Cladogram of Arthropods A Cladogram is a diagram that is used to show the evolutionary relationship among and between groups of organisms. As such, a Cladogram is based in a phylogeny that is a field of study meant to show evolutionary relationships. As such, cladistics is a form of analysis that focuses on the features of organisms, which are considered as innovations of new features that mainly focus on the purpose of classification. To make a Cladogram, it is essential to look at the animals that are being studied and establish the characteristics, which they share in common and the ones that are unique to each group. The animal’s names are labeled on top of the Cladogram branched as well as the derived characters at the bottom of the Cladogram. The exercise aims to apply the accumulated knowledge of evolutionary relationships of animals to act as a guide to reconstruct an accurate Cladogram of 15 animal species and also to make an analysis of musculoskeletal systems’ diversity within animals. The animals will be observed in or around Seattle. These will…

 thumb sucking nail-biting and atopic sensitization as well as asthma and hay fever The subject of the study is on thumb sucking nail-biting and atopic sensitization as well as asthma and hay fever. The observation which spurred the study was whether early life exposures to any microbial organisms led to the reduction of risks of one developing any allergies. The reason why these scientists decided to carry out the test was to confirm the hypothesis that early life exposures have any effect on the risk of developing allergies. The background of the study is that common childhood habits like thumb sucking and nail-biting in childhood are said to have an impact on people’s health. The research aims at providing an evidence to the claim or rejects the hypothesis. The study hypothesises that early life exposures to microbiology organisms decrease the risk of developing allergies (Lynch et al., 2016). Hence, the study tested the hypothesis of children that suck their thumbs and bite their nails have lower risks of development of atopy, asthma as well as hay fever in the population-based…

idea of race as innate biology The series questions the idea of race as innate biology as to why there is a division of people into different groups of black, red, or white. That this idea of division has become embedded too much in ourselves that even when one tries to dismiss the idea will be seen as crazy. The series suggest that the belief in inborn racial differences has become more of believing a lie. However, race still matters even though it does not exist in biology; it does not mean it is not real. In the first episode of the series, the difference between us looks into genetics that challenges the sense that makes humans assume that it is reasonable to group people into different groups according to their physical traits. In the second episode, the story we tell shows the different roots of the story of race in North America, which was legalized by the 19th-century science, and how it was accepted by the western imagination. It explains the role of race n rationalizing and justifying American…

Molecular Biology for Health Professions Chapter 19: Cellular junctions Cell junctions consist of multiprotein complexes that provide contact between neighbouring cells or between a cell and the extracellular matrix. They also build up the paracellular barrier of epithelia and control paracellular transport (Keith et al., 2002). A plasma membrane is a semi-permeable membrane which controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Each nerve cell in the brain must be fed by blood, or the cells will quickly die of oxygen deprivation. I believe you are perhaps referring to a capillary system that sustains these cells in a way that compartmentalize them as much as possible. Cell junctions are especially abundant in epithelial tissues (Rodgers, 2004). Desmosomes bind intermediate to intermediate from one cell to another and Zonula adherents actin to actin: these both make up the anchoring junction. Desmosomes pin adjacent cells together, ensuring that cells in organs and tissues that stretch, such as skin and cardiac muscle, remain connected in an unbroken sheet (Keith et al., 2002). The epithelial cell is a protective and anchoring…

Physical anthropology Living organisms have changed tremendously over time in different aspects. These changes may have occurred internally in their biological make-up or as a response to changes in their ecology. Evolution is the gradual change in the characteristics of various individual biological species of living organisms over time. In studying evolution, other disciplines such as biology, sociology among others are instrumental in providing vital information that can help us understand what triggered the evolutionary response of human beings to changes occurring in their internal and external environment. Physical anthropology is a branch of anthropology whose focus is on the origin of human beings, their evolution, the differences among them, and how they have adapted to the changes occurring in their environment. It investigates how these changes have contributed to the survival and reproduction of the human species (Tuttle, 2018). Physical anthropology is also referred to as biological anthropology. Physical anthropologists investigate evolution using various ways by focusing on different research areas. In explaining the differences present among the human population, physical anthropologists also study past fossils of nonhuman primate…

CRISPR-Cas9 CRISPR-Cas9 system is a plant breeding technology that utilizes the site-directed nucleases to choose and alter DNA with significant precision. The technology has received a lot of attention in recent years of study following its development in 2012. CRISPR-Cas9 system is currently applied in various fields which include biological research, breeding and development of agricultural plants along with animal and human research to offer greater insight into the growth and development of crops and animals. CRISPR act as an integral part of the bacterial defence where it protects the plants from the bacterial attack. Moreover, CRISPR molecule is habitually made up of tiny palindromic DNA series that are replicated along the molecule and are frequently spaced. The palindromic DNA series in the CRISPR molecules are usually strange DNA series from the organism that have formerly attacked the bacteria. CRISPR processes The CRISPR technology protects the bacteria in a plant from continuous virus attacks through three distinct processes which entail adaptation, production of CRISPR RNA along with targeting. Adaptation involves the processing of the viral DNA into short segments where…

The Ebola Virus The Ebola virus (EVD) is a hemorrhagic fever that affects human beings and other primates (Baseler et al., 2017). This fever is caused by the Ebola viruses and is fatal once it remains untreated. The Ebola virus can receive treatment through vaccines which are still under development. Severe cases of the infection have been experienced in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo in recent years. Its symptoms begin between two and three weeks after the virus has been contacted in human beings (Baseler et al., 2017). In a detailed analysis done in this paper, the symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, prevention and control, among other facts about the virus are discussed in details. Signs and Symptoms In the early stages of the Ebola fever, it can feel like the common flu. The incubation time of the virus which is the period from its contraction to the time of the onset of its symptoms is from two to 21 days which can equally be translated to three weeks (Baseler et al., 2017). An infected person can show some sudden…

The Story Behind The ‘Controversial’ Yamashita Treasure. The Yamashita’s treasure is a name given to all the alleged money that was stolen in South East Asia by the forces of Japan during World war II. The money that was stolen by the Japanese was hidden in different places like caves, tunnels and underground complexes in the Philippines. Generally, the Yamashita was tasked with the hiding of the loot in dozen of the caves in the Philippines (Cohen, 2009). During the war, looted treasures were shipped back to Japan to finance World War II. When the naval patrol of America was shipping of treasures back to Japan there was a rise of high risk with due to certain loss, and as a result, an alternative plan was created. In 1943, during the Second World War, the loot reached the Philippines when Field Marshall Count Terauchi was the leader of the Japanese Imperial Forces in the far southeast area of the Pacific Ocean (Cohen, 2009). After there were rumors which said that there was a certain team of secret intelligence officers from…

Plastic Pollution Plastic pollution in ocean water has turned out to be one of the major concerns affecting the environment globally. The Biology Professor, Emeritus, from Howard University, has presented an excellent solution to this menace, which is the application of fungus. Emeritus argues that only the fungus can ‘eat’ the plastic present in the ocean, putting an end to this dreadful condition. Essentially, the idea of fungus in ocean water has positive effects on society as reduced plastic pollution saves the water and land animals from getting affected (Schwartzman). The application, however, when analyzed, has several limitations since the fungus is placed on water by the help of machines or humans, which at times might not be enough to ‘eat’ the overwhelming plastics in the ocean water. Additionally, another remedy to plastic pollution includes the bioremediation approach that treats the accumulated plastic in the water system leaving it 90.45% clean for use. Pollutants such as leaking methane have been reported since time immemorial to have polluted the water in various ways. The products will often settle in the grounded…

What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know The world of pregnancy and childcare is intriguing for a pregnant woman or someone who plans on getting pregnant. Not only do you get to experience childbirth, but you also get to know how it feels to carry a life inside you. Besides that, there are several essential things that every pregnant woman should know. Things such as proper nutrition, exercise, body changes, birth, and complications are all part of pregnancy that you shouldn’t ignore. Having this information will help you navigate through the pregnancy journey without a scare. Continue reading to learn what every pregnant woman should know during and after pregnancy. Pregnancy Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that lasts about 280 days or simply 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. However, you might deliver early to a premature baby due to unavoidable factors. These factors include previous preterm deliveries, diabetes, stress, high blood pressure, obesity, blood clotting disorders, and illegal drugs in the body. One of the best things you can due to avoid some of the causes…

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