VARSITY BRANDS AND STAR ATHLETICA COURT CASE Varsity Brands litigated Star Athletica in the supreme Court of appeal for violating copyright Act. Varsity Brands designs plus fabricates clothing plus accessories expressly to be used in many athletic undertakings, comprising cheerleading. Varsity Brands acknowledged patent registration for the dual dimensional sculpture at the subject in this incident, which were analogous to the ones publicized by the Star Athletica (Shipley, 2018). The subordinate law courts distressed as to if the design of the sculpture might be alienated as of the serviceable purpose of the uniform deliberately to be appropriate for the patent. The United States Supreme Law court apprehended that the design which had been used by the Varsity Brands can be acknowledged discretely, hence inferring that these designs can occur autonomously of the cheerleading uniform, and therefore being suitable for the patent. Mutually the parties funneled cues for the instant verdict. Star claimed that Varsity was deficient in lawful copyrights merely because the designs of the artwork stood for “useful articles,” which could not be patented. Accordingly, this denotes that the…

The Issue of Staff Shortage and Layoffs Introduction Staff shortage is a growing concern in the health care organization. A recent demonstrate that the United State will be required to recruit about 2.3 million new health care practitioners by 2025 to address the shortage of staff due to aging and rising patient load. Most organization are not in a position to manage supply of professional due to increasing patient load. Moreover, most organization are forced to lay off workers to survive. Layoffs is due to reduction in revenue that is caused by combination of sequester cuts, expansion of Medicaid and reduction in patient volume. The main objective of the paper is to explore the issues of staff shortage and layoff in health-care organizations, its impact and measures to address the issues. Challenges Faced by Health-care Organization Staff Shortage The health-care industry is facing shortage of skilled and qualified staffs. The shortage is seen in professions such as nurses, physicians and technicians. The rate of graduation of students in these fields cannot address the issue. The industry is growing but the…

Protagonist and Antagonist in “Bartleby, the Scrivener” by Herman Melville Authors usually assign characters roles to play in their works of art. Different characters are used to develop the plot in various ways. Some of the characters advance given courses or support certain ideologies while others oppose the ideologies. In his work, “Bartleby, the Scrivener,” Herman Melville does not overtly present the protagonist and the real antagonist in his work. However, we can still deduce who plays the role of the protagonist or antagonist based on the behavior and actions they perform in the story. In this case, the narrator can be considered the protagonist in a more conventional way. Firstly, he is the character that the readers know best as they can identify with him and even see the story through his eyes. The narrator is also most accessible and essentially the human character in the story. He is not an alien like Bartleby and other clerks. His mission to comprehend and assist Bartleby becomes the readers’ own in the story. On the other hand, Bartley, through his actions,…

All for Nothing  More often than not, we are usually in search of a hero to get us out of a horrid situation physically, emotionally, or spiritually. It is human nature to seek comfort or an escape to a place of peace. However, life has a different view on how things run. Reality is sometimes harsh and unbearable for a majority. This fact explains why people constantly fall into a depression to the extent of having suicidal tendencies, it explains why people give up hope. Despite the constant challenges to which we are exposed, there is literature. This is a category in art that has opened people more to the nature of the world. It is a space through which people relate more to their situations and find a way to handle their issues once they are in a fix. The most respectable element of literature is its capacity to communicate issues that affect the community even when the content is pure non-fiction. The book “All for Nothing” by Walter Kempowski is one of the most popular pieces of literature.…

Effects of probiotics on Gut Microbiome Abstract estinalMore than half of the world’s population has difficulties in digestion dairy products due to its high lactose content. Lactose-intolerance is attributed to low lactase enzyme activity. Human gastrointestinal flora is constantly receiving supplements from live bacteria or yeast. Scientific studies have proven that the digestive system benefits a lot from probiotic properties in its involvement in intestinal rehabilitation.  Probiotics enhance immune responses, improve intestinal health, and reduce serum cholesterol. A series of accumulative evidence have shown that probiotic bacteria in yogurt and fresh milk can reduce lactose-intolerance. This paper aims to review the effects of probiotics in the intestinal, which include altering the intestinal microbiome, boosting immunity, and alienating lactose-intolerance. Probiotics competitively increase adherence to the mucosa and epithelium, continuously modify the gut microbiome by communicating with the host by pattern.       Impacts of probiotics on Gut Microbiome Introduction Probiotics are living microorganisms that are offering health benefits to their host if administered in the right amounts. Several studies on probiotics indicated that there are benefits of certain probiotics when…

Alien and Sedition Acts             Notably, the Alien and Sedition Acts violate the freedoms stipulated under the First Amendment. The Aliens and Sedition Acts were intended to bar people from criticizing the Federalist government and assembling for the purpose of opposing the administration (Yale Law School, n.d.). Moreover, the legislation muzzled the freedom of the press by prohibiting them from publishing any material that was against the government (Yale Law School, n.d.). The passage of the new law triggered widespread outcry to the point that Jefferson described them as a “reign of witches” (Foner, 2017). Eighteen persons encompassing various editors of Republican newspapers were prosecuted based on the Sedition Act. Ten people were sentenced to jail for spreading “false and malicious” content concerning the government (Foner, 2017). In addition, Mathew Lyon, who was a member of Congress from Vermont, and an editor of a Republican-inclined media outlet, was imprisoned for four months and fined 1000 US dollars (Foner, 2017). Moreover, the Alien and Sedition Acts permitted the executive to expel any foreign national who was considered a threat to the…

Ibn Al-Haytham Question 1 From the three sources assigned, write down vital important things you learned about Ibn Al-Haytham Ibn Al-Haytham is a prominent Muslim scholar born who made remarkable contributions in several branches of science such as optics, meteorology astronomy, and mathematics. Ibn Al-Haytham was born in 965 in the port city of  Basra (Macaw Books, 2018). He showed a high level of unique intelligence right from childhood, which made him receive the best education available at Abbasid Caliphate. He began his career by being appointed Basra governor, a position he declined, citing alienation from bureaucracy and dissatisfaction from the absence of a search for religious truth (Macaw Books, 2018, 7). He then devoted himself to the study of science. Ibn Al-Haytham’s influence made him be considered to solve the Cairo flooding problem. While in Cairo, be proposed the Caliph, a hydraulic project – an early version of the Aswan dam; however, the president refused (sssn2). Devoted to science, he is known to be the first individual who discovered that light travel in a straight line using ancient Indian…

Reserved Rights Reserved rights doctrine contains various clauses with legal frameworks guiding the operations under distinct facets of life. The constitution formulates diverse legal articulations to ensure that citizens are protected against breaches of their reserved rights. Legal practitioners, such as judges, prosecutors, and lawyers, are guided by such legal frameworks when making legal presentations or rulings associated with citizens’ reserved rights. The reserved rights doctrine formulates diverse legal articulations to influence the activities taking place in the federal water and fisheries among other sectors. The paper looks into some of the considerations by legal practitioners when formulating decisions on matters about the citizens’ reserved rights. Michigans enjoy the rights to fish and hunt as fundamental exclusive rights resulting from several treaties made between the federal government and the specific tribes (Anderson 187). Such agreements aimed at responding to the question of citizen’s rights concerning such economic activities. The federal government adopted the treaties as one of the necessary measures towards easing the tensions that resulted from the continued involvement in such actions by the citizens. The fact that hunting…

Comparison of How Canada and India Differ or Are Similar in Business Environment. Introductions In recent years, globalization has influenced how the country carries out business activities affecting the business environment in different countries. The cooperation between business in Canada and India has increased dramatically, promoting an effective business environment. It has promoted many business similarities, such as business structure and culture between the countries. However, there still many differences between Indian businesspeople seeking to expand their business compared to those of Canada. This paper focuses on differences and similarities in the business environment between Canada and India. Economic comparison The economic factors in India are more favorable to small enterprise businesses compared to Canada due to reducing corporate taxation from twenty-five percent to fifteen percent for new manufacturing companies, and existing companies’ tax was reduced to twenty-two percent from thirty percent. India experiences frequent changes in corporate tax to improve its economic power in the world. Taxes reduction in the country provides a favorable working environment for business due to minimized interest rates on finance and availability of investment…

Closing Disparity Gap in LGBTQ Communities There is a need to eliminate health disparities among the minor communities in the society that should be under public health support. There are various health outcomes among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. In-depth studies have to be done in this area, such as through the health equity promotion model to cover both their mental and physical possible health outcomes. These individuals have the risk of being in adverse health conditions, early death, and disability (NIH, 2010). These disparities are said to be on unfortunate health situations to challenged communities on a social, environmental, and economic basis in health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). The LGBT populations are under alienation, desperate and underserved because they are not on consideration sexually and in gender, and this should be on the attention to reducing the disparity gap (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). An essential step is opening an LGBT office. It will help this group so much that there will be coordination and a consistent scientific effort to solve…

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