycle. “…this loop of Karma and destiny binds us and we remain entangled in it. The only way through which we can nullify our give and take…
How Bad I Was and How I Improved Academic pursuits rank among the toughest yet most rewarding adventures you can decide to engage in. Excelling in your studies is a process that not only educates and improves you, but also changes your entire worldview as you grow and develop. In this essay I reflect on how much I have improved in my studies after a rocky start The metamorphosis from a struggling student, who had to master my second language English, before achieving academic stability, has been quite an adventure. Initially, just being able to speak and write in English was a great challenge that required extraordinary effort on my part. Some of my early essays such as ‘My struggles as writer’ act as witnesses to a time when even constructing a sentence in English would result in a clumsy effort laced with unclear communication. An example of the opening paragraph “It has been a while since I wrote in English and still nothing haschanged: “Iam bad at writing”. Over and over on my mind: “English as asecond language…
Lantern Festival: Celebrating Diversity The Chinese lantern festival was created to honor the lives of the people that lost their lives on the 15th day of the Chinese New Year. The tradition has been carried from as early as the Han Dynasty to the present decade to create an element of unity and peace present in China after the event. The celebration has been observed in China and other Chinese nations over the years. However, with the increased migration to the western countries, the activity has been carried to other neighborhoods that are not necessarily Chinese. On the 21st of November, the event premiered in Orange County, California. I visited the event as I had enjoyed the games and the lantern presentation when I was growing up. Moreover, attending the event allowed me to be part of the ritual and advance the ceremony that means so much to the Chinese community as part of the new year celebration. The celebration was organized to honor the different generations of the Chinese immigrants to America as a sign of acceptance of the…
Biographical Website Content Life and Family History Reverend Kenneth Stewart was born in 1964 in North Uist. The area lies in an island that is found in the Hebrides in Scotland. He is a prolific figure in the religious realm due to his outstanding work. He has a loving family that supports him throughout the pastoral work. His wife is called Anna, and they have five children together. Anna’s original home is Lewis, where she was born and raised as well. The man of God also serves as a lecturer at the Semester in Scotland institution. On that account, he teaches people at the organization how to get closer to their creator. His commitment to serving in the church began, and he traversed across boundaries to preach. Kenneth Stewart brings a wealth of experience of over two decades as a minister. He has fellowshipped with different people who saw him as a great person. He reaches out to the congregation with passion and dedication. The highlight is that he always found time to talk to others and give them practical…
moderate physical activity for elderly population As the elderly population continues to grow, the well-being of the elderly becomes the primary goal of the public policy and what the elderly strives for. The current development of well-being as age increases provides an opportunity for research to all sectors of society (Lloyd, Kendall, Starr & Murray 206). The issue of aging and well-being continue to be a phenomenon for debate among biologist, scholars, politicians, and physicians. An interview conducted with an older adult over 70 years old in the United States to examine the longevity covered the various aspects such as psychological, social, cognitive, health, and spirituality of the individual. Research suggests that older individuals participate in moderate physical activity. Also, some elderlies engage in spiritual activities and average cognitive work. An interview with Helen, a 73-year-old lady, who lives with her daughter, share with us her development strengths, such as her feeling, fulfillment, and achievement. Helen has been able to educate her daughter. She is a successful business person. Helen owners a pharmaceutical shop that has now managed by her…
The Jewish History Isaac Leib Peretz: If Not higher The literature by I.L Peretz revolves around Bontsha who remains silent, both in life and death. Peretz uses Bontsha’s story to advance the theme of oppression in the Jewish society. The suffering the protagonist undergoes is a depiction of the life poor people are subjected to by the elites. His story paints a picture of the widening gap between the poor and the rich (Peretz 2). In any case, Bontsha hails from a poor background and as such, he represents the majority poor in the society who remain voiceless against the backdrop of policies that favor the rich. Peretz uses symbolism to depict the extent of disparity between the rich and the poor. His approach takes shape through Bontasha’s silence. The is an intricate balance between the Jewish history and the bible. The author seems to create a scenario to imply that being powerless on earth is not the end of the journey since heaven awaits those who are helpless to reward them. Despite Bontasha been silent on earth, he would secure…
Why South Asia was attractive to other nations South Asia was attractive to other nations because of it’s well known treasures and wealth; therefore, other countries were interested in trading whatever they had with the residents of South Asia. As a result of the traders and scholars coming in, political, cultural, and religious influences started to emerge, the more the foreigners stayed, they influenced the occupants of southern Asia with their different lifestyle, which was quite attractive to the people of South Asia. The people of South Asia adapted the foreign culture and religion, which later spread throughout the nation from the coastal regions to the other areas. The idea of South Asia having not only wealth but also wisdom became an excellent destination for traders and scholars. Its many marvels attracted people from all over the world .its treasures attracted traders who interior side’s .this activities resulted in hundreds of different dialect being spoken in India today. South Asia became a crossroad for language, culture, and religion as traders met to carry out their trading activities.Southeast Asia happened to…