Analysis of Hydrocarbons Comparison of Alkanes, Alkynes, and Alkenes Reviewed literature shows that despite alkanes, alkynes, and alkenes being hydrocarbons, these elements have varied structures, physical and chemical characteristics. For instance, Alkanes refers to saturated hydrocarbons, thus have a single bond that holds carbon atoms. However, alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons hence have a unique or more double relationship that contains carbon atoms together (Murdoch, 2015). Lastly, like alkenes, alkynes refer to the unsaturated hydrocarbons with single or triple bonds that hold together carbon atoms. In terms of formula, alkanes exist as CnH2n+n, while alkenes, especially a non-cyclic compound is CnH2n. Besides, the alkynes, mainly a non-cyclic mixture, has the formulae CnH2n-2. Regarding the difference in stability, alkanes stand aside as the most robust or stable hydrocarbons because of it its hard-to-break carbon bonds. This feature has facilitated its permanent status over the centuries. Second, on the list is alkenes with alkynes closing the bracket as the least stable hydrocarbons (Gadani & Vyas, 2011). Concerning reactivity, alkynes lead both alkanes and alkenes. Examples of these hydrocarbons are; alkanes that exist as…

  Asphalt Recycling Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation     Asphalt Recycling   Of the recent past, heavy traffic and bad weather have been the leading causes of road damage. The fatigue of material propagates surface cracking as a result of heavy traffic. This material fatigue is due to the shear loadings for the vehicle tire. Another cause of surface cracking is the aging of bituminous materials. On the other hand, bad weather causes thermal cracking caused by tensile stresses. The changes in temperature are the cause of these stresses. These cracking roads have asphalt concrete content. In a bid to rehabilitate the roads, governments spend a lot of money depending on the damage characteristics of the roads. Having it that these roads are made of asphalt concrete, there are several ways of recycling the asphalt pavements. This includes; cold in-place recycling (CIPR), full depth reclamation (FDR), hot in-place recycling (HIPR), cold planning, and hot recycling (Warren et al., 2002). Cold in-place recycling (CIPR), involves rehabilitation techniques where pavement materials are reused in situ. For this technique, the asphalt materials are…

How to Pick Awesome Capstone Project Topic Capstone projects are some of the most enjoyable academic works in the school. Because the project involves interacting with different parties and spans through different semesters, every student waits for it eagerly. However, most students find it a major challenge trying to come up with the capstone project ideas. Here, we are going to help you address the problem. What is a Capstone Project? The first step to picking the best topic is to understand the capstone project definition. This is a type of academic project that requires a student to do independent research on a topic of choice. It runs for two semesters, and the student has to engage in related scholarly debates with the assistance of a supervisor, before finally writing a paper on the project. Importance of Selecting the Right Topic for Your Capstone Project Once you have understood what a capstone project is, go ahead and explore the best capstone project topics before narrowing to the ideal one. One of the best ways of identifying the best topics is…

The Environmental Performance Of Canadian Oil Sands Introduction Oil sands refer to loose sand deposits containing highly viscous petroleum known as bitumen. Oil sands are constituted of a mixture of sand, clay, water and bitumen oil, which are situated in the Northeastern Alberta in Canada, which include Athabasca, Cold Lake and Peace River. The oil sand deposits in Canada are the largest in the world, contributing to over 10% of the world’s oil reserves. (Berkowitz &Speight,1975). Conventional crude oil, on the other hand, refers to a liquid petroleum that is pumped from underground. It varies widely in terms of sulfur content, viscosity and density. It is either classified as light, medium or heavy, which is the oils relative density based on API gravity. While crude oil can be pumped from the deposits underground as it flows, oil sand is too thick and doesn’t flow; hence it cannot be pumped from the ground(Berkowitz &Speight,1975). Instead, it is mined through the injection of Steam into the well, which heats it first. Several methods are used in the extraction of oil sands. Examples…

Computer Major Personal Statement Since my childhood, I’ve always been keenly fascinated by computing. Being introduced by my father to the computer systems at his workplace that initially sparked this interest. I can never forget the feeling of aspiring to not only learn how computers worked but also why they worked as well as what else they were capable of accomplishing. My zeal for computing never left me but only increased profoundly as with so much passion with every discovery I made. In distinction to seeing the internet admirations for the first time to the communication with artificial intelligence, I’ve been intrigued by the great extent and mystery computers are capable of attaining. My pursuit of A-Levels has greatly assisted me in improving myself as well as have more awareness of the subject. Through different subjects such as Physics greatly assisted me in comprehending the functioning of different parts of a computer while computing provided me with better judgment towards the business demeanor of the computer sector. Chemistry, along with Physics, has both assisted in advancing my analytical together evaluative…

Things to consider when buying a brad nailer Selecting the best brad nailer is not always an easy task. Some buyers do not know what to find in a brad nailer to determine whether it will be convenient for the work they want to use them for. Here are some things that you need to consider in a brad nailer. The weight of a brand nailer. The weight of the cordless nailer determines in a big way how long you can work comfortably with the nailer. A brad nailer that is too heavy for you may cause fatigue, especially if you need to hold it for a longer time during work. The capacity of its magazine Loading magazine time and time again is troublesome and time wastage. A brad nailer with large magazine capacity holds a large number of nails, thus allowing the user to continue doing his work without requiring to break to reload the magazine. The comfortability of the brad nailer’s grip This tool is hand handled. Therefore, the comfort of the handle cannot be undermined. A nailer…

BEST COMPOSTING TOILETS What you need to know about composting toilets The world of composting toilets has been marred by controversy in recent years. Eco-minded individuals believe that human waste should be treated just like any other organic waste. Is it a reliable way of toileting? Let’s delve a little further. Composting toilets, also known as dry toilets, are biological sewerage systems that turn solid human waste into an inert oxygen-endowed environment where bacteria break down the water in it. The process is called aerobic decomposition. Composting toilets work in two fundamental ways: Remote/ Central- The bathroom here directs all the liquid and solid waste into a centralized or remote composite that is located in a non-edible garden. It can fundamentally be outside if weather conditions are favorable, in a dungeon, or the basement. Self-contained- Composting toilets in this form typically house the composting system within their set-up. The compost system is positioned under the bowl where all human etcetera gets deposited. Environmentalists continue to laud the use of composting toilets as a great alternative to flushing toilets. They are…

letter of recommendation Professor′s Instructions: It was a delight to see you too. It is an honor to be a reference for you for all grad school applications. Please find attached a generic reference template form. Please write the reference letter for me that I am going to polish, put on letterhead and sign. Please make it a generic letter that can work for all graduate schools. Then send it back to me and I will polish it, put it on letterhead and sign it. You will need to create a Microsoft Word document from the PDF as we want every student that I send this template to to do a different letter so none of them ever look like they are duplicates. I look forward to receiving your Microsoft word. Important *please make this a letter of recommendation from a professor to a student applying to HIGHLY COMPETITVE PROGRAMS in graduate school. Above are instructions from my professor. [unique_solution]Please make this reference letter sound generic, but it must also be highly professionally written, as if it was written by…



Bitumen Among its usefulness is its cost-effectiveness as it is inexpensive, thereby being economically viable. Furthermore, gasoline-powered cars’ costs of maintenance are low. Despite its versatility, it has several disadvantages, which is not limited to air pollution due to sulfur and mercury emissions. Also, the combustion process of gasoline produces emissions that add to global warming. Bitumen It is highly sticky, dense, and attained from a distillation procedure of crude oil. A high metallic component such as vanadium and nickel, bitumen manufacture originates from crude oil distillation procedure where there are two phases, water phase preparation and emulsion making. Remains from oil distillation mainly form the basis for bitumen component. The process involves the distillation of oil; solvent de-asphalting were lubricants, bitumen fractions in the oil, oxidation process follow then blending. At this final stage, the bitumen is ripe for distribution and use. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bitumen First, it is used as a road construction material because it is economical. The bitumen material is for long without corrosive or sourcing for a new resource. Secondly, it is recyclable as…

Report on LNG Part A Introduction The study assignment discusses significant areas of demand, supply and price elasticity analysis in terms of LNG in two parts. The first part discusses the aspect of increased storage use of LNG as well as increased hostile values between the United States government and the other companies involved in the northern streams of the project. On the other hand, the significant government policies and procedures regarding the carbon iron footprint stature have also been addressed in this regard. The increased usage and storage of LNG. The Liquefied natural gas or LNG is processed under -260 degree Fahrenheit for shipping or storage. The liquid stage is smaller to 600 times. A suitable conclusion at the end follows the discussion. Discussion The natural gas pipelines are not feasible, or these do not exist. Thus for natural gas, the production process can be implied from different regions and markets. Such options include in countries like the United States or Ireland or countries like Asia and Europe. Thus these Asian countries the combined accounting process from the largest…

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