Combine Advisors Have you heard about Half-Life? Half-Life involves a series of video games that was developed and published by Valve. The games have been in existence since 1998 when the first and original Half-Life was released. Over the years, the game has developed ad has many episodes and series. As the player, you control a character known as Gordon Freeman, who is a physicist who fights an invasion by aliens. It involves many activities such as storytelling, puzzles, and combat. In 2020, Valve has released the flagship virtual reality game for Half-Life, which is known as Half-Life: Alyx. This game, which was released after many years of speculation, is set in the events between Half-Life and Half-Life 2. In this game, the players control Gordon Freeman’s partner, known as Alyx Vance, as she tries to fight the alien Combine. So what or who is Combine Advisor? You are just about to find out what Combine Advisor is by reading through this article. What Is Combine Advisors?       Combine Advisors are the main antagonists in the entire Half-Life series. The…

 video ″Enemy Alien,″ review Essay 1 The following assignment is worth 10% of your grade. You are to watch the video ″Enemy Alien,″ found via the following link: Once you have watched the entire video, write an academic essay in APA format with the following structure and content: Paragraph 1: introduction and thesis (your thesis should indicate what kind of effect the War Measures Act had on Japanese Canadians) Paragraph 2: effect of the act on property and business for those affected Paragraph 3: effect of the act on relocation and diaspora for those affected Paragraph 4: the trauma of internment camps for those who had to live in them Paragraph 5: explanation of the situation for Italians and Germans during the same period in Canada Paragraph 6: conclusion (do NOT simply repeat or summarize your previous points — this is far too simplistic for a college level essay!)[unique_solution] Find two additional peer-reviewed resources (academic or respected journalistic / news — NOT blogs, wikipedia, etc.) to use within your assignment IN ADDITION to any relevant material you wish to…

The New Jim Crow: Racism and Social systems The United States has a history of profound caste system based on race. The racial segregation and classification of people are traced back to the slavery period in which the people of color taken in the transatlantic slave trade were treated as less of humans. In the era that followed, such as mass immigration from different parts of the world continued to reveal the racial challenge in the community. The legislative systems allowed citizenship based on the color of the skin, thus allowing people from various European countries to gain citizenship. In contrast, the brown and Asian people were denied fundamental human rights. The different periods and decisions made by the government express the intensive approach of racism in the significant sectors in the country. In the book titled The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander looks into the different ways in which the aspect of racism has been carried in the new generation. With reference to the segregation laws in the Jim Crow era, the author looks into the different ways in…

The theory of mercantilism International trade is a transactional exchange across territories or physical geographic boundaries of capital goods and services for profits. The purpose of international trade is to enable domestic production within a particular country to be sold in other markets other than its own (Viner, 2016). International trade is desired as it enables a country to grow its gross domestic product (GDP) (Thomas, 2019). Therefore, individual countries seek a bigger share and dominance in order to rapidly grow their GDP. However, international trade is complex to navigate and represented by complicated vested interests (Viner, 2016). Salient theorists have thus come up with theoretical frameworks to help counties to format a strategy of succeeding in international. This paper reviews the meaning and functionality of the theory of mercantilism in the context of international trade. The theory of mercantilism holds that the treasure of a country is directly proportional to its treasure. This treasure is usually held in terms of gold. The general functional principle of the theory of mercantilism is that the exports of a country should exceed…

Print Advertisement Analysis The print ad am focusing on is the Maybelline New York “Pure Makeup.” Maybelline New York is a cosmetic brand that is owned by French corporation referred to as “The L’Oréal Group” and is in above 120 countries as from 2008. Thus, the ad which is Maybelline New York “Pure Makeup” contains a very consistent message which does grab the attention of many. Its states that, “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe its Maybelline.” The text explains that this product has got something very unique that can change someone’s appearance or makes someone look so different from the standard expectation. It also says that it is an oil-free make up that contains 50% water meaning that it is not going to clog your pores or make you look fake. This means that it is explaining the benefits of the product on how it is going to protects one’s pores and nobody will find your face looking fake. The brand has developed how it is conscious of the skin and has a soothing effect. Although this ad does…

Alien in one’s own land Introduction According to US Department of Homeland Security, 76% of immigrants in the US are in the country legally. The total percentage of first generation immigrants is more than 20%. There have been a lot of stereotyping immigrants in the US. We see them as the cause of all the problems we face today. We believe that the increase in rape cases, murder and all forms of crime are associated with them. This paper analyses reasons why these immigrants have been treated as aliens in their own country and solutions to this problem. Prejudice against immigrants We are all aliens in this country, whether born here or immigrated, but we all belong to this country. We are all citizens; that is the bottom line. Irrespective of someone’s origin, all human races should be treated with dignity. We have been fed by myths about immigrants with the aim of prejudicing them. We see them as alien and therefore need to be deported, not forgetting that we all immigrated to this country. The only difference is the…

Political Essay Questions MD: Types of prompts used in political essays and how writers should respond to them. This article shows the possible questions that a political essay can answer. H1: Introduction to Political Essays A political research paper is an essay used to describe various government issues and historical events. They are also used to give biographies of different political icons and world leaders. Political essay writers are usually neutral in their explanations since the papers dwell on stating facts without any counter-arguments to dispute them. A political essay for college and university students can have the following prompts: Explain the treaties that were signed after the second world war Explain different arms of government in your country How historical events contributed to the current state of the nation Why countries are usually governed H2: The Purpose of a Political Essay College students typically pursue different courses to acquire the necessary skills and experience required for their professions. Political essays can help those pursuing legal studies to interpret various clauses of the law as they practice to embrace the…

Booker T Washington Booker T Washington was a slave and then became a free man. He was born of a white man and a slave mother. This is what shaped the rest of his life. His most focus in life was overcoming the barriers he experienced as a slave’s son and a white father. This made education his primary priority. At Hampton Institute, Washington relentlessly struggled to get an education. Booker T Washingtonkept developing his knowledge base, and finally, he was known for dedicating his education to teaching vocational training instead of liberal arts education.  However, the fight for social equality and economic security, Washington believed that education and industrial jobs were essential for the black community than arts or history education.  Booker T Washington, therefore, urged the black community to strengthen their economic development before they would focus on securing social equality throughout the country. Beside his stand and urge to the black community, not every person took his idea. One of the knowns opposes of Booker T Washington was W.E.B Du Bois. Du Bois’ assertion was very strong…

In The Last of the Siraya by Howard Goldblatt I believe ingenious people not only in Asia have, for centuries, faced land injustices and unlawful sentences from settlers who have always come disguised as helpers. Reading these articles has made me correlate with other materials that I have randomly come across the Indian in the United States. The IP continues to face injustices and challenges from accessing their ancestral lands and space, which have been classified as national government lands. However, I think that there the law has been formulated to lock the indigenous people (IP) out of the lands by assuming that their traditions are uncivilized and outdated. In The Last of the Siraya by Howard Goldblatt, we can see Yinhua, who comes from the indigenous community living in a settlement together with her MA (father) and NA (mother) with worries about meeting basic needs. However, the Japanese family where Second Young Master came from was well renown and possessed the land of the Siraya tribe, and in turn, they were taking rent from the people who are initially…


Gregor essay

Gregor essay  Gregor, throughout Part 3, listens to his sister, Grete, playing violin for the three gentlemen boarders, and he “must aspire” to hear it a little. He is described by music as being much more fascinated than the three borders, and he wants her to come “with her violin in his room” and play for him instead of her. His reaction to music is a reminder of his affection for his sister and contrasts sharply with her response that showed him present. This relationship with his sister is the last bond to be broken and reveals his full and irreparable alienation from the family and the former human self. Earlier, Kafka writes in Part 2, that Gregor’s “dirty plan to send (his sister) to the conservatory” was always that he still liked what a “doubtful, articulate violinist” she was. However, she enjoyed more music than him. When Grete starts playing the violin in the living room, Gregor is upset. As the sound pulls him out of his room, “He was hardly surprised at his growing disregard for others; at…

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