Validation and Validation Testing in Wind Tunnel Design for Engineering Length: 7-9 pages or longer depending on the length of the literature review, not including title and reference pages Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards The project must follow the research design framework below: Research Paper Topic – Learning Outcomes: Examine the research design framework process and topic. Identify possible research problems related to topic. Critique peer-reviewed, published research studies Evaluate published articles to identify issues in related topic area. Develop a problem statement for research topic paper. Evaluate and apply critical thought to research articles in order to compose a literature review (background section) in an area of research topic interest.[unique_solution] Research Topic Overview Introduction Scope Literature Review (Background) Statement of the Research Problem Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Definition of Key Term Abbreviations and key words Methodology Approach to Research Data Collection Results Finding Conclusion Any limitations and future implications

Genetic Engineering Example one             Genetic engineering is the collection of technologies that influence organism. Genetic engineering is the technology that is used to change the genetic makeup of an organism. Gene is the basis of life. Gene is made-up of chromosomes: Y and X chromosome. Traits are normally passed from the parents to offspring through genetics (Morgan pg 7). Organisms produced through genetic engineering are known as; Modified Genetic Organisms (GMOs) There are various examples of genetic engineering. Firstly, the existence of fast-growing trees. The tall trees are crossed with small ones to produce those trees, which are resistant to adverse weather conditions. The offspring are accustomed to unfavorable conditions such as; the dry period. During the dry spell, those trees that are brought- up through genetic engineering are evergreen. Those trees are also resistant to diseases such as; Phytophthora and Anthracnose. Phytophthora interferes with the rooting system leading to falling of trees. On the other side, Anthracnose interferes with the leaf system hence the trees are not able to manufacture their food through photosynthesis. The common disease like…

Biomedical engineering             Biomedical engineering is one of the many branches of biomedical technology that is concerned with employing of engineering based principals and designs in biomedical as well as medical issues. It involves the development and growth of synthetic organs or similarly, the creation of prosthetic organs for replacing no-functional parts of the human body. The dawn of biomedical engineering In the current era, there are several features in healthcare ranging from implants to the construction of sophisticated medical record systems have increased the claim for biomedical engineers. The main goal of this program is to aid in the development of a solid foundation in quantitative techniques of engineering as well as the provision of opportunities for their application in biomedical problems. The program involves a project based opinion, a research-based thesis option and a course work option as it fills the current void between the pre-existing Ph.D. in the same field and the newly introduced B. S. curriculum. Evidence and justification of demand Among the most developing areas in the state is the biomedical engineering focused on supporting…

Social Engineering             Social engineering is one of the easiest ways that attackers use in the penetration of the defense system of a firm which can be proven and strongly supported with logical reasons. It also refers to a type of influence aiming to change the perception and behavior of people through deceptive tactics as well as manipulation of people to perform leak confidential information. It depends entirely on the human interaction involving cooing of people ensuring that they break normal security protocol. The attacker deceives by acting as a trustworthy fellow for a useful purpose which is intended to access sensitive data in the system. The aim of this paper is to elaborate on how security engineering is normally used in undermining the security of information systems. Social engineering has been combined with hacking several times to power treacherous attacks most of which exploit trust upon which social networking is based. Some of the common social engineering attacks used in leveraging information include phishing where attackers employ emails and social media to deceive victims to provide sensitive information. Watering…

Engineering Ethics Abstract Globally, Design-Product-Concept (DPC) development or deployment is a critical approach used by engineers in designing products through integrative thinking so as to fully fulfill customers’ desires.  This process determines the product features as well as the performance of the product based on the customers’ preferences. Moreover, Montgomery (Pg. 17) affirms that the approach integrates product framing, collection and analysis of data, therefore, engineers should continue using it as well as incorporating technology which comes with it. Besides that, the approach should meet some ethics for the product to be accepted positively into the market since the design of a product should be such that it limits immoral use. Nowadays, engineers are in ethical dilemmas between environmental and economic conflicts in their work. In order to satisfy the engineering code of ethics, DPC development should put the public interests first before business and professional interests. Other forms of the arguments which arise due to DPC development are self-interest, environmental interests, and developmental sustainability. DPC Background Basically, before any product is fabricated customers present their ideas before an engineer…

Climate engineering Climate engineering refers to the deliberate attempts to employ new technologies to stop rapid climate change (Editor, UCUSA). The most common and harmful form of climate change currently is global warming. The environmental hazard, caused mainly by the build-up of Carbon (iv) Oxide in the atmosphere, has numerous adverse effects. Top most among these is the rapid rise in global temperatures due to trapping of heat by the excess Carbon (iv) Oxide. The rise in temperature then has a chain effect to some measure, as it leads to melting of ice caps on both poles, hence rise in water levels and consequent flooding, while it may directly cause drought in extreme circumstances in the long run. Climate engineering is, therefore, divided into both measures to reduce Carbon (iv) Oxide concentration in the atmosphere, and other measures to regulate solar energy absorption by the earth. The process of solar climate engineering usually entails reflecting solar energy back to the atmosphere, to reduce the amount being absorbed into the ground. Removing Carbon (iv) oxide, on the other hand, involves a…

 Ph.D. Engineering According to Too and Weaver (2014), globalization made the world a small village, and closer than ever before, thus enhancing the global economy. The increasing role of project management in the project cannot go unnoticed. Meeting the demands of a project requires the utilization of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques in project activities to form a perception of project management. Project management has, for a long time, been seen as an academic domain for planning-based methods, and in diverse fields, as an application of engineering science and optimization theory. Goleman (2017) says that to meet the challenges like competition, efficient and economical uses of sources, and maximum output, knowledge of management and theories of management is an essential requirement. Among Management Theories, Classical Management Theories are fundamental as they provide the basis for all other opinions of management.  The contribution of classical views towards project management in project activities cannot go unnoticed. Nevertheless, this must be increasingly criticized for being insufficient for praxis. Many reasons play a significant role in this. First, this paper will compare diverse views…

Investigation of the engineering properties of class 25 concrete when cement is partially replaced with waste ceramic powder and sugarcane bagasse ash. Introduction It is a belief that sustainability takes a break at the time of construction. In recent years, there have been initiatives that were investigated on both a global and national level to ensure that waste management is controlled and regulated. In the design of the concrete mix, the cement, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates are used, and they play a crucial role in the design of a particular grade of concrete. There are different grades of concrete, and this research will base on class 25, which includes a mix of 1:1.5:3 of cement, sand, and ballast. The use of locally available materials like ceramic wastes ash and sugarcane bagasse ash as partial cement replacement can be used to reduce the high cost of cement. In the rapidly growing world population and to meet the needs of consumers, solid waste landfills tend to continue receiving a considerable amount of wastes. As a result, waste management is becoming increasingly…

Politics of Genetic Engineering         It is clear and without reasonable doubt that technology has really shaped the world we are living today. Advancements which have been seen over the past two decades in technology are both bountiful and endless in numerous aspects of life. Many are advancements which have been registered in scientific field, and specifically in genetic engineering (Blank, 81). The advancements in genetic engineering technology have created the possibility of almost surpassing the natural human beings and entering into a realm of some human beings who have been enhanced genetically, a regime in which the fate of human beings is at hand. Discussions on genetic engineering impacts to humanity have however remained controversial; let’s have a look on two examples before embarking on what several researchers have expressed their opinions on the matter (Blank, 81). Many people who have been in United Kingdom for a while must be aware of the outbreak of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), also commonly referred to as a mad cow disease. A decade after the disease had been identified in the year…

Kapindra Precision Engineering Kapindra Precision Engineering, an incubates startup from IIT madras, occupies the top position in the #DRDO Dare to Dream Innovation Contest. This time IIT Madras has come up with the new idea of Diamond Coating to help Indian scientists in thermal management. It can be implemented in hypersonic missiles during their re-entry to the earth’s atmosphere. During this process, #hypersonic missiles will re-enter with a high ravaging temperature rate(>2400C), and so thermal management is needed here. While speaking about this, Prof. M.S. Ramachandra Rao Department of physics, IIT Madras, Mentor, and CTO of Kapindra, explained the need for this innovation as ” stronger adhesion to tools and components is required to transmit larger loads and enhance coating/tool life. Currently, this comes at the cost of functional performance in the form of higher friction and wear. So how can the coating adhesion to the substrate be improved while ensuring the required tribological performance of low friction and wear?- this is the problem we are trying to solve.” The idea has emerged from the Nano Functional Materials Technology Centre(…

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