Ray’s Religious Upbringing and its Connections with the Natural World in Georgia In her book “ecology of a Cracker childhood,” Ray shares her experience and life while she was living with her parents in Georgia (Ray, 1999, p. 4). She shares with her readers the fundamental values that played a role in shaping her into who she is today. She ascertains that she acquired the fundamental values after her parents imparted the same in her at her infant stage. The book vividly portrays the challenges that Ray’s parents found themselves, but they still stood to be steadfast as they knew how they wanted to bring up their kids. One standing thing that remains prevalent in the entire book is the religious values of Ray’s parents (Ray, 1999, p. 116). Ray was brought up in a family that attached a lot of value to the church as well as the doctrines and the word of the church. Both her father and mother continued to encourage Ray to understand and respect the word of the Bible and to attend the church. However,…
The World View of Islam A world view of the way people perceive and interact with the world. World view does not mean the physical aspect, but it refers to the philosophical perspective. The world refers to animate, inanimate and metaphysical realities. The world view is focused on trying to seek, comprehend, adopting and living with the truth. This truth h will thus be manifested in the world both in its simplest form and in its complicated form. A person’s world view comprises of their most critical assumption and set of beliefs concerning the world that we live in. It includes how a person would answer the question concerning the origin of human beings and what human beings are. A world view is also involved in comprehending the fundamental questions that appertain to issues dealing with the purpose for which man was created, the nature of life after death and hat are considered to be a good life on earth. The world view of a person will attempt to answer these questions regarding a particular faith. They will influence the…
Halloween holiday Halloween is an informal holiday celebrated on October 31st every year by millions of people across the world. .It is a fun-filled holiday characterized by fancy costumes, candy, and partying. Halloween evolved from a catholic holiday known as All Hallow Eve, a night of celebrations and partying that occurred the day before the All Saints Day, a general celebration of catholic Saints, which falls on November first. Religious leaders argue that Halloween has contradicted religion, and that is the reason why it is essential to analyze this event to get a deeper understanding of this form of celebration honored by many nations in the west, such as American, among others. A common argument by neo-pagans and Christians against Halloween celebrations is that All Saints Day was moved to November first to co-opt Samhain, a Celtic-Irish festival. Samhain, which was specifically meant to celebrate the years’ harvest, was characterized by celebrants dressing like evil spirits (Morton, L, 2012). Later on, in the Middle Ages, hungry children introduced into the holiday the feature of begging for money and food, which…
Abortion and Religion Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the actual time of giving birth. It can as a result of one’s will, but it can also occur without anybody’s intervention. When it occurs without one’s intention, it is called a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion (A Chaundry, 2019). Abortion has got different views from different people, different countries, and even from various religious groups. With some condemning it while others support it. Each group has its reasons which to them seem right and ought to be respected. Significant reasons why mostly condemn it is because of the religious perspective, numerous religious traditions have taken a stance on abortion, but few are absolute (G Hodson et al.., 2017). These stances span a full bracket, based on various teachings and religious sprints. Some of the groups and their stands include the below; according to Buddhism codes, they hold the belief that life begins at conception, and that abortion, which would then involve the deliberate destruction of life, should be rejected. The notion that life is a continuum with no obvious starting…
Letter to Tracy Dear Tracy I suspect your experience in Canada must have been one of the most exhilarating experiences in your life, just as it was to me. Canada offers people from diverse walks of life to have a taste of what they offer not only through pursuing education or employment but also through tourism. I am happy that during your stay in Canada, you had a real taste of culture and enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Canadians. Similarly, when I first came to Canada in 2016, my reception was through someone we are not related. However, just like in your case, the hospitality I received during my initial three months stay in Canada remains unmatched. I believe that the aspect of a good neighborhood is prioritized immensely in Canadian society. Again, your struggles to form relationships resonate well with my initial encounters when I felt that relationships in Canada are relatively hard compared to my native country. Here in Canada, people are liberal-minded and value the respect of individuals in society. However, my integration in Canadian society…
Linguistic pet peeves Linguistic pet peeves are words that people misuse when communicating. Some people use words and phrases which seem to annoy others more. For instance, using a word like incentivize instead of motivate annoys me more. Another word that drives me crazy is when people add an n to the word other when using it after the word whole.An example of the sentence with an n added to the word other is when someone says “that’s a whole nother matter”. It really irritates me. I wonder why use the term nother other than using other which seems to be easier and understandable. Another word is when someone uses word past history when referring to something that happened before. That is not right according to me. However, there is a correlation between linguistic pet peeves and ecological perspective as well as the prescriptivism perspective and this relation is explained below. Linguistic and ecological perspective is portrayed in different tribes in the world. despite its benefits, the perspective is rejected in the education systems of many countries whereby they undermine the culture and language of different students. Linguistic and prescriptivism perspective…
Advanced Practise Nurse (APN) Introduction Advanced Practise Nurse (APN) needs to have a full understanding of the culture and spirituality of their patients to provide care that is sensitive to the two elements. I have always strived to cultivate spiritual and cultural awareness in my nursing practice since it will increase my capability of providing care to a diverse population and also foster inter-professional relationships (Darnell and Hickson, 2015). This process has been realized through reading journal articles, textbooks, and research on the internet to ensure that i am spiritually and culturally competent. Assessment of Cultural Needs I hold the view that APNs need to assess the cultural needs of the patient before recommending treatment. This approach can be realized through effective communication will all patients, clients, or even their family members (McCarthy, 2015). Questions relating to ‘how?’, ‘when?’, and ‘what?’ are significant when assessing the cultural needs of the patient (Darnell and Hickson, 2015). For instance, in some cultural contexts, eye contact and physical closeness may be interpreted differently. The APN should not be afraid to ask the client,…
“Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” by Judy Blume Question 1. “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” by Judy Blume is a tale of Margaret Simon, an eleven-year-old who lived in New York City most of her life. When Margaret joins the sixth grade, she begins worrying on issues like periods, boys and wearing of the bra like any other adolescent girl. Religion is one of the themes in “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.” To begin with, Margaret is brought up by a Christian mother and a Jewish father and therefore, she grows up without a specific religion. Her parents believe that when she is old enough, she will be able to choose a religion. Margaret has a hard time deciding which religion to follow and the only time she feels like talking to God is when she lonely. The title phrase “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” is repeated severally when Margaret talks to God when she is reporting an event or requesting for something. This phrase displays the exceptional connection Margret has with…
Sociology post Suicidal cases have been rampant in today’s society due to certain factors that cut across several sectors, such as social and cultural. However, there exist social factors that guard against suicide around the globe. They include religion. Several religions in the world discourage the act of committing suicide, such as Christianity, Hinduism, and Islamic. In Christianity, among the commandments given by God, no one should commit murder, referring to the act of murdering someone or committing suicide. The act is punishable before God. As a result, individuals belonging to such religions would fear to go against the law. Besides, living with members of the family reduces the chances of one committing suicide. Here, the members, including children, enable individuals always to think positively and see life from a different perspective. Members act as a source of inspiration whenever faced in times of difficulties. On the other hand, living alone brings loneliness, which might make them take unnecessary decisions to commit murder. Also, marriage guards against suicide, research shows that married middle-aged individuals have a low risk of committing…
Chinese Religions “An important feature of religions in China is that they are by no means mutually exclusive” (135). It is not uncommon for a Chinese to be adherent to many religions. Various religions can use most of the places of worship. This may explain why the government has practiced some sense of neutrality when dealing with religion. Religion in China stemmed from the belief that there is only one Supreme God. This was followed by an emphasis on morality, especially from the rulers, to one that synthesized the beliefs from the various faiths. This might be explained by the fact that most of the traditional religions do not seem to fit in the changing times. For instance, Confucianism may be considered somewhat too obsolete for modern times. However, a synthesis of the teachings of the various faiths may bring a sense of commonality that may be suitable for the changing times. Like many religions mentioned in the book, the Chinese religions believe in many gods and spirits who serve different purposes in the universe. However, they also believe in…