Genetic engineering of E.coli to biofuels Biofuels and crucial chemicals have been produced from genetically engineering strains of ECOLI through fatty acids synthase deregulation in the microorganism. The deregulation makes the organism to produce useful chemicals. Lubricants, detergents, and the potential use of methyl ketones as potential fuels are some of the known benefits of the products. In earlier studies, scholars carried studies that were based on highly regulated enzymatic processes. Still, recombinant technology has been pivotal in enabling scientists to beat the initial limitation production associated with E.coli. The technology has enabled e development of an alternative fatty acids synthase system where enzymes from other microbes work with the original Fatty Acid Synthase from E.coli to boost the chemical producing capacity. Bioethanol is one product that the bioengineers can produce from E.coli. Despite the low energy and high corrosiveness associated with ethanol. Production of ethanol for a long time has been through fermentation that uses S.cerevisae and Zymomonas mobilis in the process. The microbes were punctuated with the inability to ferment hexose sugars and pentose sugars, limiting the maximum…

Writing Your Rough Draft and Final Reports-Cell Biology Section of BIO 375 General Overview   You will be writing a short “scientific paper” on your findings from the first half of the semester.  Background, data, and references for the paper will be assembled during the course of the lab and included in the paper.   When is the Report due? The Rough Draft Report and Final Report due dates are listed on the Summary of Due Dates for your semester and section. The due dates will also be announced in class.   What will be included in the Rough Draft Report? Morphology of proband, mother, and father nuclei Quantification of proband, mother, and father nuclei-abnormal and normal   What is the Final Report and what is included in it? -The Final Report is the revision of the Rough Draft Report that has been commented on by your instructor. -The Final Report will also include additional information and data that is added to the Rough Draft Report.  This includes: Western blot analysis of LMNA and Determination of MW -Details of the…

Reasons for the Patients Contracting Urinary Tract Infections Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and dangerous. Vulnerable people to UTIs go through multiple infections including, acute pyelonephritis, uro-sepsis as well as asymptomatic bacteriuria. Following the results from diagnosis which show both father and daughter to have contracted some form of UTI, different hypothesis can be used to point out the reason that led to the two getting infected. Sexual intercourse, E.coli, as well as genetics, stand out as the primary causes that might have led both individuals contracting UTI. Sexual intercourse can lead to one getting a urinary tract infection if bacteria from a partner’s anus, fingers, genitals as well as sex toys penetrate into the other partner’s urethra. As much as UTIs cannot be passed on from one individual to the other through sexual intercourse like STDs, engaging in sexual activities can result in UTIs or even worsen the infection. Engaging in sexual activities does not necessarily lead to UTIs, but anything that leads to bacteria making contact with the urethra can result in getting infected (Mohiuddin, 2019). Seen…

Discussion Biology What Can We Do To Protect Ourselves From Resistant Strains Of Bacteria, And How Can We Control Pests, Like Rats And Mice That Are Now Becoming Immune To The Poisons Developed To Keep Them Under Control?   The first step in protecting ourselves from resistant bacteria is knowledge of the risk of infection and taking the necessary measures like asking the right questions to healthcare professionals. For instance, cuts need to be kept clean and covered until they heal. One effective way to control rats and mice is by eliminating all potential sources of food and water (Environmental Health Division, 2019). Since such pests follow potential sources of food, they need to be sealed well, preferably stored in metal containers. Surfaces also need to be kept clean as such pests are attracted to dirty areas. Discuss Whether You Support or Oppose the Supreme Court Ruling on Gene Patents in the 2013 Case  Yes, I support the Supreme Court ruling about the DNA segment being a product of nature. This is due to the ruling being supported by the ‘Laws…

Critique of a Research Article as it Relates to a Clinical Problem  “The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model is a powerful problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making, and is accompanied by user-friendly tools to guide individual or group use. It is designed specifically to meet the needs of the practicing nurse and uses a three-step process called PET: practice question, evidence, and translation. The goal of the model is to ensure that the latest research findings and best practices are quickly and appropriately incorporated into patient care.” Reference:Don′t click on this website- it will deny access to you.′t click on this site- it will deny access to you). Directions for final Project: Step 1: Refer back to the clinical problem that you identified and made your PIO or PICO question. [unique_solution]″In patients who are admitted medical step down level of care does boarding them in the emergency department when there are no available beds increase the risk of poorer outcomes?″ One of my biggest concern is the medical step down patients that are held in the Emergency department…

sunscreens essay Introduction and Background Plants use sunlight to obtain the energy required during photosynthesis. However, plants may be affected by some harmful UV rays from the sun. Plants, therefore, need protection from the UV rays without changing the efficiency of the photosynthesis process. The penetration ability of UV rays makes the use of normal shading ineffective in protecting the plants whereas excessive shading only limits the plants from assessing enough light required for photosynthesis. When plants fail to obtain sufficient light, they grow weak and may not give the required products. The impacts of UV rays can be diverse and may even act to affect the quality of produce obtained from plants. The effect on the produce further may affect the consumers of the products. Plants need to bask in the direct sunlight for as long as possible, and therefore sunscreen is a savior for most of the plants. The work of sunscreen is to absorb light particles, referred to as photons to be used in photosynthesis while protecting the plant from the harmful effects of UV rays (Kumar…

THE VARK QUESTIONNAIRE: HOW DO I LEARN BEST Every person has different learning styles and strategies.  Most of the people have preferred learning by use of visual learning the most appropriate suite, while some support the aural way of learning as their best approach. VARK defines the multimodal strategies in a manner that it combines the fours modes that involve the Visual, kinesthetic, and read/write (Baykan & Naçar 2007, p.160). Aural mode draws its focus on the attending classes on day to day events with the involvement of high interactive discussions with the group and classrooms through the application of the new ideas and topics. (Grenfell, & Harris 2015, p.576) Visual mode supplies the used of the graphical representation to create a better understanding of learning.  As defined by the word, Read/write is entails writing of the essays, narrowing down the complex wording into more simple defined words with the use of the dictionaries and the glossaries as well application of book study to have ab better-comprehended subject teaching (Fleming, 2009). Finally, the kinesthetic mode outlines that the students have…

TENEX GREENHOUSE VENTURES   THE DILEMMA   At 6 o’clock in the evening on June 14, 2002 Frank Ruderman, CEO and co-founder of Tenex Greenhouse Ventures, was on the phone with Dr. Brady Samuelson, the CEO and founder of CardioFib, a start-up medical device company. Ruderman and Samuelson had met on several occasions over the past two weeks to discuss a potential investment in CardioFib from the Greenhouse. The conversation this evening was planned to hammer out the “nuts and bolts” of a relationship between CardioFib and the Greenhouse.   Neither a traditional venture capital firm, nor an old-fashioned angel group, the Greenhouse was a hybrid fund focusing on early stage life science-related companies. The Greenhouse offered its portfolio companies first round venture financing, access to a group of investors with deep industry experience and the willingness to work closely with growing companies, and future financing relationships for follow-on venture funding (if companies met their milestones). In return, the Greenhouse had high expectations of performance and participation from its investments. Ruderman had set aside time this evening to explain the…

Karnala Bird Sanctuary: A beautiful hidden gem   I like talking about hidden gems. It can be quite a satiable desire to come across hidden gems – from eateries to roads less travelled. Hidden gems – the ones I come across are something I put on my shelf, a sort of pride that I carry around for finding them. And, this week, on my Birthday month, I owed it to myself to unearth a discovery.   Each year, I would go out to scout out for hidden gems in cities across India. Since I was visiting Mumbai for a short work trip, I thought of lending my pair of eyes for the purpose of finding a hidden gem. And, the excruciating search led to the discovery of  Karnala Bird Sanctuary. Although I had a very unreciprocated tenure with Bird Sanctuaries, this place was my only choice, being close to Mumbai.   Where is this hidden gem located?   Nestled right in the heart of Raigad district of Maharashtra, the Sanctuary is 10km shy from Panvel. The Sanctuary is just a…

Forensic Biology What is Forensic Biology? Forensic biology is a discipline that focuses on the performance of serological and DNA examinations for purposes of individualization and identification. Materials analyzed is not only limited to blood but also includes: saliva collected at crime scenes or from articles of physical evidence and semen (Gefrides & Welch, 2011). These bodily fluids are typically generated in the process of violent crimes commission such as a hit and run fatalities homicides, assaults, and rape. The aim is usually to identify the type of material present and then, later on, to determine the link of the material(s) to a particular person through DNA. The forensic biology intends to provide the criminal justice system with a timely scientific analysis of biological data. Importance of Serology to Forensic Biology In forensic biology, serology particularly refers to the screening of evidence for body fluids. The identification of body fluids such as saliva, urine, semen, and blood, is generally performed on evidentiary items before DNA examination. Forensic serology plays the role of connecting victims and suspects to each other and…

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