Accounting Rate of Return Organizations always compare the Accounting Rate of Return to the expected rate of return. This makes it easier to reject or accept a project. If the accounting rate of return is more than or equal to the anticipated rate of return, then the company should undertake the project. On the other hand, when it is lower than the expected rate of return, the company should reject the plan (Thiess & Wright, 2010). Therefore, for Love well company, if the accounting rate of 16.7% is more than the anticipated rate of return, it should take the project. However, if it is less than the expected rate of return, Love Well Company should reject the project. Benefits of Accounting Rate of Return Just like the payback period, this method is easy to comprehend and compute because it takes into consideration the total income or savings over the lifecycle of the project. It also considers the value for money because it recognizes crucial issues like the net income and depreciation, which are crucial factors in appraising an investment (Shaban,…

Spirituality and religion Spirituality and religion are vital sources of strength to some clients, it gives meaning to their lives, and it can be essential in promoting their mental healing and well-being. In Blair’s findings, some patients described how spirituality played an indispensable role in their lives because it helped them get an identity. During a therapeutic process, the counsellor must use the client’s spiritual belief to help them explore and get better. As a therapist, I think it’s essential that one meditates on their spirituality so that one can be able to relate with a patient on a spiritual level. At the end of the day, successful counselling should address the body, mind and spirit. The spirituality topic is susceptible, and one should have some level of therapeutic skills to know on what angle to address it with their patients. I wouldn’t talk about my spiritual orientation unless my client is interested. Only then will I indulge in the topic in a way that is beneficial and in ways that would not cause difficulties in the therapy session. Spirituality…

African slave trade What is the validity of the different schools of thought on the African slave trade? Slavery began in the ancient times way long before ancient times. Slavery started before the dawn of human society. (1).. But why did the English men prefer black slaves to Indians and European slaves? In an attempt to answer this question, many authors published their arguments on why Africa was the best target. What are the reasons for African enslavement from different schools of thought? Winthrop D Jordan expounds on the English perceptions concerning the color, manner, sexuality, Christianity, and social hierarchy of the black people. He majors his explanations on why African slavery increased as European bondage reduced. The white people were biased against the blacks right from the start of slavery, although they intermingled sexually, giving rise to the African-American race. Both slavery and bias lead to the degradation of black slaves. (2). The white people degraded the African slaves and denied them the right to protest for their rights, unlike their white counterparts. The Englishmen enslaved negroes due to…

The American model of religion Religion and the aspect of law and politics have been related for centuries. Apart from the overall concept of Christianity and Islam in modern society and the involvement in ruling parties. The traditional religions in a different part of the world have been related to politics. In different African, for instance, the conventional beliefs and religions impacted and controlled the political processes. In the Buganda Kingdom in Uganda, which one of the few monarchies remaining in the continent, King Kabaka often asks for guidance and advice from the different religious leaders who are considered to speak to the gods directly. The same impact of religion on the political system was experienced in the formation of different nations across Europe. Christianity, either in the form of Catholicism or Protestantism, was central in the advice and control of the countries. However, the formation of a new nation, the United States created acceptance of different forms of religion. The American model of religion is based on Christianity as the primary religion according to the first immigrants; even so,…

discomfort of feminine descriptions of the monotheistic God Sheikh writes that in her view, the discomfort of feminine descriptions of the monotheistic God might partly be explained by the fact that patriarchy has rendered make imagery normative and rendered feminine imagery for the divine as unthinkable or dissonant. She says so because Islam is no exception when it comes to patriarchy histories. She explains that Muslims have a long account of gendered hierarchies, divine masculine associations that are implicit, and authority of the male. Patriarchy refers to a government’s or society’s government where the male is the father, or eldest son heads the family. This means that for a long time, the Muslim religion has lived in a male-dominated context, especially when it comes to power, leadership, and authority (Shaikh). Therefore, they have learned to attribute leadership to a masculine figure. It is something that has been there in the religion, and it would, thus, be challenging to change into something else different since the society has made it appear normal, and they have adapted to it. Christian, Muslim, and…

The Epitome of Unity in Diversity ‘Unity in diversity’ is what describes the incredibility of India. The land of millennium-old civilization is an example of a perfect conglomeration of religions, cultures, heritage, and remarkably-diverse destinations to visit. Any itinerary expectation can be met with precision in India, offering the best experiences. From the snow-capped Himalayas to archipelagos Guarded by the mighty Himalayas in the north, the Indian Ocean in the south, the Arabian Sea in the west and Bay of Bengal in the east, India is the 7th in area and 2nd in population in the world. From bustling cities to tranquil forests, amusement parks to pristine falls, stretched serene beaches to archipelagos, you will discover an incredible India on the way. Socio-economic Development: A seven-decade journey India got her independence on 15th August 1947 and freed herself from the shackles of colonial rule. Despite suffering from two severe blows of World Wars and the unruly regime of the British Empire, India got back on her feet. The socio-economic progress of India as a 3rd world country is remarkable. Within…

Holy War Lack of knowledge and years of indoctrination have led to religious intolerance and bigotry, something that Islam opposes. Islam is compatible with the ongoing process of time if its core values of justice, tolerance, morality, honesty, and accountability are promoted. In addition to this, Islam is broadly represented as a religion of intolerance and killing. The word “Holy War” portrays the negative image and is widely misunderstood. In the Arabic language, the word Jihad means “To strive.” Additionally, in Islam, Jihad can be classified into several realms, Jihad by heart, tongue, hands, and finally, by the sword. Unfortunately, the latter is usually the level of Jihad that is most publicized and exposed due to its vast misinterpretation and misuse by extremist Islamic groups for their interest. Other factors could be lack of education, high illiteracy rate in majority Muslim countries, shallow democratic moves by leaders, and strong repugnancy towards the western world. Another factor could be the prevalence of unbridled materialism and moral decline, where the money is considered an essential thing in life. This dilemma was best…

Impact of whistle blowing on health care organizations Exposing information that is deemed unethical, illegal or not correct within an organization is referred to as whistleblowing. According to Mannion et al (2018), Staff always feel unable to speak or when they do, the organizations from which they speak act inappropriately. Whistleblowing impacts Health Care organizations both negatively and positively. In this paper, I will highlight some positive and negative impacts of Whistleblowing. Body Blowing the whistle is a quality maintainance measure.  Maria, Silvia and Rocco, (2016) extensively highlight how whistle blowing has improved the quality of health care organizations. They explain how employees may prefer external channels to report malpractices in an organization. An organization will handle their activities cautiously  if they are aware of the possibility of whistleblowing. Fleming et al, (2018) conducted  a paper-based survey of delegates attending the Association of Surgeons in Training conference and found out that when employees in the health sector become silent witnesses, then there follows poor quality performance. Similar points are raised by Jones A, Craven R (2016) who express the importance…

High Spending on Military Arm Industries and Security in the Gulf Countries: An Analytical Study Introduction and Thesis Military stability in a country is crucial.   The factor helps a country to develop both internal and external factors like businesses and economic development as well as international relations.    For example, through the implementation of a stable military, a country supports various business investments and development within its horizons.  On the other hand, the issue of military capability in a country also affects political welfare in different positive ways.  This factor is supported by the fact that when the military power is robust, the government power is also unbreakable, and therefore, the political affairs like elections as well as governance are also made firm. Excellent military capability also leads to the improvement of social interaction within a country.   In most cases, the military officers ensure that the country is governed in order and peace. Therefore, instances of havoc and unrest are eliminated. This factor promotes social interactions among the citizens of the country. Additionally, the military also ensures that the social policies…

Romanesque Saints and Reliquaries In most cases, Christians would seek answers to their prayers from martyrs as an intervention between them and God.  Martyrs are people who died for their faith in God; hence prayer through a saint was considered effective. The bodies of the saints or parts of their bodies and possession were stored in containers that were richly decorated. From our textbook, it is clear that reliquaries are any form of objects that hold vestiges. For Christians, relics were those objects Christians believed in. They believed that relics had the power to heal, while others had some spiritual significance. This is because some of the original relics were believed to have been touched by Jesus Christ or the great apostles (Tuggle n.p). Due to their significance, reliquaries were made of gold and other stones. Yet, what made them stand out from each other were the decorations and designs, making them the most remarkable pieces of art in the middle ages. Consequently, the relics and reliquaries were stored in churches and were arranged in passageways, crypts, and chapels for…

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