PHENOMENA AND SOLUTION TO CORONAVIRUS Abstract On December 31st, 2019, a pneumonia strain of unknown aetiology broke out in Wuhan, China. By 7th January 2020, the Chinese CDC had identified the unknown pneumonia strain as a novel coronavirus (2019-nCOV). The virus was identified from a throat swab sample from patient and the virus named 2019-nCOV by the World Health Organisation. There was a huge danger of the disease to be imported to other nations, especially by visitors who had been to Wuhan. As of 31st January 2020, the disease had claimed the lives of one hundred and seventy people. Human to human transmission of the virus outside Wuhan was recorded after sixteen workers had contracted the disease. On 24th January 2020, France became the first country to record the first case of the virus outside China. Other cases were recorded in Germany and Finland. The virus affects both humans and animals, and in animals, the virus can cause multiple infections. In humans, coronavirus causes respiratory infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). There is minimal information about the features…

Cell transport Cell transport refers to the movement of ions, molecules, and particles across the membrane of a cell. According to online sources, the most significant feature of a phospholipid cell membrane is its selective permeability (Foundation, 2020). Permeability regulates the passage of unwanted materials, and only small molecules or ions penetrate through. The cell structure is thus able to dictate the transportation of materials in and out of it. Additionally, the phospholipid bilayer regulates the types of molecules that pass through due to its molecular make-up. A good example is the restriction of polar molecules (H2O) and calcium ions (Ca2+) and the passage of water-hating molecules such as oxygen (O2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2)   Active transport energy in the form of ATP is required to facilitate the movement of substances from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration against the concentration gradient. The process is “active” because it directly involves the use of energy required to pump out ions and molecules, in this case, sodium-potassium pump. Protein carriers are used in Active transport to change conformation…

Biology Term Paper Term Paper Written Report: Students will write a unique written report based on a biology topic of their own choice. The length of the article must be at a minimum of 500 words (excluding the introduction and the list of references) in length using 12pt Arial or times new roman font. The margins must be typical and the paper must be no more than double spaced. The written report must be completed, cited and submitted through Blackboard. The written report must cite, at a minimum, 5 references. A maximum of 150 points may be awarded for the paper. The term paper must be submitted prior to class on March 25, 2019. The term paper will be submitted electronically through the course’s website on Blackboard. MLA format is preferred. However, other formats are permissible. As a guide, go to: As stated, other formats are permissible.[unique_solution] Term Paper Written Report: Students will write a unique written report based on a biology topic of their own choice. The length of the article must be at a minimum of 500 words (excluding…

Planning for Family Mate selection allows the process of choosing a partner who one can form a marriage bond relationship. Sex is becoming a common concept among youths in Shanghai.  In China, when a woman is married, she is allowed to move to the husband’s parent’s home (DeGenova, 2011). At this point, the wife is required to serve and show respect to the husband and his family. Also, the wife is to produce male heirs. The husband, on the other hand, is supposed to play the role of providing for his family. Planning for children is a financial decision. It requires that the parent must agree and decide on how to raise the child. A parent should clearly understand the financial role they play. According to Chinese traditions, marriage is a family affair because it involves the parent and the children. Most of the families are stressed, and they are struggling since they lack a strong financial plan that will sustain them. From the reading, I have learned a lot about birth control. For one, I realized that they could…

Population Health Epidemiology- Hepatitis C In the healthcare system, there are many categories of diseases that affect people across the globe. One of the most common communicable diseases is called Hapatisis C. From a medical point of view, Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that causes infection and inflammation of the liver. People develop Hepatitis C from the Hepatitis C virus. Once a person is infected with the disease, they are either categorized as acute or chronic status. Unfortunately, there is no known vaccine for Hepatitis C. In that regard, the primary cause of Hepatitis C is the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (Westermann et al., 2016). When a person comes into contact with the hepatitis C virus through contact with infectious secretions and fluids from the infected person, then it is easy to suffer from the disease. In terms of the symptoms, a person with Hepatitis C has muscle aches, fatigue, light-colored bowel movements, yellow tinge to the eyes and skin, tenderness in the upper abdomen, and dark urine commonly associated with jaundice. In terms of mode of transmission, a…

Jean Baptiste Lamarck’s theory of evolution Jean Baptiste Lamarck’s theory of evolution stated that organisms change during their lifetime, and then their offsprings inherit these changes. For instance, he had a belief that the giraffe is a long-necked animal because it elongated while trying to reach leaves that were in higher branches. It thus meant every generation of giraffe had a more elongated neck than the preceding one. Darwin, on the other hand, did not agree with that theory and thus originated the theory of natural selection, which stated that organisms had variations. It, therefore, meant that each individual had a slight difference from the other, and this determined who was more likely to survive and reproduce. These features were, therefore, more likely to appear in each generation of that species. Darwin thus believed that longer necked giraffes had higher chances of survival as they would reach the farthest leaves and thus the increase of longer necked giraffes, and finally, all giraffes would be long-necked. It is where the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ originated. Charles Lyell, in his book…

Steps of Translation Explanation Before understanding the three levels of translation, it is critical to define the process of conversion. Translation involves a process that determines whether proteins are synthesized or blocked. In the process of translation, cells receive and interpret information from messenger RNA. The information is then used to produce proteins. In other words, translation is the process of decoding data from messenger RNA to utilize in the formulation of proteins or polypeptides. Polypeptide as a form of protein consists of a chain of amino acids and as such, large proteins are in most cases comprised of multiple strings of polypeptides. Also, translation is described as process of decoding the genetic code within the mRNA in a bid to produce a series of amino acids within a polypeptide chain. This biological process occurs within the cytoplasm of the cell. It is also noteworthy that translation occurs after transcription has transpired. Additionally, the protein building procedure is experienced in both unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms. With this being said, translation entails beginning, middle and end stages. The three steps…

Negotiation Analysis Question 1: Analyze the opening of the negotiation and discuss your observations in relation to rapport building ((POWERPOINT DAY 2)), positioning, and tactics.  Negotiation refers to the collaborative process utilized by different individuals in the pursuit of the best solution available for everyone involved. Successful negotiation follows a given process that begins with preparation and planning, defining ground rules, clarification and justification, problem-solving, and closure of the negotiation process. The negotiation between Erin and Donna Jensen on behalf of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) followed the due negotiation process that began with preparation and planning and ended with closure and implementation. Erin played a critical role in building positive rapport with Donna Jensen. Erin did this by visiting Donna Jensen with the aim of understanding the medical records in the files presented to her by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) (Anon, 2011). During her visit, Erin employed different tactics that include binding arbitration to help quicken the settlement period. Additionally, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) employed the use of incentives in the…

Environmental policies INTRODUCTION Environmental policies are the standards established by the government to manage natural resources and environmental quality. The broad categories of ‘natural resources” and “environment quality” include such areas as air and water pollution, forest and wildlife, hazardous waste, agricultural practices, wetlands, and land use planning. Land resources are finite, fragile and non-renewable. The land is considered a capital and asset that provides the essential services for development and human well-being. Consequently, the demand and pressure on land are ever increasing. The main driving force leading to pressure on land resources is the increasing rate of population growth; hence require more food and shelter Nongovernmental Authorities assist the government in the implementation of the National Land Policy in a way that that will take into account sustainable conservation and management of the environment and land resources.NGos also help to promote and enhance best practices for sustainable land use through the establishment of environmentally significant areas for purposes of improving the protection and conservation of the environmental resources.NGOs worldwide help to promote sustainable urban agriculture. Through capacity building on…

The Concert review From the mid-twentieth century, the complete melodic process was re-evaluated from the songwriter to the audience, taking a chance and freedom into consideration. A chance operation refers to the process of creating anything, a composition in this case, against the will of the composer. John Cage used these operations to mimic nature’s existence and mode of operation. In the 1950s, he used the I Ching in his compositions, incorporating a symbol system to create chance-based compositions (Bandt). While they engaged in a chess match on an electronic chess board developed by one inventor, Lowell Cross, Cage and Duchamp came up with an impromptu composition “The Concert” using chance operations and which lasted for almost five hours. Contrary to the assumptions and criticism about their chess game, Cage and his fellow composers emphasized that the chance operation was based on the opening and closing of sixty-four photoresistors (Jones). The process also consisted of contact microphones, which made it possible for the listeners to hear the actual moves of the chess pieces of the board. A single move made…

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