Five signs that your son is suffering from Hunter’s Syndrome   Meta Title: 5 signs for Hunter’s Syndrome Meta description: Hunter syndrome is a genetic health disorder that is mainly prevalent in males. Here are four signs you need to look for in child suffering from the disorder   Title 2: Five signs to look out for in a child suffering from Hunter’s Syndrome     Hunter Syndrome is a very rare, genetically inherited ailment that mainly affects boys. The disorder occurs where the body lacks iduronate 2-sulfatase, an enzyme that normally breaks certain complex molecules inside the body. This leads to the build-up of the molecules to a harmful level hence impairing the normal body functioning.   As the complex molecules continue to pile up in the body tissues, they start to initiate progressive damages in the body. They can alter the appearance of your child, cause mental illness and organ malfunctioning, and even physical disabilities. Therefore, where you look forward to contacting Bali Medical Check Up Center for regular health checks, it is prudent to look out for…

Hispanic checklist peer review The female author of the Hispanic checklist is addressing the persons prone to dark complexion discrimination. She, in this case, intends to sensitize them of the likelihood of their life decisions being influenced by the ill encounters due to marginalization. She acknowledges that her dream of bringing up children in the Dominican society that embraced racial diversity was threatened when her family relocated to the United States. It dawned on the author the severity of racism when she saw tables aligned on racial fronts in the lunchroom. She finally refrains on a possibility that her courtship life was surrounded by choices aimed at diminishing the dark complexion in her siblings. Flash-forward is a captivating aspect that is profoundly utilized in the excerpt. The author presupposes that she wished that her children would have uplifting experiences as she had during her upbringing. Relocation to the new land thus triggers an interest to determine what kind of family she landed subject to the hinted on racial discrimination. The plot of the narration folds in a systematic manner vivid…



GENETICS Assignment: Topic: This week you were introduced to the Central Dogma of Life. As the name sounds, it is critical phenomenon that is ubiquitous in life. Your assignment this week is to create a PowerPoint designed to teach this process to a nursing genetics course. Support your content with at least (4) citations. Make sure to reference the citations using APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Assignment Expectations: Each slide should be self-explanatory and have minimal words. Be sure to include a minimum of 50 words in the Presenter’s Note Page that describes the content of the slide (the title and literature cited slides are omitted from this requirement). View to learn more about good, academic Presentations. Figures are important. Utilize Google’s Image search to find relevant figures for your presentation. [unique_solution]However, be sure to evaluate the quality (both for aesthetics and accuracy) and cite the source of the figure. Required Slides…

genetic mutations are inherited from the parents There is no known single factor cause for autism spectrum disorder. Due to the complexity of the condition, the symptoms will vary, and therefore, it has various causes and risk factors that exacerbate the development of the disorder, especially in the children. The environment and genetics are key causal factors. Concerning the genetics part of it for the syndromes like fragile X syndrome and Rett, the genetic mutations are responsible for the changes that increase the risk of developing autism. Some of the genetic mutations are inherited from the parents and affect the development of the brain and its communication (Christensen et al., 2018). For the environmental factors infections, the complications and medications used during pregnancy, as well as the pollution of the air, contribute to the initiation of autism spectrum disorder. Age of onset The disease is common in the children of around two years and is associated with social communication problems like having poor eye contact and may fail at victims to respond when called by their names. Some repetitive behaviors…

What You Should Know About Deca Durabolin Deca Durabolin is added in steroid stacks to give the user quick and effective join healing. It is also an effective anabolic compound in building mass stacks. If you have a low tolerance for steroids, this one comes in handy. Apart from strengthening joints, it also boosts healing and helps to manage pain. It is an ideal option instead of masking the excruciating pain with pain killers. Deca Durabolin is a solution, which is oily and clear yellowish. It is administered via injection, and the dosage contains 50mg/ml of active nandrolone decanoate. This drug is part of anabolic steroids, which are used when a patient requires extra help in tissue rebuilding. They reverse muscle weakness caused by continuous illness or a severe injury. What’s more, Deca Durabolin can also be used to stimulate red blood cell formation and enhance bone mass in the body. It is mostly administered in patients with the following problems: Osteoporosis Some types of anemia Corticosteroids that won’t go away Women breast cancer Top Benefits of Deca Durabolin People…

Belinda’s claim for Negligence Belinda is faced with two case scenarios, one involving the accident caused by Mark’s car and negligence as a result of the doctor’s diagnosis. Medical malpractice happens when a doctor causes harm to a patient when he completely fails to perform his duties properly. The doctor has a duty to all her patients. The doctor is supposed to act diligently in his duties and prescribe proper medication or treatment to the patients. In this case scenario, it can be proved that the resultant amputation was as a result of the doctor’s negligence. Some of the medical malpractices by a doctor is the failure to do a thorough diagnosis, improper treatment, or failing to warn the patients of unforeseen risks.   In this case scenario, if the doctor would have performed a proper diagnosis, the issue of amputation would not have arisen. For Belinda to sue the do, she must prove that the negligence actually caused the amputation or directly caused the injury. She must prove that the incompetence of the doctor resulted to the injury. In…

my video presentation to the class on breast assessment The purpose of the video presentation is to perform a breast assessment on a patient, which could be vital for any nursing student. This would be essential to them since its prevalence to females is evidently threatening, prompting the need to undertake regular assessments. Performing breast exams is part of professional nursing, and teaching nursing students about breast assessment is a proper preparation platform for their future professional practice. The study will enhance knowledge of the need for breast cancer assessment among women. The study is presented using a video presentation of three students, and it is also part of the learning process. The students use communication skills to gain consent from the patient, and they explain what they seek to assess from the patient. This is vital as the patient has to accept for the examination to start. Therefore, this essay seeks to address questions on my video presentation to the class on breast assessment, as discussed below. Background information The leading cancer killer in females is breast cancer. Cancer…

Principles of Pharmacology  (A). Discuss four stages of a drug cycle. Discuss the physiological factors involved in drug absorption and drug distribution. The phases of the drug sequence comprise the following: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and secretion. The absorption process occurs when a drug goes into the bloodstream. Absorption occurs in three forms. Firstly, enteral administration is done via either the mouth or rectal injection. Secondly, a parenteral method is administered through injection. The third administration is a percutaneous method which occurs via inhalation transdermal and topical administrations. The administrations are different in how they get into the body. However, the absorption rate may be altered by the functionality of the body (Fusman & Rasheed, 2019). Distribution is affected by diverse conditions. When the site of administration and the distribution location are close, distribution will take place rapidly. However, when the two sites are far apart, distribution will occur at a slow rate. Barriers such as the concentration of cells in the distribution site could prevent distribution. Metabolism occurs in the liver and kidneys. Medications are converted into less active states…

Race and Human Genetics They expected that people of the same race have the same genetic formation; that race was a biological phenomenon. But from the study, it reveals that it is not so. People of the same race could have completely different genetic formation, and their genetic composition could be the same from people of a mixed race.   Race doesn’t represent examples of the hereditary variety. Human beings keep on moving and mixing for over a long period throughout history. Our human ancestry began in Africa. Around 2,000,000 years prior, little gatherings of early primates – not present-day people – started the first movement out of Africa to the furthest reaches of the globe, rearing confined heredities. It was for quite some time, though, is still accepted by a few that those first genealogies prompted hereditarily unmistakable races that are with us today.   It is, however, not true that the movement of people overtime produced races that we have today; from studies, human populaces have not been detached from one another long enough to develop into isolated…

violence does not solve problems but instead causes more problems Introduction Violence is an aspect that causes distress in every part of civil society. Some people use it to solve the conflicts that occur in society. However, it has never resulted to a solution but instead; it brings in more problems and losses to the people affected. The following content proves that violence does not solve problems but instead causes more problems. Main body Conflicts are part of our everyday life, and people have different ways of resolving the latter. Some people use violence to solve them but instead, make the issues worse than they were. Abuse has been identified to bring down different aspects of human relations as people end up being hurt and bitter against one another. More pain is impacted by the people that involve in the violence. They get to an extent to go to a hospital and hurt physically (Wallensteen, 2018). There are also forms of violence that are verbal, which lead to poor psychological health. For instance, when couples end up in verbal abuse,…

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