role of HPV in cervical cancer cells Abstract Cancer primarily manifests itself through abnormal cell growth that slowly spreads to other parts of the body, where it has different stages depending on the extent through which it has spread. While is it described as killer diseases, especially at the later stages, it can be mitigated through a series of medications. Additionally, there are also preventive measures taken to curb it depending on the nature of cancer. These measures range from lifestyle adjustments to vaccinations. It is important to note that different types of cancers affect specific body parts, and understanding them is essential in drawing up preventive measures, diagnosis procedures, and treatment. This essay draws attention to the role of HPV in cervical cancer cells. It also highlights the causes of cervical cancer, its diagnosis, and treatment. Keywords: HPV, cervical, cell, infection, sexual Introduction Human papillomavirus infection (HPV) is a viral infection primarily passed through skin contact, especially from sexual contact[1]. While a good number of HPV infections have no symptoms, they progress gradually. They manifest themselves as warts and…

SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Stevens District Hospital currently released its strategic plan. The facility is a 162-bed acute care hospital with a mission of providing high-quality care, comprehensive services, and exceptional services. The hospital looks to expand its scope to six family practice physicians, specialists in cardiology, oncology, and women’s services in 5 years. Currently, the hospital has three family physicians, one obstetrician, one medical oncologist, and one non-invasive cardiologist. The financial goal of Steven’s District Hospital The strengths of the facility lie within its dominating market coverage within the last five years. The market trend, as projected five years ago, reflect trust and preference by the community. Besides, the facility also enjoys relatively fair HCAHPS scores, which they would improve by relative adjustment. The hospital should realize comprehensive care if it can achieve a score of 95% in all aspects of the HCAHPS scores. The facility needs to work aggressively on patient satisfaction (Kapoor et al. 2016). The baseline financial weakness of the facility is influenced by the drop in market volume in contrast to its competitors…

Fertilizer  paper Abstract   Fertilizer is one of the main sources of nutrients given to plants. In the process of growth, development and reproduction process every day plants need nutrients in the form of minerals and water. Potassium silica is an element that contains Silica (Si) and Potassium (K) elements, both of these elements are needed by plants. For example the benefits of silica are to increase the oxidation of plant roots, increase the activity of enzymes involved in photosynthesis, and increase the thickness of cell walls as pest protection. While the benefits of potassium for plants include, forming and transporting carbohydrates, as a catalyst in the formation of protein, increasing carbohydrate and sugar levels in fruit, and improving fruit quality due to better shape, content, and color. To find out the composition of potassium silica fertilizer products made using bamboo leaf ash as raw material with KOH reagent. Variable variables are KOH concentrations of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 N and stirring concentrations of 100,125,150,175, and 200 rpm for 120 minutes with a weight of 30 grams at…

Genetic Counselling Genetic counseling helps in studying the family history into details, thus asserting the probability of contracting a genetic disorder in future. The risks are calculated so that the potential severity of the genetic condition is affirmed and the patient is adviced accordingly. For example, in our family tree, hypertension is a big problem which has affected both my grandfather and uncle at the same age in their lives. Potential Reactions The patient may become so afraid because there are no prevention blueprints when it comes to genetic conditions. However, genetic disorders do not affect all members of the family hence further tests can help in asserting whether he or she is affected. Therefore, the patient has to go through screening, diagnostics and prognostics to affirm that the or she is affected. Secondly, the patient is likely to rejoice at the fact that healthy living can help in reducing the severity in the long run. Hence, the patient can advice members of his family to live healthy through dieting and exercise so that they are not grossly affected. Thirdly,…

comparative analysis of a newspaper article by Jacewicz (2017) Genetics and environment surrounding an individual are the main factors that influence personality. However, in the past few years, research has been carried out to investigate the link between the discrepancies in adult’s personalities and their physical locations. Chopik and Motyl (2017) conducted a correlational study in 50 states and found a relationship between adult’s personalities and their geographical locations. This paper provides a comparative analysis of a newspaper article by Jacewicz (2017) who makes claims based on Chopik and Motyl study. The paper establishes that Jacewicz has done a good job referencing Chopik and Motyl’s work, but the title of her article provides a different message from the original journal article. To understand the relationship between personality and geographic location of an individual, Chopik and Motyl (2017) conducted a research in 50 states to 127, 050 adults ranging between the age of 25 to 35 years. From the study sample, 73.5% were female, while 26.5% were male. The study was carried out between September 2002 and March 2012 where the…

 Agricultural Anthropology 600 words tops. intro, body, and conclusion. there must be three body paragraphs: one about ″allowed″ product, one about ″not allowed product″, and comparison. Instructions: In this activity you will evaluate the scientific basis for these claims about human diet. First, read through a recent discussion of this fad diet by National Geographic: 2014/04/22/prehistoric-dining-the-real-paleo-diet/ After reading this discussion, select one foodstuff that proponents of the Paleo Diet assert is “allowed” by the diet (and thus is something humans are “evolved” to eat), and select a foodstuff that is “not allowed” by the diet (and thus is something humans are NOT “evolved” to eat). A list of allowed and not allowed foods is provided below. Research the history of domestication and human use of these two foodstuffs to identify the following: 1. Where and by whom (i.e., what culture or society) were these first domesticated? 2. When were these first domesticated? 3. [unique_solution]What is the wild (nondomesticated) species from which the modern cultivar derives? 4. What are the ways in which the modern cultivars differ from the nondomesticated versions?…

Worksheet on Dementia Normal aging Anatomy and physiology The process of normal aging in human beings has various effects on their brains. These changes are manifested through various aetiologies demonstrated by changes in vasculature, cells, gross morphology, cognition, and even the molecular structure (Román, 2005). The human brain actually shrinks in size and develops white matter lesions among other changes that affect it from both molecular to morphological ways. Such changes brought about by age affects the brain’s abilities in terms of hormones, memory impairment, and even functioning of the neurotransmitters. At the most basic considerations, old age in human being brains causes changes as the vasculature deteriorates causing rise in blood pressure and introducing risks. These risks include ischaemia and stroke as the white matter develops lesions (Mori, 2016). Brain activation assumes a more bilateral presentation as the organ attempts to compensate by recruiting more neural networks since the old ones no longer function well. Additionally, the memory functions become compromised as the brain ceases to be able to access certain areas in the normal memory recall process (Boyle…

Epidemiology of Tuberculosis Introduction In the United States, tuberculosis is among the infectious diseases that offer the healthcare industry a significant challenge to diagnose, treat, and control. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2018, the incidence cases of TB were reported ever with 2.8 cases per 100,000 persons. Since 1993 the cases of tuberculosis have dramatically reduced with Non-U.S. born population being the ones with most such incidents (Horsburgh & Rubin, 2011). Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic disease that is caused by bacteria/germs that bout mainly lungs and other critical parts of body organs such as the kidney, spine, and brain. The bacteria/germs lead to the creation of tiny tissue masses that are referred to as tubercles. The tubercles in the lungs they grounds impaired breathing, coughing, and production of sputum. Tuberculosis causes bacteria may recur after a prolonged latency if the treatment is not provided correctly. Causes and mode of transmission TB is regarded as a bacterial infection that is caused primarily by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium bovis. However, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the primary…

Biological and Sociological Theories of Crime Thesis Statement Four theories are often associated with each crime that occurs in every society. These theories: classical, biological, sociological, and interactionist, attempt to explain the reasons for the occurrence of a crime and the circumstances that might have contributed to the ill behavior. Unlike in the classical theory, where it is often believed that crime results from an individual’s free will to do evil, in the interactionist theory, a person becomes a criminal by associating with other people who commit a crime. The biological and sociological theories also have their fundamental basis for explaining crime and criminal behaviors. Concerning the Karl Karisen’s crime, this paper would briefly give an overview of the offense, relate it to one of the theories, and provide another theory that cannot be used to explain the various murder cases committed by the offender. It is, however, critical to note that only the biological and the sociological theories would be incorporated into the discussion with little regard being given to the classical and interactionist theories. Description of the Crime…

How will you benefit from outsourcing Chiro medical billing services? Medical practice is, of course, indulge in service to the people to protect their health but, it cannot ignore the revenue generation for the business in the wake of service to the people. The practitioner has to give his complete attention to the patients to provide a quality service to the patients, which has a direct impact on revenue generation. Managing the medical bills is equally important to ensure that you get paid for every penny you deserve, which pull a lot of time and distracts the attention of providing quality treatments to the patients. Outsourcing your medical billing management to the chiropractic billing services, you will save a lot of time and money. No need to spend on technology In the era of technology, you cannot imagine completing the task without its help. When you outsource chiropractic billing services, you will save that 10% of your profits that are spent on upgrading the technology. Training the in house biller is an additional cost. When you outsource medical billing service,…

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