″Form″ VS. ″Function″ in Architecture ″Form″ VS. ″Function″ in Architecture: In your newly educated opinion, which is more important; and why? Writing in your own ″voice″, explain and support your stance on this debate. Use at least two-three relevant examples from the course content discussed, and integrate your newly developed architectural vocabulary to help support your responses. In other words, develop and present your ideas utilizing your new understanding of architecture you′ve gained from this course. (Warning: Only Use info you′ve learned directly from our course, such as the Powerpoint, videos or textbook -NOT info you randomly found online!)[unique_solution] ″Form″ VS. ″Function″ in Architecture: In your newly educated opinion, which is more important; and why? Writing in your own ″voice″, explain and support your stance on this debate. Use at least two-three relevant examples from the course content discussed, and integrate your newly developed architectural vocabulary to help support your responses. In other words, develop and present your ideas utilizing your new understanding of architecture you′ve gained from this course. (Warning: Only Use info you′ve learned directly from our course,…

Ways of reducing vulnerabilities and ensuring the protection of critical infrastructure The critical infrastructure in the US continues to remain at a threatening or vulnerable position because emerging cybersecurity threats have been increasing at an exponential rate (Bendrath, 2001). The effect is on national information systems. National security is at a threatening stage because intrusion attempts have been rising as well. The need of the hour is to protect the economy, public and government services. Although the Federal Government has been working on increasing the capabilities so that operations can run smoothly, it is vital to consider other options. Therefore, the ways in which intrusion attempts can be controlled and vulnerabilities can be reduced shall be outlined briefly. Listing the ways of reducing vulnerabilities The nation’s critical infrastructure can be protected against cyber threats and vulnerabilities by following the below-mentioned remedies- Reducing human error- Devices are susceptible to easy exploitation, and it is essential to use passwords or usernames that have been not in use consistently. Vulnerabilities can be reduced by using less well-known passwords. Leaked credentials are one of…

Migrating To The Cloud Abstract The current study focuses on the processes and facts associated with migrating to the cloud. For this, the study reveals the typical requirements of the system that the user must consider before moving any application to the cloud. Moreover, it discussed the requirements of consulting for any company before proceeding with cloud migrating along with the specific skills are that can be identified in these consultants. Further, the study sheds light on the characteristics of resource utilization that can be monitored before any application can be migrated to the cloud. Regarding this, the training requirements for SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS solution integrations have been identified for further evaluation of the application migration process. System requirements for considering cloud applications Moving applications through cloud migration is a significant risk that cannot be justified in most of the cases. For this, it is required to consider some system requirements before moving any such applications to the cloud. Network needs In case there is more space requirement for high bandwidth of application, it will not be valid for…

Mobile computing – reasons for its increased popularity Mobile devices have become an integral part of our life on the date. Its use is not limited to communication over distance only but a wide range of other facilities such as scheduling, setting reminders, file browsing, internet browsing, and many more. This is because of a variety of reasons that have increased the popularity of mobile devices among users. Factors influencing the popularity of mobile computing Socio-cultural factors It is one of the most influential factors over the popularity of mobile computing in the current market. Increased usage of the social media platforms for advertisement, product/service endorsement, and reaching out to the masses has surged the use of mobile devices among individuals. The mobile manufacturers also adopt a variety of cultural elements to make the product more acceptable among the masses (Brandenburg et. al., 2013). Geographic factors Globalization is one of the necessary elements in all spheres. Be it business, education, or any other thing, and we are not limited by geographic boundaries anymore. Businesses are spread across multiple locations, and…

Difference between strategic planning and tactical planning Strategic planning is planning that is as a result of developing and reflecting on the missions of the organization and looking at the organization in terms of its market, showing its vision, which will help them understand its values. Tactical planning, on the other hand, merely outlines the actions and steps to be observed on a short-term basis so that the organization can effectively achieve the objectives outlined in the strategic plan. Why is it important to HIS and technology planning for a healthcare organization to have developed its strategic business plan? If the organization or business does not have a strategic business plan, what should HIS planners do? Importance of a strategic business plan His framework represents the authoritative vital arrangement, and its hierarchical arrangement resembles both clinical and business view. It also encourages the association to finish the procedures and to work in line with their goals, values and goals. Its vital arrangement points towards the yearly spending, activities and objectives of the organization. As such fundamental marketable strategy is more…

Enterprise architecture The core business activity and processes include the manufacturing of personal computers. Besides, the company provides other infrastructure and hardware solutions in different countries around the world. Regarding the business process, the company is involved in the distribution of its products and services to a different parts of the world as ordered by customers. With several years of business operation, the dynamics of doing business have changed significantly. For any company to survive in a dynamic market, it must have a competitive edge. As such, for Dell to remain relevant in the computing industry, the company started its transformation from being a hardware infrastructure provider to a service and software solution provider. Such a transformation requires careful consideration to ensure the successful incorporation of the necessary enterprise architecture. The move would also help the company to meet the increasing demand from the customers. As such, from the case study, the company is involved in the acquisition business process. And this added layer of additional capabilities to the Dell IT infrastructure. Additional capabilities, of course, come with several challenges,…

Sustainable Palm Oil                                                                      Introduction             Palm oil is considered one of the most valuable and profitable sources for different industries such as food, chemical products, and biofuels. The production and importation of it mostly come from plantations that are mainly located in Indonesia and Malaysia amongst other countries. The cultivation of palm oil, however, entails environmental risks, which include deforestation, displacement of indigenous inhabitants, and impacts on climate change that eventually drew the attention of various environment and sustainability-focused non-governmental organizations (NGOs).                                                 Current Supply Chain for Palm Oil                            Supply Chain Management is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The practice of supply chain management is meant to develop and run supply chains in such a way as to reduce delays and unnecessary waste, as well as to foment right customer and supplier relationships. Activities covered under supply chain management include product development, sourcing, production, and logistics, accompanying these activities are the information systems necessary to integrate them. The events that fall under supply chain management represent the flow…

Decentralization – what does it mean in the organizational context? When the power, responsibility, and activities of planning and related decision-making are distributed among the considered groups of the organization instead of a single authority, the organization is said to follow a decentralized structure. Decentralization refers to the spread of management and decision-making abilities among various departments of the organization, rather than staying maintaining dependence on a singular administrative center (Wegner, 2018). Analyzing an article to understand the term To understand the concept of decentralization and how it applies to the current business structures, a study from earlier sources of literature were chosen. The study chosen evaluates the performance of an organization as a result of decentralized decision making for investment in the organization’s IT infrastructure. During the study, the researchers concentrate on the paradoxical issue of IT productivity, especially in the regions external to the USA and Europe. In addition, the study was also designed to know more about the moderating role played by the decentralized structure in terms of making important management decisions. The Balanced Scorecard was used…

Steps for the selection of Architecture Mostly, there are multiple design phases in support of developing architecture. These might include the iteration model, waterfall model, and the spiral model. The key steps when it comes to selecting architecture, incorporate the following: Clear problem definition Initially discussing and interviewing the designer to reach the top-notch solution Collecting information for the initial discussions and documentations Brainstorming, analysis and acquiring notions Commence developing with the obtained solutions and start putting up the test models Getting feedback for the extended test models Through the use of collected feedback, transform the model concerning what is needed. This enables the designer to get the appropriate model in support of the architecture.     Architecture and software system The model under discussion is spiral. It is similarly known as an incremental model having greater emphasis being placed on risk analysis. The model is based on the four major phases, as discussed below. Like any software project, the spiral model passes through various iterations known as spirals. Planning phase- in this phase, all the things needed are collected…

Operational Planning Planning is an essential concept in day-to-day life. It is the process of making decisions on what activities are required to attain a particular goal or desired result. Planning involves having prioritized objectives which differ in terms of need and necessities (Zwikael & Smyrk, 2019). An objective is a specific goal that one aims to achieve with the available resources and within a given period. Strategic, intermediate and operational planning are the three main types of planning. The paper explains on the type of panning I will use to achieve my objective, pointing out the main priorities. For my vacation to Bora Bora, I would use Operational planning to plan my day to day activities. Operational planning is the art of determining how an objective can be achieved with the available resources over a certain period (Towbin et al., 2018). I will research the transportation fees to the Island as well as other fees charged, such as entry fees to ensure my finances aligns with my objective. My objective is to take a break from my normal life,…

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