The Color Purple Purple is the second most common Freemason color after blue. It is a symbol of royalty, and it represents the royalty of Biblical characters like Hiram of Tyre and King Solomon. Purple is a color commonly used for the aprons and collars of Grand Lodge Officers. The word ‘purple’ was first used in England in 975 AD. ‘Purple’ as a word comes from the old English word ‘purpul.’ The old English word ‘purpul’ comes from the Latin word ‘purpura.’ The Latin word ‘purpura’ comes from the Greek word ‘porphura.’ So ‘purple’ can be traced to ancient Greek. Purple is the color of dignity, mystery, magic, romance, grandeur, rarity, penitence, feminine, wisdom and piety. It was also associated with extravagance, decadence, and vanity. Purple is a color that is in between the colors blue, and red. It is the first color to be synthesized as it the least occurring major color in nature. Purple is the hardest color for the eye to discriminate, and it is the most powerful wavelength of the visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy.…

Marijuana Legalization in Colorado APSA Format, I have attached my paper that discusses the legalization of marijuana in colorado and what led to this legalization. This paper is meant to be a literature review that follows these guidelines (The paper must be 20 pages long. In addition, you must attach a works cited page. THE WORKS CITED PAGE DOES NOT COUNT AS PART OF THE 20 PAGES. Any paper less than 20 pages will be severely penalized. • The research for this paper will come from primary sources, secondary sources and scholarly sources. You must have at least 20 different sources, 15 of which must be scholarly sources. You may use more. • The paper must follow the style rules listed in Style Manual for Political Science. Papers must use this format or they will not be accepted. This means parenthetical citation for everything except Internet sites, which may be footnoted.[unique_solution] How to Write a Paper is also on available and offers additional writing tips. 9 • Papers must be double spaced, typewritten and use a font size of 11…

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