Using methyl green-pyronin technique Using methyl green-pyronin technique, plasma cell cytoplasm will show an intense rose staining with pyronin (RNA) more than using chromatins .some variable used are the amount of chromatis in both the DNA and RNA depending on the cell activity. Changing pH  and other variable might affect the activity of the substances used in staining during the experiment .The following is how it works. In light microscopy we use chromatin as stainable substance in the nucleus; though in the real sense the nucleus has heterochromatin and euchromatin they are both sustainable and non sustainable respectively. In addition both consist of chromosomes or DNA and attached protein. Heterochromatin has consolidated regions of chromosomes. What’s more, is seen as strongly basophilic nuclear material. Hereditarily dynamic DNA or the amplified bit of chromosomes is called aseuchromatin. The last is not re colored with atomic stains and it is undetectable with the light microscope. The amount of each of chromatin present is relies on upon the movement of the cell. In& E-stained areas, lymphocytes will display the most exceptional atomic re…

Designer babies             Designer babies are those whose genetic make-up have been interfered with either by removing particular genes associated with a disease, or by including a specific gene. The ways of making designer babies helped in avoiding some risks, which take place in the genetic modification of human embryos while introducing others. This process has adversely affected individuals negatively. Farmers in many parts of the world plant crops with genomes altered to make them resistant to pests or herbicides. Recently discoveries have been made on how genes influence human traits such as disease, shyness and athletic ability open the possibility of transferring these techniques to human beings leading to negative characters in the human body Currently, methods of genetic modification introduce genes at random places in the genome. We should be concerned about the possible effect which may occur after a copy of NR2B arrives in the target genome which might be disrupting the functioning of another gene crucial for survival which may affect the normal operation of a baby Many genes have more one effect to a baby,…

Incest and Related policies I am writing to express my great concern on the policies and regulation that that have been put forth against incest. I feel that the policies be reviewed on the basis of rationale, logic and ethics. In my writing, I am not categorically stating that incest is good , but I argue that just like other moral related issue such as homosexuality, there is the need to scrutinize incest  because just because something is morally wrong to people, it does not imply it is bad.  I believe that people who are caught in the act of incest receive unfair punishment and the current laws and policies are against the progress of the society by limiting individual’s choice and freedom. I have noted that when people here of incest, what come in their mind is rape and pedophilia. This is a misconception that needs to be done way with and we should view incest of people who are of age as a form of social interaction. For instance, when a brother and sister have sexual intercourse and…

Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes             Role of genetics The presenting condition is a result of the inability of the body to digest specific amino acids, namely; arginine, lysine, and ornithine. Scientifically, the presenting conditions is termed  Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI). This condition has its roots in genetics as it is caused by a mutation of the SLC7A7 gene. This is an inherited condition that occurs in an autosomal manner (Kang et al., 2019).             Reasons for symptoms The observed symptoms of edema of the extremities is because of a protein deficiency condition known as hypoalbuminemia , where blood albumin levels are too low and this causes severe irregularities within the lymphatic system due to capillary exchange that causes fluid retention. The swollen abdomen is also because of  hypoalbuminemia due to ascites and a fatty liver that is enlarged (Braamskamp, Dolman & Tabbers, 2010). Physiologic responses Protein deficiency results in metabolic abnormalities due to cytokinines and regulatory hormones being altered as well as systemic inflammation due to fluid retention as a consequence of lymphatic malfunction. These lead to significant muscle…

Health Care Reform – Busting The 3 Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare In recent months, the Ministry of Health and Human Services has introduced many rules and regulations for health care reform. Whenever this happens, the media has access to it, and all kinds of articles have bee write about it in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the television program news programs. All analysts talk about the pros and cons and what this means for companies and individuals.   The problem with this is that an author often looked at the regulation and wrote a piece about it. Then other authors start using parts of that first article and sharing parts to match their item. With the dissemination of information, the actual rules and regulations have been distorted and distorted, and whatI’ll show you in the media sometimes does not reflect the reality of the rules.   There is a lot of misunderstanding about what’s going on with ObamaCare, and one of the things I’ve noticed in conversations with customers is that there are some myths that…

Are medical and nonmedical uses of large-scale genomic markers conflating genetics and race? The author in writing this paper, was trying to find out whether some of the common diseases have some genetic basis. However, according to past studies, there has been no argument that certain factors are responsible for the cause of common diseases. The author, therefore, wanted to revive this topic and focus in the genomic era where the target was to personalize and customize medical treatment based on people’s genome. So far, this topic has been under discussion, and some investigations have been made. This means that there is some progress on the issue. The author therefore highlights the progress and the possibility of its success. To begin with, the author mention HapMap, which is a project that explores the patterns of DNA sequence variation in the human genome. According to the information provided by the paper, this project is under progress. If the project becomes successful, the scientist will come up with ways of identifying genetic variants that contribute to common diseases. This project is based…

Video Consultation for Overseas Patients 1.      Introduction Continuous care, especially for terminal illnesses, is essential for improving the patient’s health. The concept of teleconsultation has been proposed as a possible solution for enhancing consultation services for patients living far from the care facility. According to Deidar et al. (2016), teleconsultation refers to the use of information communication technologies to bridge the geographical gap between healthcare providers or between the healthcare provider and the patient. In an attempt to explore the efficiency of teleconsultation across international borders, I considered the position of patients in Kazakhstan and Russia seeking medical assistance from Singapore. Bridging this geographical gap using video consultations would be beneficial for both the physician and the patients (Armfield et al., 2015). A notable barrier to this alternative is cultural differences that resulted in language barriers as well as different levels of awareness and acceptance for said technologies (Legido-Quigley et al. 2014). Bali (2018) also mentions the role played by legal issues affecting the use of teleconsultation services. 1.1.Problem statement Medical tourism is continually gaining popularity as an alternative for…

Summary of the bill Introduction Texas ‘Free to Believe Act’ (HB 1035) bill was concerned in ruling about religious and moral convictions under which the law protects such beliefs. The bill held that marriage was to be acknowledged as the union between one man and one woman. Moreover, the bill contained that when referring to males and females, it is relying on the biological sex determined by genetics during birth time. A critical concern of the HB 1035 bill is chapter B: Discriminatory action by governmental entity prohibited. The chapter limits the discriminatory actions to the activities relating to religion. According to the section, legal entities are prohibited from taking any acts of discrimination against religious concerns. The ruling leading to protecting any form discriminations holds that the activities consisted of the organization activities are protected the chapter. Among the religious beliefs and moral conviction protected by Chapter B of the Bill include; Employment decisions; the chapter protects the religious organization to any decision they make when recruiting a candidate for a particular job. According to chapter B, section A,…

The Propaganda Campaign The cold war can be seen to have been a battle between the west and east. The United States and the Soviet Union were the two major players of the contest. The fact that the cold war did not involve direct combats and military involvement does not mean the impacts were ignorable. The spread of propaganda and rumors were the weapons used and the consequences were felt by the whole world. The mode of fighting was that one party would come up with propaganda against the other. The victim of the propaganda raised would decide to either respond or suffer from letting the claims go unanswered. The United States was in most cases at the receiving end. At instances where the claims were too heavy to bear with, the United States responded by issuing threats or sought diplomatic support to seek justice. The third party countries were not excluded by the impacts of the war of words. Each party fought to win the support of as many third world countries as possible to support their course. The…

Why The Great Outdoors Are Exactly What All Kids Need The outdoors provides a perfect opportunity for kids to be just kids and grow up in a normal way. All the jumping, rolling on the ground, tree climbing, and all sorts of games are great for kids. You will notice that kids that grew up in the countryside setups are happier and more active than those who are brought up in the cities. The outdoor experience is great for kids’ development, emotional control, and mental wellbeing. This article explains all the details you need to understand why the outdoors is great for kids. Mental Benefits The sounds, sunlight, smell, and games associated with the outdoor experience are important for the mental development of kids. The experiences of nature bring bout great restorative experiences. They help in stress recovery and mood development, which are all healthy for the brain. There is a lot of scientific development proving that kids who get enough outdoor experience become more focused and attentive hence likely to record good performances in school. Social Benefits When kids…

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