Sustainability life cycle Assessment Evaluation of NIKE in terms of its sustainability efforts based on the case study and other information Introduction Sustainability life cycle assessment is the evaluation of all ecological factors, social and economic negative consequences, and benefits that are involved in the decision-making process when dealing with as sustainable product in a life cycle (Varadarajan,2017). Additionally, it acknowledges all phases of a product’s life from the cradle to the grave, they have an impact on the ecological part, and these impacts can be quantified and compared. The firm undertakes training to share the principles of sustainability On the recruitment of new personnel to work for the production of Nike shoes, the company hires the labor to facilitate the creation of the boots. They are procedures that should be followed so that the end product can be as required. Thus, Nike offers training to the new pie, which has been recruited. Through this, they are supporting the sustainability policies in society. Similarly, this is the act of promoting the economy as it is of the principles that…

JOURNAL ENTRY ONE             The readings from Psalm 111:1-10 shows clear evidence that God’s work is excellent, the author starts by praising the name of the Lord, for the good work He has done. The author says that the righteousness of the Lord endures forever. The work of his hands is faithful and just. The book shows that God has done the things that no human being was capable of doing it. Therefore we should always fear the Lord for us to gain wisdom. Concerning the book of Genesis, God created all things in the world, and on the sixth day, he created a man to be taking care of all creatures. This is a great job, and so as a human being, we should always trust in God’s work and the words he says because they are right. Yes, I have experienced several delights in creation. I can say that I enjoy nature every single day that God wakes me up. Breathing fresh air, drinking clean water, and even living in a friendly environment are among the creations that…

HOW CAN BLOCK CHAIN TECHNOLOGY IMPROVE LOGISTIC PROCESSES Academic Background of the Research What could happen if all the intermediaries were to be removed from the world of logistics? What if all the transactions in this sector were to be substantiated, recorded and coordinated in an autonomous way without involving third parties? If only this was possible, then it could do away with the entire chain of complexities which has been witnessed from the global supply chains in the past. This is the new promise being extended to logistics industry by the blockchain technology. At the moment, this technology has not hit its climax because of the many challenges it has to overcome to be successfully deployed in large scale in this industry. However, the early adoption of this technology across different industries, from manufacturing to retail and finance to energy has ranked blockchain as a favorable technology for any business to achieve its full potential in future. According to Britchenko, Cherniavska & Cherniavskyi, in their research on how blockchain technology will impact logistic industry, they outlined that this technology…

 BUFFERS   A buffer is a substance that can keep constant concentrations of the hydrogen ions in a solution where a small amount of acid or base is introduced. Buffers are essential since they provide a strictly controlled pH environment and thus give a conducive environment for the investigation of biomolecules. A lab provides the controlled conditions required to research biomolecules. Phosphate buffers are widely used since they provide a condition that is closer to physiological conditions. The phosphate buffers have a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Phosphate buffers form precipitates with ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+, which are essential in the functioning of many biomolecules (Wilson, D.J. (2016)). Zwitterionic buffers are chemicals that contain both positive and negative charges in their species. Zwitterionic buffers have gained an extensive use in biological samples because they are very soluble in aqueous solutions and have a reduced ion effect that allows preparation of diluted buffers from stock solutions (Brown, K.A., Sharifi, S., Hussain, R., Donaldson, L., Bayfield, M.A. and Wilson, D.J. (2016)). Buffers such as Tris, HEPES, and PIPES can produce…

FAN FICTION “The night is so cold,” Mrs Halima tells his younger brother James who they are living with in the same apartment in Texas City. She has just arrived from work and was doing the dishes in the kitchen while James is watching the news in the guest room. She quickly cleans up the kitchen and keeps it orderly. Then she joins James in the guest room to watch television together.” look, is that not the president’s daughter? She looks fantastic.” She compliments the president’s daughter as she looks at James as if she was telling him something. James immediately responds in a polite sarcastic tone, “I think I should get her number sister.right?” They all laugh together, and Halima slowly wakes off her couch. She bids goodnight to her brother and heads to her bedroom. She opens the bedroom door; indeed, you would never have known the place yourself. The ceiling was whitened, and faded drab woodwork was painted white. The walls had been coloured a beautiful soft green. Back of the counter, a series of shelves glassed…

The tectonic plates The Earth is hot planate sailing through the cold universe. Most of the rocks in the interior of the Earth are warm to flow. The Earth’s surfaces, though, are laid-back by the cold world. The acquainted rocks of the surface of the planate are rigid and stiff. The crisp external layer of the Earth’s surface, which grips together as a firm shell, is not made of one solid piece. However, the shell I have broken into several separate pieces that always slide about atop the movable interior. The tectonic plates are in gesture. The moving mantle under, and their gestures drive them. A multifaceted puzzle of the plate précises them crashes about the globe. Seafloor spreading is a regular course at work at divergent plate borders, foremost to formations of new ocean flow. By way of the two tectonic plates gradually discrete, melted material goes up from the inside to fill the openings. In the process, the volcanic landscape of a mid-ocean ridge is formed sideways During the volcanic process, new oceanic crust develops, which slowly goes…

The Importance of Chemistry in Nursing Chemistry is the science that focuses on the composition and properties of various compounds or substances, including different forms of matter and how they interact with each other. Nursing and chemistry are inseparable as chemistry complements the nursing profession (Baum & Hill, 1978). Chemistry is important in nursing, for it helps nurses to understand the composition of the compounds, their functions, and the side effects of each medication. Chemistry also helps the nurses to administer medication to patients and respond to any effects of the medications appropriately. Understanding the composition of the medicines and their effects on the patients is a piece of critical knowledge in nursing. Nurses work closely with physicians to care for the sick in the hospital, administering drugs, and ensuring that patients take them as per the prescriptions. On the same note, nurses have to understand the health implications of the medications on the patients before they can be administered (Baum & Hill, 1978). Chemistry provides the nurses with an objective analysis of the reasons physicians prescribe certain drugs to…

The FBI files Introduction In 1997, The FBI files were aired as a TV series having case studies of forensic science. The episode of focused in the study is the Death Grip found in season two of the series. These awards emanated from being the best movies to portray the human character in the television and film. During the awards, the particular detective had appeared on the screen approximately 254 times. The exciting fact is how the contemporary era shows detective talents compared to 125 years ago. The San Diego serial Killer is famous for killing 35 to 40 prostitutes in the area and placing them in plastic bags later disposing of in the dumpster. The movie comes in handy to adapt new detective ideologies and strengthening of the national identity. Most of the people have recommended the story terming it as “Powerful,” where it asserts the idea of culture to the imperialist. The research provides an analysis of major themes evident in the film, like the crimes focused on the films, forensic analysis, and various ways of solving crimes.…

The implementation of new technology It is exciting how rapidly the global business environment is changing and developing. Looking for ways on how future alterations in the business environment will improve in the next five years, can be the best way. Predicting the business in the future can be the best way since many companies can make up new structures, policies, cultures, and also the products which will fit for the future. One of the main development factors which will bring change in the next five years in business is the implementation of new technology. The use of technology will impact different aspects of companies. The implementation of new technology will change the way many entrepreneurs will be transporting their commodities. It will make transportation more accessible and most cost-efficient. The techniques that will mostly be used to transport the goods and services are drones and autonomous vehicles. These vehicles have advantages of improving safety and environmental conservation. Despite providing security, these vehicles also offer financial benefits to companies, which include lowering the cost of human resources and the amount…

Candidate Statement Name: I am applying to the Ph.D. program at the University of Maryland, College Park, to further my academic interest in the broad field of geochemistry, learn new skills relevant to my interests, and enhance my research acumen overall in the process. I have had a keen eye towards the sector of geochemistry ever since the very introduction to its underlying foundations. Chemistry has always been a strong suit in my secondary studies, and Geology gave me a drastic overview of the functioning of earth as a system. Geochemistry seems like a beautiful marriage of both these topics on the whole. Although the fundamentals of geochemistry, including the tenets of cosmochemistry and igneous geochemistry, were fascinating, my deep-seated interest was always in the field of low-temperature geochemistry. The range and variety of applications of low-temperature geochemistry make it perfect for conducting a range of studies in various fields. Kerogen and hydrocarbon formation studies, mineral precipitation and weathering studies, sediment diagenesis studies, and hydrologic studies are all major topics in the field of low-temperature geochemistry. My motivation was to…

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