Statistical Tests Analysis Study A A researcher wants to know if there is a relationship between reported level workplace stress and reported Level of dispositional mindfulness (awareness of thoughts and feelings in the present moment).  The research recruits a sample of 100 participants and asks them to complete two self-report surveys:  the Workplace Stress Scale (WSS) and the Mindfulness Awareness Scale (MAS).  Both of these surveys consist of several questions with Likert-type responses. What are the Independent (IV) and Dependent (DV) variables in this study? The independent variable, in this case, is the Level of workplace stress while the dependent variable is the reported Level of dispositional mindfulness. What are the operational definitions for the IV and DV in this study? The researcher wants to assess whether individual feelings and thoughts in the present moment, which form the dispositional mindfulness can be influenced by the level of workplace stress. Workplace stress is defined based on the assessment of different elements within the workplace. What are the most appropriate measurement scales for the IV and DV? Both of the independent and…

Biological Psychological Perspective Definition Biological psychological perspective involves studying things such as the brain of the animal or the person, the nervous system, the immune system and genetics. This perspective major on the how nature or the environment has been able to influence the behavior of a human being (Ramezani, Ahmadi & Mohammadi, 201). For instance, a person behaving abnormally aggressively the biological viewpoint could consider things such as brain injuries that might have caused the person to act aggressively. Also, another option to consider might be either the person has some genetic factors that contribute to him behaving in such away. With the increased research, this branch is now closely linked with other areas of science, such as genetics and biology.  Biological perspective is critical in studying psychology through the comparative method, physiology and a more in-depth investigation of inheritance. Under the comparative method, different animal species are examined and studied and this can significantly help in the research to understand human behavior. Physiology deals with the study of how the hormonal and the nervous system works, how the…

Meal Manipulation of Microbiome Background Information The microbiome communities comprising of bacteria, fungi among other microorganisms, have been referred by many scientists as the microbiota, and sometimes microflora, with the genes encoding them termed as the microbiomes. The health organism has unique features that readily distinguish them from the non-healthy individual body, rendering those able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy microorganisms able to detect and identify a disease that has an association with a microbiome. People have acknowledged the high number of benefits accrued from the microbiomes that can withstand the entire changes that occur during stress psychologically. However, following the less diverse microbiota associated with infection, the benefit of the microbiomes decreases, leading to lower diseases once there is inflammation. Besides, the researchers are facing a challenge in understanding the diversified characteristics of the microbiomes among individuals. Such traditional methods as cultivation of the organisms have resulted in unreliable information as far as the manipulation of microbiomes in the medical perspective is concerned. Some approaches like NGS have helped to understand the uniqueness of the microbiota population as…

EFFECTS OF PH ON ENZYME ACTIVITY Purpose The purpose of this experiment was to study the effects of pH on catalase enzymeactivity. Introduction Every chemical reaction within the cell requires an enzyme to lower its activation energy. Even exergonic reactions happen too slowly to be useful without a catalyst. Almostall enzymes are proteins. To catalyze a reaction, the enzyme must interact with the reactant or reactants. This interaction takes place in a region of the enzyme called the active site. The reactant, or substrate for the enzyme, must fit perfectly into the active site of the enzyme in order for the enzyme to operate. Therefore, most enzymes are only able to catalyze a single chemical reaction. This is called specificity, and most enzymes are very specific (Cecamgmmacz, 2011). Under favorable conditions, the enzyme can operate with maximum efficiency, andthe chemical reaction occurs very rapidly. This is an enzyme’s optimum activity (Brooker,2011). Some environmental conditions, e.g. temperature and pH, can affect an enzymes activity. The concentration of enzyme or substrate can also have a dramatic effect on enzyme activity, and that…

Essential Information Systems and Technologies For Dirt Bikes Dirt Bikes can improve product efficiency, reduce manufacturing prices, gain new buyers, and raise demand by incorporating and upgrading information systems on production control, logistics, distribution, and marketing. E-commerce, Tracking Systems, and Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) are most suitable for manufacturing companies and would help Dirt bikes Company to attain their goal and increase production. E-Commerce Dirt Bikes move its internal and external business operations to the web to enhance its performance and competitiveness. They should create a network that offers a platform to market their dirt bikes and spare parts across its target markets. The platform also can be used to advertise, promote, and introduce its products and services. With a steady and secure site, dirt bikes can increase customers and reduce market and sales costs by posing its Web brochures to achieve the goal of publicity. Additionally, feedback from customers on products posted on the website will direct them in making the right decision for the future and identify their targeted market to increase sales revenue and new products. Tracking…

Wal-Mart Globalization Strategy Introduction Wal-Mart, as presented in the case study, is a Retail Company that initially started in the United States. It became an international company by the establishment of Sam’s Club near Mexico City in the year 1991. This paper presents the early global expansion and the cultural problems that Wal-Mart faced in its growth. It will also analyze the opportunities and challenges presented to it by the Russian market and the best strategy to use to enter the Russian market. The ideas will be presented logically to better present the real picture of a multinational corporation, Wal-Mart, in this case. Wal-Mart Early Global Expansion Strategy In the 1990s, Wal-Mart International Company employed its initial expansion strategy, which was a low price model. The company believed that the policy would be as successful as it was in the local market, the United States. Since the adoption of the strategy, Wal-Mart has been successful in several foreign markets. However, owing to the complexity of the different international markets, the impact of the strategy was not universal. An example of…

Antarctic Biology Weddell seals are negatively affected by an extreme change in the intensity, persistence, and form of the yearly sea ice. The modern change in the environmental features have a negative impact on the existence and survival of the Weddell seals species. The environmental changes result in change in the distribution and presence of the Weddell seals species as well as their habitat.  Changes in the environmental conditions such as the transformations in the pack ice characteristics affect the distribution and population size of the Weddell species. The Weddell species do not thrive well in the presence of high light intensity. When the light levels are very minimal the Weddell seals prey makes little vertical migration in the presence of the pack ice. Most preys that are chosen by the Weddell occurs at the mid waters, vary in size according to the depth, and make vertical diurnal migration. The migration of pups occurs after weaning where they leave the Erebus Bay and move to McMurdo Sound in search of pack-ice habitat as compared to the adults (Camerron & Siniff,…

Biology lab assignment Abstract Sodium azide is known to be metabolic inhibitor. There are experiments that have been done to demonstrate this effect. On the experiments in which this substance, sodium azide, was used where method of cellular transport used by saccharomyces cerevisiae (s. cerevisiae) was determined. The conclusion that was made from the experiment was that there was increase in the dye intake in the presence of sodium azide. The control experiment showed otherwise, that is decrease in uptake. From the suggestion point of view, the dye was able to diffuse freely into the cell. The other research with an aim of determining what may   affect the inhibiting effects of azide was conducted. In the experiment I made a decision to increase the concentration of glucose and observe what effect would have on the inhibiting factor of transport channels in s. cerevisiae. But from the results there was no change in the dyes uptake when the glucose concentration was increased.       Introduction The experiment was performed to find out the uptake of neutral red dye by S.…

Relational models theory (RMT) Relational models theory (RMT) is one of the theories written by anthropologist Alan Fiske that explain about the interpersonal relationship. Under this theory, Alan Fiske suggests that all human interactions can be described in four specific relational models that are authority ranking, market pricing, communal sharing and equality matching. Within the communal sharing division, people always feel that they have something essential, and it is shared commonly. On the other hand, those people who do not exist in communal sharing, things are incredibly different. Individuals categorized in the authority ranking association always find themselves as ordered in a legal linear chain of command from the top downwards. Under the equity matching category, people have the responsibility of keeping tracking of whether each specific individual is treated fairly and equally. In market pricing, there is the frequent use of rates or ratios by the people following various standards of due magnitude such as cost. Different people from different cultures use a combination of these four models to plan almost every interaction from close, casual and distant relationships.…

Anthropologist Chagnon’s work   Outline of the film “The Ax Fight.” The combat happened on  February 28, 1971, which is the second day of Asch and Chagnon’s arrival to the village. The documentary film begins by showing a map that shows the village location. Then, the film proceeds with footage of a duel between a deadly group of people that are well armed with dangerous weapons such as clubs, machetes, and axes. The documentary presents a fight as chaotic violence, similar to what was experienced by filmmakers and anthropologists present during the recording. Chagnon, in the next part, explains the identity of the duellists and their relationship with one another. The fight between the villagers and visitors turn out to be one of the most exceptional displays of hostility between the two groups. What caused the conflict is different from what the anthropologists thought; they thought that it was caused by an abusive relationship between two different tribes. Chagnon describes the duel as “a ritualized contest” in which the people that are fighting with progression from weapons that aren’t lethal…

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